Terrorist caught without any fanfare


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.
Smells like sour grapes.

Right. Let's keep it truthful if it was all about 9/11 then these are the ones who had their hand in on attacking the world trade center. They were caught while Bush was president. As I said if it was all about 9/11 you have Bush to thank.
I celebrated quietly inside of myself when khalid was caught, I celebrated a bit more when OBL was caught. The difference has nothing to do with who was President.

The difference is that Osama Bin Laden was the big name everyone learned on 9/11, and that was etched deep into my memory with the rest of the events that occured that day.

Get a life.
I celebrated quietly inside of myself when khalid was caught, I celebrated a bit more when OBL was caught. The difference has nothing to do with who was President.

The difference is that Osama Bin Laden was the big name everyone learned on 9/11, and that was etched deep into my memory with the rest of the events that occured that day.

Get a life.

That was then but we have learned who was behind the attacks on the world trade center. and it wasn't Bin Laden
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.
I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Has more to do with the fact that most people couldn't name any of them.

Most people know who Hitler was but not who Eichmann was.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

Who was out dancing in the streets because any of those mention were caught or killed? No press conference when Bush caught
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
No dancing in the streets whe Bush Killed
Mohammed Atef
If it was all about 9/11 with the left tis would have been a major story.
I celebrated quietly inside of myself when khalid was caught, I celebrated a bit more when OBL was caught. The difference has nothing to do with who was President.

The difference is that Osama Bin Laden was the big name everyone learned on 9/11, and that was etched deep into my memory with the rest of the events that occured that day.

Get a life.

That was then but we have learned who was behind the attacks on the world trade center. and it wasn't Bin Laden

Oh...is THIS the direction you are going in now to lessen the happiness at his death?
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.
I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Has more to do with the fact that most people couldn't name any of them.

Most people know who Hitler was but not who Eichmann was.

Maybe so, or it might just have more to do with politics than anything else.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

Who was out dancing in the streets because any of those mention were caught or killed? No press conference when Bush caught
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
No dancing in the streets whe Bush Killed
Mohammed Atef
If it was all about 9/11 with the left tis would have been a major story.

Ah...Ravi had it pegged. You are unhappy because there was no dancing in the streets back then.

Sour grapes indeed.
I celebrated quietly inside of myself when khalid was caught, I celebrated a bit more when OBL was caught. The difference has nothing to do with who was President.

The difference is that Osama Bin Laden was the big name everyone learned on 9/11, and that was etched deep into my memory with the rest of the events that occured that day.

Get a life.

That was then but we have learned who was behind the attacks on the world trade center. and it wasn't Bin Laden

Oh...is THIS the direction you are going in now to lessen the happiness at his death?
No just showing that Bin Laden had just about as much to do with the world trade center attacks as any other terrorist did. The job has not stop with the death of Bin Laden but the left in their drunken stuper have forgotten the ones who have a direct connection with the attack on the world trade center are already captured or dead. while on Bushes watch.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Has more to do with the fact that most people couldn't name any of them.

Most people know who Hitler was but not who Eichmann was.

Maybe so, or it might just have more to do with politics than anything else.

Well, isn't that what we've been saying?!?! Your comments have more to do with politics than anything else. Thanks for reiterating our point, though! :cool:
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Has more to do with the fact that most people couldn't name any of them.

Most people know who Hitler was but not who Eichmann was.

Maybe so, or it might just have more to do with politics than anything else.
You're trying too hard.
Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

Who was out dancing in the streets because any of those mention were caught or killed? No press conference when Bush caught
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
No dancing in the streets whe Bush Killed
Mohammed Atef
If it was all about 9/11 with the left tis would have been a major story.

Ah...Ravi had it pegged. You are unhappy because there was no dancing in the streets back then.

Sour grapes indeed.

Nope just noting the hypocrisy of the left, and that peg I just stuck on you. If all the joy was about 9/11 the left would have been dancing in the street with the capture and death of the real attackers of 9/11. It's just politics as usual with the left.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

Who was out dancing in the streets because any of those mention were caught or killed? No press conference when Bush caught
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
No dancing in the streets whe Bush Killed
Mohammed Atef
If it was all about 9/11 with the left tis would have been a major story.

Big Red, all of your points are valid. Well taken.
The actual big guns contected with the attacks on the world trade centers

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed: Mastermind of 9/11. Now at Gitmo.
Mohammed Atef: 9/11 Operations Mastermind. Dead.
Mustfa Abu Al-Yazid: Channeled funding for the 9/11 attacks: Dead.
Waleed Bin Attash: Trained the 9/11 hijackers: Now at Gitmo.
Mustaf Al-Hawsawi: Helped finance the 9/11 attacks. Now at Gitmo.
Ali Abd Al-Aziz Ali: Deputy to Shaikh Mohammed: Now at Gitmo.

I wonder why people weren't out dancing in the streets when the ones who actually had a hand in attacking the world trade centers were captured?
Complete 911 Timeline: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Oh thats right Bush was President.

Do you think so much time has passed we wouldn't remember? There WAS fanfare everytime one of them was caught or died. You just can't take the fact that the biggest fish was caught on Obama's watch. Tough shit, you just care more about petty political points than America. :lol:

and the shit stain you call your president will drag this out releasing a bit here and a bit there to make sure hes in the spot light and something positive ... petty politics
Who was out dancing in the streets because any of those mention were caught or killed? No press conference when Bush caught
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
No dancing in the streets whe Bush Killed
Mohammed Atef
If it was all about 9/11 with the left tis would have been a major story.

Ah...Ravi had it pegged. You are unhappy because there was no dancing in the streets back then.

Sour grapes indeed.

Nope just noting the hypocrisy of the left, and that peg I just stuck on you. If all the joy was about 9/11 the left would have been dancing in the street with the capture and death of the real attackers of 9/11. It's just politics as usual with the left.

Are you saying OBL wasn't involved?!?! It's amazing what contortions you'll go through to "prove" your point!!! In my book that's called "intellectual dishonesty".

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