Tensions continue to rise: Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert

Putin will become more unhinged as Russia’s economy goes into free fall and the populace becomes more restive. This is the danger zone. Let us hope there are those in his inner circle that will stand up to him.
Unfortunately, like Joe Biden's circle of enablers abandonment doesn't seem likely.
But we can certainly hope someone can get a rope around Putin.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

Putin isn’t another crazy Muslim. The nuke angle is just leverage. If he was that ruthless he’d already just bomb Ukraine into submission with conventional weapons.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

He appears to be panicking somewhat. He has been reduced to the "cornered weasel" position, like North Korea. Tipping his weak hand?
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

As I've said before, there needs to be a bounty on Putin's head. The person who brings his head back, the West gives that person(s) several million
maybe this is part of the reason why There's war in UKRAINe and US Biden Regime set it up.

Ukrainian Blood Money

The Obama-Biden Administration helped create instability in Ukraine, leading to a Mafia-like climate where potential Russian aggression leads to Ukraine demanding protection. Protection money is easily extorted, benefiting Hunter Biden and indirectly Joe Biden.

The ultimate price paid for the Obama-Biden Administration’s interference in destabilizing Ukraine politics is Russia responding using military force to annex Ukraine.

someone LOLOL i don't know who at this point because few of them are free of corruption, should be looking into the Biden Family's dealings in Ukraine. fishy.
maybe this is part of the reason why There's war in UKRAINe and US Biden Regime set it up.

Ukrainian Blood Money

The Obama-Biden Administration helped create instability in Ukraine, leading to a Mafia-like climate where potential Russian aggression leads to Ukraine demanding protection. Protection money is easily extorted, benefiting Hunter Biden and indirectly Joe Biden.

The ultimate price paid for the Obama-Biden Administration’s interference in destabilizing Ukraine politics is Russia responding using military force to annex Ukraine.

someone LOLOL i don't know who at this point because few of them are free of corruption, should be looking into the Biden Family's dealings in Ukraine. fishy.
Or maybe you are just spreading embarrassing fantasies and Russian propaganda.
Do you mean like the embarrassing fantasies you spread around from a lying corrupt FIB and CYA during the Trump Administration?

Humper and Joe's dealings in UKraine are well documented and many coming from their own ugly mouthes.
As I've said before, there needs to be a bounty on Putin's head. The person who brings his head back, the West gives that person(s) several million
The avarice in your head is your pathology, a head that also suffers from amnesia about 14,000 who have died since the Donbass conflict. Try to keep up, dumbass.
Do you mean like the embarrassing fantasies you spread around from a lying corrupt FIB and CYA during the Trump Administration?

Humper and Joe's dealings in UKraine are well documented and many coming from their own ugly mouthes.
Haha, poor little guy has to invent a little dolly to play with.
The trip is to see Zelenskiy reliving the violence and delirium of the Old Testament (while simultaneously and absurdly [italics]) suggesting Warsaw as a place for negotaitions.
See this is what happens when you pick and pick and pick

...MFer goes off his grape.

Man just wants to come home...eat a burger...watch the sports highlights and relax in peace.

NATO you nagging whore.

Can't give a man his space...he warned you!
This guy is presumably posting from prison. For domestic abuse, I'd guess.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

Well he did say that if anyone interfered with his actions in the Ukraine, that nukes were on the table. Now the world condemning his actions, and then conducting war on him through other means is being seen by him as an act of war or interference against his actions in the Ukraine. I mean duh right ? The man is no fool, and it appears that he means what he says, so the poking of the bear continues. Funny though, otherwise when Russia moved missiles into Cuba in which was within striking distance of the United States, our president Kennedy immediately responded with a nuclear threat and all out war if those missiles weren't removed. Ok so NATO moving closer and closer to Russia in Putin's mind doesn't constitute the same kind of threat to it's security, especially with what has been going on in the world with this left verses right cultural war that is raging all over the world now ?? You think that the Russian people don't have an identity or culture they want to protect ? America has been on the defense from within, otherwise attempting to defend itself from forces within that want to foist itself on a society that by a majority rejects the new trend's. Do any of you think that nation's aren't or haven't been watching what's taking place in America, and then them thinking to themselves that they don't want to be caught up in the same situation's that American's are caught up in ???
Russia is surround by aggressive NATO countries and several of them have nuclear weapons.
Putin putting his nuclear forces on high alert is just common sense self defense. .... :cool-45:
then, maybe don't go attack people who have nukes.
when Russia moved missiles into Cuba in which was within striking distance of the United States, our president Kennedy immediately responded with a nuclear threat and all out war if those missiles weren't removed.
The soviets got exactly what they were after in that episode. JFK acquiesced and removed missiles from Turkey.
The soviets got exactly what they were after in that episode. JFK acquiesced and removed missiles from Turkey.
Ok, but the issue were the same right, otherwise borders and air space within striking distance was involved. Did JFK remove the missiles before or after Russia removed theirs ?
Ok, but the issue were the same right, otherwise borders and air space within striking distance was involved. Did JFK remove the missiles before or after Russia removed theirs ?
The Soviets removed their after the US promised to remove theirs.

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