Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

Israel's greatest mistake was to offer peace offerings to the Palestinians, build a security fence & grant them their own land. No wonder Israel gets rocket missiles for a thank you.
Time to teach a terrible and frightful lesson as retaliation against those who perpetrated this outrage.

Attack 1 synagogue?

Flatten ten mosques in Rump Palestine.

Kill 4 rabbis?

Kill 40 Hamas leaders in Rump Palestine.

A 10-to-1 kill-ratio, to begin with.

If that isn't enough, increase the ratio.

As often as it takes.

Until the message finally gets through those thick Neanderthal skulls in Rump Palestine.
Good Morning Kondie,Time for leadership,not inflammatory rhetoric.....As the cycle of violence between Is and Pal escalates,inflammatory rhetoric (which you and others are perpetuating)is the last thing this bonfire needs.

On one hand Net and yaho states that Mahmoud Abbas is responsible for the killings,yet on the other hand Shin Bet Chief (responsible for Israels security)Yoram Cohen says "Abbas was not inciting violence but he was trying to prevent a new Intfada,moreover Cohen's predecessor,Yuval Diskin,also believes Abbas is a force for moderation,he went on to say if Abbas is sidelined by Israel what is the alternative........Hamas.....Net., needs to think long and hard,moreover keep the Likud Currs and others in Israel under control.

The danger now is Extremists.....on both sides.

The Extremist Likud's Moshe Feiglin has been trying to stir up trouble at the al-Aqsa mosque for months and has delighted in marching to the compound in Jerusalem armed with their security men,also the Settlers who burnt a mosque as part of Their twisted "price tag" policy.Netan., has done nothing to bring these elements under any control.

I think these Jewish murders like all these tit-for-tat murders appaulling quite frankly.....but to incite for what ever reason reaps what is sown..as it were.

Kondie the level of hatred on both sides is at its highest point for months and yes even years as the intranigents sic.....have taken the upper hand.

Two years ago a Mob of young Israelis kicked to death a Palestinian boy because they heard him speak Arabic.....earlier this year 3 young Israelis were murdered and in revenge a 13 year old Palestinian was burned alive/murdered.........and so it goes on...in October a Palestinian drove into a bus stop and killed/murdered a three month old girl and a 22 year old woman......last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob....now this week another 4 Peaceful Jews have been murdered....these are just a few horrendous attacks from both sides,and I repeat just a few.

Rhetoric is cheap......what is needed is a Statesman or woman from both sides.

There are dire outcomes for both sides if not.............It's time for REAL LEADERSHIP........neither side has control.......and it's extremists on both sides who are driving the agenda..of which only Death and Destruction is the only Result.

Which in my opinion is Madness...steve
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It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik
...Good Morning Kondie,Time for leadership,not inflammatory rhetoric...
That's a marvelous sentiment, and, in a sane environment, you would be right.

The Palestinians, however, are not sane.

Consequently, it's time to inflict ten times the harm on the Palestinians as they inflict on the Israelis.

Ten times.

And worse, and worse, and worse, in increments, until it does some good.

I really and truly grieve over this prospect and wish I was wrong and wish that things were different, but what I wish has no bearing whatsoever upon what is now needed, and what must now be done, as Palestinian savagery is forcing the Israelis to harden their hearts to an extent never before experienced in this long-running conflict.

It is time for the Israelis to act decisively.

No more talk.

There is nothing more to say.

There is nothing more to negotiate.

It's all been said and done and tried before, to no avail.

There is nothing left to do but to teach a frightful lesson.

As often and on as escalating a scale as may be required to accomplish the task at hand.

Time to take the gloves off, and Devil take the hindmost.
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It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.
It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

Entering a place of worship and murdering unarmed civilians in a gruesome manner is all there to see. There is no need for propaganda. I guess that is why they say that truth is the best propaganda.
It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.
Two animals who go into a place of worship and butcher 5 innocent people are not terrorists Tinmore? Were the animals fighting the 5 for their freedom? You stink.
...Good Morning Kondie,Time for leadership,not inflammatory rhetoric...
That's a marvelous sentiment, and, in a sane environment, you would be right.

The Palestinians, however, are not sane.

Consequently, it's time to inflict ten times the harm on the Palestinians as they inflict on the Israelis.

Ten times.

And worse, and worse, and worse, in increments, until it does some good.

