Terrorist Attack In Paris: "This is For Syria"

We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
[cue doom music]

FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Illegal homosexual Mexican Muslims have acquired the Ebola virus. Will they poison the water in Kansas during the Super Bowl?!?!? OH MY GOD BE AFRAID!!!!

VIEWER: Honey!? Bring me another pair of pants. I've soiled myself again, dammit.
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

Where did he say "All" cup cake?

Be careful, remember: annual income versus net worth
You tards do notice the doom music, right?

It's how propagandists manipulate your emotions. I first saw it being used in communist Cuba, years before Fox News started doing it.
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

Where did he say "All" cup cake?
If he meant just Muslims, then he was reinforcing my point about bigoted assholes for me, retard!
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?

No no no. It's not that people are scared. We're angry and sick and tired of these barbaric fucks!
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Even banning just Muslims is self-defeating.

You see, the bigoted tards conflate the VICTIMS of terrorism (refugees) with the terrorists. That's just how dumb they are. They are incapable of bleeving that other races or creeds can have bad and good just like there are bad and good Americans. This concept is completely beyond them.

They are also kept deliberately ignorant of the fact that Muslims are bearing 90 percent of the terrorist-inflicted casualties. The pants shitters panic over a hammer swinging in Paris, but cannot come close to the correct body count of the last truck bomb in Kabul last week.

Because that would totally violate their confirmation bias about ALL Muslims.

The fact is, the best source of intel on the terrorists is the refugees. But these pants shitting bigots would rather we fight the terrorists with one hand tied behind our backs.
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
Now that we've moved past the "lone wolf attacker" bullshit, it is no longer just a guy with a hammer or a knife of a car, but a tolerance for what Theresa May and President Trump called Islamic extremism, an ideology that infects a community and persuades some to launch attacks against non Muslims.

The term, Islamic terrorism, refers to the act and allowed some to claim it had nothing to do with the culture of Islam, but Islamic extremism refers to the culture itself and suggests proactive measures against those in the community who encourage beliefs that can be used to justify acts of terrorism. Dealing proactively with these ideologies will challenge our traditions of free speech and freedom of religion but failing to deal with these ideologies proactively will serve to strengthen them.
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
Now that we've moved past the "lone wolf attacker" bullshit, it is no longer just a guy with a hammer or a knife of a car, but a tolerance for what Theresa May and President Trump called Islamic extremism
Trump doesn't call it that any more. He caved, as he always has and always will.

You're going to see him calling it "Islamist terrorism". He is pals with the Muslim world now.
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
Now that we've moved past the "lone wolf attacker" bullshit, it is no longer just a guy with a hammer or a knife of a car, but a tolerance for what Theresa May and President Trump called Islamic extremism
Trump doesn't call it that any more. He caved, as he always has and always will.

You're going to see him calling it "Islamist terrorism".
Obviously you've been too busy shitting in your pants over this to read my post.

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