Terrified of Trump and his cult

A perfect explanation of why most Republicans, especially the elected ones, have limp noodles for backbones.
Dean obiedallah? Lol, he's one of the hard core, hate spewing extreme leftist talk hosts from siriusxm progress channel that i talk about on here all the time.

Between him and michaelangelo signorile, whom are two that I listen to quite frequently, they are two of the most biased and extreme left wing partisan talk hosts on the radio today.
Dean is right on the money. Republicans are complicit with Trump in his attack on our democratic institutions. However, the Repub slide into Authoritarian-like tactics did not start with Trump but can be traced back to W. with his “you are either with us or against us“ lead up to the Iraq War.

The biggest lie from conservatives is that they are constitutionalist. Other than the 2nd amendment, they would be fine with trashing the entire document and installing a monarchy or military rule.

Hell, there are threads started by Trumpers on this very board on this topic and their support for a military coup .One pathetic Trumpist poster has Augusto Pinochet as his hero.

These pitiful types are in the minority for now. Who know about the future.
Maybe you should put them in re-education camps.
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Do you idiots ever stop spewing this despicable bile?
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Do you idiots ever stop spewing this despicable bile?

Fake News belong in the conspiracy forum.
Obviously you didn’t bother to read the linked article, and responded in ignorance instead:

“Trump is not an aberration. He's a manifestation of where the GOP has been heading. Until we hear GOP members of Congress say otherwise, we must assume they agree with Trump's agenda of overturning the 2020 election results and getting re-installed as President for four more years.” ibid

This is exactly what you and others on the right have been advocating for weeks.
Amusing coming from the party that is so terrified of AOC and the squad they let them push them down a partisan impeachment road everyone knew was going to fail. The left would be better served focusing on the civil war going on in their party than worrying about what is happening in the Repuiblican party.
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Yup. Mitch knows their thought processes run about half an inch deep (because that's all talk radio has time for, in between commercial breaks and interviews with the "My Pillow" guy), and he knows just which buttons to push.

In fact, that's exactly how Trump operates, as well. The obvious difference is that Trump's asinine, juvenile behavior somehow also taps in to their impotent rage and acute paranoia, like a hyper-emotional catharsis of some kind.

Quite a pair.
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Anyone keeping up with events knows that trump supporting militias never confront the left. They're always surrounding the homes of RINO government officials. It's the only group that they can bully without getting hurt.
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Do you idiots ever stop spewing this despicable bile?
No, because they really do believe it.

Remember, kids, wealthy Democrats got wealthy by petting puppies and watching butterflies dance. Wealthy Republicans have kids working in sweatshops building their yachts.

Fake News belong in the conspiracy forum.
Obviously you didn’t bother to read the linked article, and responded in ignorance instead:

“Trump is not an aberration. He's a manifestation of where the GOP has been heading. Until we hear GOP members of Congress say otherwise, we must assume they agree with Trump's agenda of overturning the 2020 election results and getting re-installed as President for four more years.” ibid

This is exactly what you and others on the right have been advocating for weeks.
The fact that the GOP leading lights have been working against Trump doesn't even register with you.
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
Moscow Mitch isn't afraid of the RWNJs. He knows their stupidity makes them easily manipulated. This fact was learned long ago by the GOP, and has been the most important factor in the ruling billionaire class' complete takeover of our government.

The Republicans also know they can borrow trillions-of-dollars, dole those dollars out as subsidies to the ruling billionaire class, and the RWNJs' approval will be overwhelming. But, if Democrats proposes a couple of billion of those dollars be paid out to unemployed Americans, some Republican politician will mutter the secret word, "socialism", and the RWNJs will be screaming bloody murder. Among the RWNJs' screams will be their demand that those couple of-billion-dollars must also be given to the wealthy as subsidies. Giving trillions-of-dollars to the super-wealthy is NOT "socialism" in the feeble minds of the RWNJs.

Whatever McConnell is, the Prog revolutionaries came to his home.
Yeah, this is a pretty easy call.

Another good example of why we need term limits. These people are terrified of being primaried by Qanon nuts, so they keep their cowardly mouths shut. But McConnell is the worst of them.
It's seems to me that you have not really considered what you are saying, which is quite troubling.

Senators and Reps should not listen to their constituents if the constituents don't have the "correct" way of thinking?

Fake News belong in the conspiracy forum.
You might want to try some meds for that.
Said by someone who is so pathetic she needed to claim she was an attorney to lend her opinion credibility but then inadvertently admitted whe wasnt when she was questioned about her credentials and she got the answer completely wrong.

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