I really and truly grieve over this prospect and wish I was wrong and wish that things were different, but what I wish has no bearing whatsoever upon what is now needed, and what must now be done, as Palestinian savagery is forcing the Israelis to harden their hearts to an extent never before experienced in this long-running conflict.

It is time for the Israelis to act decisively.

No more talk.

There is nothing more to say.

There is nothing more to negotiate.

It's all been said and done and tried before, to no avail.

There is nothing left to do but to teach a frightful lesson.

As often and on as escalating a scale as may be required to accomplish the task at hand.

Time to take the gloves off, and Devil take the hindmost.
Sorry Kondie,I just cannot agree,It will cost Israel big time if they continue to allow the Extremists to lead their people.....I alerted to you and others that this outcome would arise about 2 years ago............These people want nothing more that the total elimination of the Palestinian race......they are worse than Hamas a lot worse......Israel as much a Palestine need to negotiate.........Palestine will never be defeated and neither will Israel,but with your punitive analysis and adherence there will only be one result A BLOODBATH........steve
...Good Morning Kondie,Time for leadership,not inflammatory rhetoric...
That's a marvelous sentiment, and, in a sane environment, you would be right.

The Palestinians, however, are not sane.

Consequently, it's time to inflict ten times the harm on the Palestinians as they inflict on the Israelis.

Ten times.

And worse, and worse, and worse, in increments, until it does some good.

I really and truly grieve over this prospect and wish I was wrong and wish that things were different, but what I wish has no bearing whatsoever upon what is now needed, and what must now be done, as Palestinian savagery is forcing the Israelis to harden their hearts to an extent never before experienced in this long-running conflict.

It is time for the Israelis to act decisively.

No more talk.

There is nothing more to say.

There is nothing more to negotiate.

It's all been said and done and tried before, to no avail.

There is nothing left to do but to teach a frightful lesson.

As often and on as escalating a scale as may be required to accomplish the task at hand.

Time to take the gloves off, and Devil take the hindmost.
Sorry Kondie,I just cannot agree,It will cost Israel big time if they continue to allow the Extremists to lead their people.....I alerted to you and others that this outcome could arise about 2 years ago............These people want nothing more that the total elimination of the Palestinian race......they are worse than Hamas a lot worse......Israel as much a Palestine need to negotiate.........Palestine will never be defeated and neither will Israel,but with your punitive analysis and adherence there will only be one result A BLOODBATH........steve
It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.
Two animals who go into a place of worship and butcher 5 innocent people are not terrorists Tinmore? Were the animals fighting the 5 for their freedom? You stink.
Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not "name calling" (gratuitous verbal abuse --- AKA: abusive or insulting language referring to a person or group) as you so defensively put it. "Name calling" is the very first level in Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.


It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

In this context it is a technical and descriptive term that identifies a class of predatory personalities that manifest an amoral and antisocial behavior. Terrorists, like many Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents and Guerillas [in the context under discussion, collectively known as Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)] are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their victims; without considering the consequences of their actions --- and --- exhibit extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior. They are generally not able to the calculate the impact for their use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. They generally are not self aware of their psychopathic behaviors and unable to accept the responsibility for the political-military consequences that may ensue.

Most Respectively,
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It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.
Two animals who go into a place of worship and butcher 5 innocent people are not terrorists Tinmore? Were the animals fighting the 5 for their freedom? You stink.
Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.

I am not Israel. As a matter of fact I do not represent any state. I represent myself. My views are my own. I did not call Palestinians terrorists. I called Palestinian terrorists terrorists.
...Good Morning Kondie,Time for leadership,not inflammatory rhetoric...
That's a marvelous sentiment, and, in a sane environment, you would be right.

The Palestinians, however, are not sane.

Consequently, it's time to inflict ten times the harm on the Palestinians as they inflict on the Israelis.

Ten times.

And worse, and worse, and worse, in increments, until it does some good.

I really and truly grieve over this prospect and wish I was wrong and wish that things were different, but what I wish has no bearing whatsoever upon what is now needed, and what must now be done, as Palestinian savagery is forcing the Israelis to harden their hearts to an extent never before experienced in this long-running conflict.

It is time for the Israelis to act decisively.

No more talk.

There is nothing more to say.

There is nothing more to negotiate.

It's all been said and done and tried before, to no avail.

There is nothing left to do but to teach a frightful lesson.

As often and on as escalating a scale as may be required to accomplish the task at hand.

