Tensions continue to rise: Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert

Okay Blowhard, you are a level of stupid that even the average democrat will never decline to . But what in the maggot infested broccoli stalk that substitutes for a brain with you do you think Putin will do with a power plant decommissioned 30 years ago?

You must have been watching MSNBCCP again...

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It is hard to understand the stupidity of the average democrat. Chernobyl has been sealed with concrete that helped contain the radioactivity. Blow it up and Russia would suffer more than Ukraine. The value Chernobyl has is the highway it's on. Control that highway and control traffic to Belarus.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

One sanction did matter. SWIFT, the cross-borders banking system with which all global trade is done. How you pay, or they pay.

During Crimea Putin clearly stated that he would view taking Russia off SWIFT as an act of war. So Obama didn't. Now Biden didn't either, but some other countries are moving to take Russia off SWIFT, if I understand what is going on, and have already taken most (not all) Russian banks off.

Putin HAS to make alarming statements like that or be seen as not doing what he says he'll do. So he said it. That doesn't mean he's going to nuke Paris, or Chicago, I don't think. I hope not.
Could he use nukes?-yes. Is it probable? = no
He's playing poker and the danger comes when he bluffs too hard. It's a dangerous situation and the little bastard may get more than he expects :( I always thought of him as smarter than this. I knew he was a murderous thug, but I gave him credit for having the ability to think strategically. It looks like he screwed the pooch on this show in every conceivable way. IIRC, Russian conscripts only serve for one year. That means a lot of these kids are barely able to march in formation or shoot a rifle downrange. I seriously doubt that most of them want to be there.
You think he is going to nuke the US? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
In the end, they ALL want to nuke the U.S. What good would it do Putin to nuke France? We're the one to nuke. If Putin nukes France, we nuke him back and we're the ones with so very many nukes. He may as well cut out the middleman and go straight to war with us. France doesn't matter: it hasn't mattered since May of 1940.
Biden and nukes! He's an idiot
I think he has decided that the west is so divided right now that he could get by with stealing Ukraine. He apparently underestimated the will of Ukrainians to fight his thieving ass. The danger comes when he has no way to back down. If he DOES launch the big fire against us, I hope he begins with DC. The only thing left that can kill that evil IS nuclear fire.

If you look at his eyes when he's making that speech announcing the beginning of this operation, and compare them to other photos of him you can see the difference. He has "dead eyes". It's creepy...
Good point; agreed. He's a hard man and the eyes show it.

But he doesn't have what I watch for ---- crazy eyes. Like Manson? The real schizos have these wide open manic eyes, the homicidal maniac eyes. That would not be a good combo with nukes, though the dead eyes are not good either.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

He's bluffing-----trying to intimidate Europe from going after him---

They have no choice---they have to nip PUTIN's ass in the bud now or he will soon be going after their countries.
Good point; agreed. He's a hard man and the eyes show it.

But he doesn't have what I watch for ---- crazy eyes. Like Manson? The real schizos have these wide open manic eyes, the homicidal maniac eyes. That would not be a good combo with nukes, though the dead eyes are not good either.
Yes, but he is getting older---he could have some sort of cognitive issue brewing or like HItler got in a hurry because he knew he was dying of his std.
If you look at his eyes when he's making that speech announcing the beginning of this operation, and compare them to other photos of him you can see the difference. He has "dead eyes". It's creepy...
I'll have to check that out. I didn't see it it.

Another possibility I just thought of while I was buying beer: there was a silent coup and Putin is no longer in charge. He's acting on orders from someone else.
I'll have to check that out. I didn't see it it.

Another possibility I just thought of while I was buying beer: there was a silent coup and Putin is no longer in charge. He's acting on orders from someone else.
This is typical of him and other bullies---he's threatening to try to get Europe to back down---he tried the same tactic with Ukraine telling them that any that resisted that he would round up and basically kill.
Flooding the board with Ukraine and Russia bullshit is a distraction while the country is suffering under the new fascism the Biden administration. Our open borders, rampant crime and government intimidation of American citizens is what we should be talking about.
The Soviets removed their after the US promised to remove theirs.
So the stare down was in Russia's favor ? Was it propaganda we were led to believe that JFK was just one tough foreign affairs commander and chief, otherwise when it was told that he backed the Russians down in Cuba or was our history correct, and it was just pieces moving on the Chess board in which we won the round ?

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