Term Limits? How Would That Affect the so-called "Deep State"?

Thatā€™s because there is no such thing.

Itā€™s a ridiculous contrivance of the right intended to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
ā€œDuring President Donald Trumpā€™s administration the term has come to refer to an organized resistance within the government, working to subvert Trumpā€™s presidency.

Trump allies blame career bureaucrats, many of whom they see as loyal to former President Barack Obama, for leaking damaging information to the news media.ā€
ā€œDuring President Donald Trumpā€™s administration the term has come to refer to an organized resistance within the government, working to subvert Trumpā€™s presidency.

Trump allies blame career bureaucrats, many of whom they see as loyal to former President Barack Obama, for leaking damaging information to the news media.ā€
The ā€˜deep stateā€™ is a lie contrived by conservatives intended to deflect from Republicansā€™ faults, failings, and inability to govern.

Itā€™s a classic tactic of the fascist right.
Huh? How will convicting Trump cause any turnover in Congress? IT ill cause turnover of Democrats, if anything. The voters are getting fed up with this welter of Democrat fraud.
Like alway you say shit thatā€™s not happening .. yes gas prices are up nothing Biden or the house and senate can change ā€¦but they on the whole Biden has turn around the debt by 1.7 trillion ā€¦ has started getting our roads water ways and the power grids being change from oil guzzling companies ā€¦ there is all kinds of things the democrats have done for the people ā€¦ what has the republicans done??? Tried to impeach Biden for Chinese connection all kinds of things they have tried to do to the biden family and failed ā€¦on Friday the republicans came to the conclusion in the press thereā€™s nothing Joe Biden has done illegallyā€¦ ever Margery Taylor Green dropped her attempt to impeach him ā€¦ mean while the democrats are turning the trump mess around ā€¦ and the republicans are fixated on Hunter Biden who doesnā€™t have to answer to the house or senateā€¦ he will eventually get what he feels is right for the chargers against him ā€¦ but you republicans have to rant about something meaningless itā€™s your nature
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There is massive evidence of a crime that you do know about, dumbass.
I'm asking about Joe not Hunter. You may think what Hunter did was unethical (I sure do) but I'm not sure any of it was illegal. I don't see that Joe was involved at all, even though Hunter went to great lengths to imply he was.
I'm asking about Joe not Hunter. You may think what Hunter did was unethical (I sure do) but I'm not sure any of it was illegal. I don't see that Joe was involved at all, even though Hunter went to great lengths to imply he was.
Maybe you heard it or missed it in fridays the RNC had come to the press and stated that they researched the issues about Joe Biden and China all then are no longer going to go after jobiden and the China connection ā€¦ even Green has dropped her attempt to go after Biden
Maybe you heard it or missed it in fridays the RNC had come to the press and stated that they researched the issues about Joe Biden and China all then are no longer going to go after jobiden and the China connection ā€¦ even Green has dropped her attempt to go after Biden
News to me. Got a link.
Like alway you say shit thatā€™s not happening .. yes gas prices are up nothing Biden or the house and senate can change
Sure he can. Biden actually wants them to be up.
ā€¦but they on the whole Biden has turn around the debt by 1.7 trillion ā€¦
He has? How do you figure that?

has started getting our roads water ways and the power grids being change from oil guzzling companies ā€¦
Yeah, that's why gas costs $4.00/gal. You're an ignoramus.

there is all kinds of things the democrats have done for the people
You mean "to the people." Democrats haven't done one thing for me. All they have done is cost me a lot of money.

ā€¦ what has the republicans done???
Gas was under $2.00/gal during the Trump administration. Trump got a COVID vaccine developed in record time. Every Dim was saying it was impossible. We weren't involved in any new wars. Illegal immigration was 1/10th of what it was now

Tried to impeach Biden for Chinese connection all kinds of things they have tried to do to the biden family and failed
They haven't impeached him yet, but that's coming. The Biden family is a criminal gang.

ā€¦on Friday the republicans came to the conclusion in the press thereā€™s nothing Joe Biden has done illegallyā€¦
ever Margery Taylor Green dropped her attempt to impeach him ā€¦
They did? Who said that?

mean while the democrats are turning the trump mess around ā€¦
What "mess" is that? The voters are missing the Trump days.

and the republicans are fixated on Hunter Biden who doesnā€™t have to answer to the house or senateā€¦
The hearings in the House are about Joe, moron.

he will eventually get what he feels is right for the chargers against him ā€¦ but you republicans have to rant about something meaningless itā€™s your nature
Yes, eventually he'll be wearing an orange jump suit
I'm asking about Joe not Hunter. You may think what Hunter did was unethical (I sure do) but I'm not sure any of it was illegal. I don't see that Joe was involved at all, even though Hunter went to great lengths to imply he was.
You're ignoring what's in plane sight. The hearings in the House are about Joe, moron
Yeah? Which ones and on what dates? Yeah, I thought so.
Uhhh...I was questioning your support for the blob who didn't defund any agency..in fact he expanded the size of government.
Why? Want a medal or something? Funny, you sure didn't support them when Trump was in office so offhand, I'd say you're full of crap as usual.
Sure I did. They all thought your blob was a "fucking idiot". They were right.

Someone in the crowd yelled, "Let's go get our guns", causing the crowd to head for the Essankay Garage. Deputy Chief Boe Dunn took the two deputies and the ballot box to the jail.[2] Two other deputies were dispatched to arrest Scott and Vestal. These deputies were disarmed and detained by the GIs, as were a set of reinforcements. GI advisor, Republican Election Commissioner and Republican Party Chairman, Otto Kennedy, asked Bill White what he was going to do. White said, "I don't know Otto; we might just kill them." According to White, Kennedy grew alarmed and announced "Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord! No! I'm not having nothing else to do with this. Me and my brother and son-in-law is leaving here."[4]:ā€Š20ā€Š Lones Selber in American Heritage magazine says Kennedy "left, vowing to have no part in murder."[2] The crowd and most GIs left. The remaining GIs took the seven deputies-turned-hostages to a woods ten miles from Athens, stripped them, tied them to a tree and beat them.
The ā€˜deep stateā€™ is a lie contrived by conservatives intended to deflect from Republicansā€™ faults, failings, and inability to govern.

Itā€™s a classic tactic of the fascist right.
No one believes thatā€¦.itā€™s past time to break up the alphabet agencies, and the progressive leadership within that are acting as a shadow governmentā€¦
The Lobbyists will remain the same
YES, they will.

ALEC Exposed

ALEC Exposed
https://www.alecexposed.org ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ ALEC_Exposed

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.​



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There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
How did this retarded OP stay in "politics" this long?

Term limits benefit the constituents of politicians immensely. Corporations? Notsumuch.
No one believes thatā€¦.itā€™s past time to break up the alphabet agencies, and the progressive leadership within that are acting as a shadow governmentā€¦
there's no such thing as a shadow government it's nothing more then a republican ploy to confuse the voter ... the ones who think there's a deep state... its nothing more then republicans not being able to win their elections ... they dream up these boogie man bull shit ideas and their base are so stupid they fall for it ..

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