Time to take the gloves off, and Devil take the hindmost.
Sorry Kondie,I just cannot agree,It will cost Israel big time if they continue to allow the Extremists to lead their people.....I alerted to you and others that this outcome would arise about 2 years ago............These people want nothing more that the total elimination of the Palestinian race......they are worse than Hamas a lot worse......Israel as much a Palestine need to negotiate.........Palestine will never be defeated and neither will Israel,but with your punitive analysis and adherence there will only be one result A BLOODBATH........steve
We appear to be reaching the End-Game with zero hope of a negotiated peace in sight. I think we're about to find out whether this is winnable, after all.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not "name calling" (gratuitous verbal abuse --- AKA: abusive or insulting language referring to a person or group) as you so defensively put it. "Name calling" is the very first level in Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.

It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

In this context it is a technical and descriptive term that identifies a class of predatory personalities that manifest an amoral and antisocial behavior. Terrorists, like many Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents and Guerillas [in the context under discussion, collectively known as Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)] are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their victims; without considering the consequences of their actions --- and --- exhibit extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior. They are generally not able to the calculate the impact for their use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. They generally are not self aware of their psychopathic behaviors and unable to accept the responsibility for the political-military consequences that may ensue.

Most Respectively,
There you go again. Basing your conclusions on false premise.

You know that "civilian" is not the definitive term. It should be "protected persons" that Israelis are not.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not "name calling" (gratuitous verbal abuse --- AKA: abusive or insulting language referring to a person or group) as you so defensively put it. "Name calling" is the very first level in Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.

It is so sad to see inhumane terrorist attacks like these. I cannot believe people are capable of conditioning themselves in committing these horrible acts. I offer my sympathy and condolences to victims and their families and the entire nation of Israel.
Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

In this context it is a technical and descriptive term that identifies a class of predatory personalities that manifest an amoral and antisocial behavior. Terrorists, like many Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents and Guerillas [in the context under discussion, collectively known as Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)] are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their victims; without considering the consequences of their actions --- and --- exhibit extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior. They are generally not able to the calculate the impact for their use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. They generally are not self aware of their psychopathic behaviors and unable to accept the responsibility for the political-military consequences that may ensue.

Most Respectively,
There you go again. Basing your conclusions on false premise.

You know that "civilian" is not the definitive term. It should be "protected persons" that Israelis are not.

Israelis in Israel are protected persons. What a ridiculous thing to say.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not "name calling" (gratuitous verbal abuse --- AKA: abusive or insulting language referring to a person or group) as you so defensively put it. "Name calling" is the very first level in Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.

Terrorist is a ? of which side of the fence you straddle,Vik

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

In this context it is a technical and descriptive term that identifies a class of predatory personalities that manifest an amoral and antisocial behavior. Terrorists, like many Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents and Guerillas [in the context under discussion, collectively known as Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)] are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their victims; without considering the consequences of their actions --- and --- exhibit extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior. They are generally not able to the calculate the impact for their use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. They generally are not self aware of their psychopathic behaviors and unable to accept the responsibility for the political-military consequences that may ensue.

Most Respectively,
There you go again. Basing your conclusions on false premise.

You know that "civilian" is not the definitive term. It should be "protected persons" that Israelis are not.

Israelis in Israel are protected persons. What a ridiculous thing to say.
I am just saying what The Fourth Geneva Convention says.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not "name calling" (gratuitous verbal abuse --- AKA: abusive or insulting language referring to a person or group) as you so defensively put it. "Name calling" is the very first level in Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement.

It is sad when people refer to terrorists as freedom fighters when it suits their agenda. But, that is one of the many reasons this world is a messed up place.
I don't buy that terrorist name calling propaganda.

In this context it is a technical and descriptive term that identifies a class of predatory personalities that manifest an amoral and antisocial behavior. Terrorists, like many Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgents and Guerillas [in the context under discussion, collectively known as Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP)] are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse or empathy for their victims; without considering the consequences of their actions --- and --- exhibit extreme egocentric and narcissistic behavior. They are generally not able to the calculate the impact for their use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear. They generally are not self aware of their psychopathic behaviors and unable to accept the responsibility for the political-military consequences that may ensue.

Most Respectively,
There you go again. Basing your conclusions on false premise.

You know that "civilian" is not the definitive term. It should be "protected persons" that Israelis are not.

Israelis in Israel are protected persons. What a ridiculous thing to say.
I am just saying what The Fourth Geneva Convention says.

I know exactly what you're talking about. But it refers to occupied places, so it doesn't apply to Israel proper.

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