Term Limits? How Would That Affect the so-called "Deep State"?

there's no such thing as a shadow government it's nothing more then a republican ploy to confuse the voter ... the ones who think there's a deep state... its nothing more then republicans not being able to win their elections ... they dream up these boogie man bull shit ideas and their base are so stupid they fall for it ..
Deep state is just Government workers following the law
How did this retarded OP stay in "politics" this long?

Term limits benefit the constituents of politicians immensely. Corporations? Notsumuch.
Term limits benefit those who can’t get elected
Sure he can. Biden actually wants them to be up.
if he wanted prices to go up in the gas prices then why in the hell did Biden tap into the national oil reserves to help lower the prices ... the only ones who can raise and lower the price is opec or the oil companies ...there is nothing the government can do to get the gas prices down


Yeah, that's why gas costs $4.00/gal. You're an ignoramus

You mean "to the people." Democrats haven't done one thing for me. All they have done is cost me a lot of money.
how did the cost you more money ... you mean the money that paid for all of Biden's bills he passed ...
The money that covered his bills was paid for by the current budget ... no new taxes were made so tell me again how he made you pay more money ... plus his programs for the country are just starting to get done .. we have republicans who are telling their voters that they have helped the state by getting the money from Biden's bills to fix their problems in the state ... they are trying to make it look like it was their idea ... when they run again for office the people running will say see how well Biden's bills are doing in your state ??? by the way you congressman, your senator, voted no for it but are trying to get credit... explain that to us all why these liars try and take credit for bidens bill...

Gas was under $2.00/gal during the Trump administration. Trump got a COVID vaccine developed in record time. Every Dim was saying it was impossible. We weren't involved in any new wars. Illegal immigration was 1/10th of what it was now
Trump's gas price when he left office was $3.40 as for the covid Vaccine trump had nothing to do with it .... Pfizer has stated to the press that Trump did nothing to help pay for their research ... and Pfizer said they want nothing to do with trump that they were glad he lost ...they were working on the covid virus at the time it was starting killing people in china ... by the time it got to us they were close for a vaccine to stop the virus from infecting you as much ... trump had absolutle nothing to do with the covid virus
They haven't impeached him yet, but that's coming. The Biden family is a criminal gang.
there's no such thing as the Biden crime family... republicans are finding there's no evidence of them ever receiving money of any kind from anybody ...as for hunter biden, when his lawyer settles the judge's issue it will be fine ... it's just your wishful thing on your part ... even the republicans in the house say they need actual evidence before they will vote to impeach him... like always you're a dreamer ...
They did? Who said that?

What "mess" is that? The voters are missing the Trump days.

The hearings in the House are about Joe, moron.

Yes, eventually he'll be wearing an orange jump suit
no only a third of the voters miss Trump according to the independents they don't want him ... so you have a lot of wishful thinking going on
How did this retarded OP stay in "politics" this long?

Term limits benefit the constituents of politicians immensely. Corporations? Notsumuch.
bull shi it only helps Republicans get a chance in getting elected when there is a strong Democrat in that seat it forces them out and give a better chance of a Republican taking that seat to do nothing for the country ......
Term limits force pols to live under the laws they pass instead of getting paid by lobbyists for laws that benefit the lobbyists.

Guess what?

The new guys will be just as susceptible to bribes and influence as the old guys
Term limits force pols to live under the laws they pass instead of getting paid by lobbyists for laws that benefit the lobbyists.
has nothing to do with lobbyists... it has everything to do in the Republican have a possibility of getting elected that's it ...
there's no such thing as a shadow government it's nothing more then a republican ploy to confuse the voter ... the ones who think there's a deep state... its nothing more then republicans not being able to win their elections ... they dream up these boogie man bull shit ideas and their base are so stupid they fall for it ..
Yeah, sure thing leftist….
A term limited Congressman or Senator is more likely to look for payouts and future employment opportunities than one who has to seek re-election
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...

Yes, for term limits. Most of these politicians get entrenched in there so long, I think they are starting to grow roots. Remember, our current version of Washington was never supposed to be this way. It wasn’t supposed to be a full time job, so to speak. They were supposed to be in session a couple times a year to discuss business, the go home. Somewhere along the way, we allowed them to take root, and become full time politicians, with the best benefits package you could ever hope for. I mean really…they make 3 times the median salary, plus get the best insurance, as much vacation time as one could ever ask for, plus they are immune from prosecution for most things that would land anyone else in jail, they are allowed to trade in insider information (and if you believe the stock act stopped all that, then you’re fooling yourself). You get lobbyists stuffing your pockets with money to sway your vote, plus you get lifetime pay for just a few years served!

Gee, being in “public service” sure is nice…

I’ll go even further, not only do I support term limits, I also support bi partisan yearly audits of every elected official. I want to know how someone can enter congress at less than 200k per year, and end up retiring wealthy, and then after they retire, they can use their time in office to make them even more money.

First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly.

No, because now, like then, members can serve in congress for a lifetime, so, the corruption didn’t go away, but neither did the ability for them to make a career in office.

In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated.

But this isn’t like any normal job, where as long as you are pleasing your base, you can keep getting re elected for decades. With most people being very partisan, as we have seen here repeatedly, if your congress person is accused of a crime, your base will came out and defend you vigorously, and then they will vote for you again!

That does nothing to curb corruption because, they get too entrenched, and become part of “the club”, also, congressmen are generally never even looked at, even if they are accused of something, they just deny it…the media may talk about it for awhile, then it goes away…they are never held accountable for their actions.

I say, let’s not let them get entrenched. 6 terms in the house, 3 terms in senate…and you’re done. Maybe if they realize their time in congress is finite, they will actually *gasp* work for the people!

The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Yeah, but that also means that the other side gets to keep re electing mgt and boebert!

I just think too much time in congress will allow corruption to fester.
A term limited Congressman or Senator is more likely to look for payouts and future employment opportunities than one who has to seek re-election

That’s why i support full audits every year for every elected official. If their net worth grows more than a reasonable amount based on their congressional salary, and existing investments, an investigation is opened and if found to have engaged in any money making schemes…such as insider trading..then they are ejected from congress.

Most of the time future employment offers are in exchange for something now..so again, someone needs to keep an eye on all of that.

Term limits might also change who gets elected. Those who are only running so they can gain power and wealth might look elsewhere, and maybe we get people who are actually interested in doing the job.

Are my proposals harsh? Sure, but if I vote you into office, I expect you to do your job, not work to enrich yourself.
Yeah, sure thing leftist….
yeah sure right-wing nut job ... ya need to make shit up for your base to jump in feet first ...then your winner base can't figure out why everything is so bad for them ... after all they got the Republican nut job elected ...
Take the money out of politics and I think most of our problems would go away. Let our elected officials focus on their jobs and not fund raising.
This is all dreaming.

it takes a constitutional Amenement, with 2/3s voting yes, to change term limits....

It just, ain't gonna happen, no matter how much many citizens want it to change....

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