Tensions continue to rise: Putin puts nuclear forces on high alert

Its a shame how many can’t tell how Putin is being set up and is trying to defend his land from US freaks.
We start the wars.
We have no business over there to begin with.
Peopel have been fed such bs msm bullshit your clueless as to what’s really taking place.
Looks like another Russian troll has joined the boards.
Do you get dizzy spinning like that?
Nope I don't get dizzy because I don't watch Western news media. I much prefer to watch Al Jazeera or BBC who actually still present real News. The story is quite different when you watch the real news.
Just how far is this madman willing to go?

I thought the sanctions didn't matter to him? Now he's citing them as reasons for nuclear war?

He's probably arming his nukes cuz he doesn't know how far Biden...or somebody.... will go. If nobody attacks Russia and I'm sure you won't have to worry about it. You don't actually think he's arming his nukes for Ukraine do you? Do you actually believe that some level of nuclear readiness on our side hasn't already been exacted? What makes you think your government would tell you if they did?
Trump makes enough excuses for his daddy Putin. He doesn't need your help to suck up to that murderous KGB asswipe.
During the Cold War I had a bumper sticker that said RUSSIA SUCKS............That was before the USSR fell to pieces................

And all these countries were LIBERATED............

Now MR KGB PUTIN WANTS THAT GLORY BACK.............and is using the same tactics as back then. Only question is he crazy or not.
In his video, he was threatening France.

With conventional forces, Russia has no chance against France, but nukes could make the French surrender.
If they nuke France, France nukes them. Both lose. Thats the beauty of a nuclear stand off.
He said if we interfere in Ukraine......he would use them........A Veiled threat........just like in the good ole days.......were we then told them to fuck off.

This now is like back then...........a VERY DANGEROUS GAME......And we have a VEGGY in charge.

A veggy in charge and a bunch of trannies in the key positions.
Cold War strategy..........Arm those willing to fight to the teeth IN THE FACE of RUSSIA.........And let them take heavy losses..........forcing them to eventually leave.,

Maybe Obama can talk VEGGY JOE into sending more pillows.

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