Terrorist plots and other acts of deadly violence committed by the radical right


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
thankfully the DHS is monitoring these people

Extremist violence, in fact, is continuing at levels comparable to the 1990s, at the height of that decade’s militia movement. But rather than coming from organized groups, fully 90 percent of domestic terrorist attacks in recent years have been carried out by “lone wolves” or pairs of extremists who don’t belong to any organization.

Over the last six years, a domestic terrorist incident has occurred, on average, every 34 days, the SPLC found. These leaderless attacks have claimed 63 lives. Plots concocted by extremists working alone or in pairs are the hardest to penetrate and the most likely to succeed.

This violence comes as extremists have migrated toward online networks like Stormfront to spread their beliefs. The neo-Nazi forum has about 300,000 registered users – a nearly 60 percent increase in the last five years.

SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
Another guano post about a bullshit thoroughly debunked subject.

Left-wing v. right-wing violence


Left-wing terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And lets not forget the example of how mindless liberals can be as illustrated in Jonestown.

Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.


Pointing out the lack of credibility in the SPLC in no way endorses any sort of terrorism or lawlessness.

Furthermore the left has committed far more terrorism across the world and throughout history than can be effectively chronicled even with the awesome resources of the internet.

Here's those rednecks !

CBS News: FBI Thwarts Terror Attacks Tied To 4th Of July
July 9, 2015 5:21 PM

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — More than fireworks were planned for the Fourth of July, according to the FBI.

FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that the FBI was able to thwart attacks tied to July Fourth, CBSNews confirmed.

Comey would not give details on attacks or arrests but did say in the last four weeks the FBI arrested more than 10 people who are products of the Islamic State’s online recruiting.

Some were focused on the Fourth of July. Not all are charged with terror offenses, the FBI director said.

“I do believe we disrupted efforts to kill people in connection to the Fourth,” Comey said.

He said he believes their work saved American lives.

“They’re averaging 50 people a day internationally that ISIL, through their mass media campaign, is successfully recruiting people,” former FBI agent Manny Gomez told CBS2’s Dick Brennan. “And it sounds like they have successfully once again recruited individuals that were planning to launch attacks during the Fourth of July in random places in the U.S.”

On Wednesday, Comey told Congress that ISIS is now using encrypted messaging to keep conversations with recruits untraceable.

FBI Thwarts Terror Attacks Aimed At 4th Of July CBS News CBS New York
Radical left's extreme acts of violence include...

Firebombing of entire cities full civilian women and children. Tokyo, Dresden, Berlin, etc.

Murder of 30 million people in the Soviet Union.

Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Forced enslavement of teen Americans to be used as cannon fodder in foriegn wars.

Most left-wing idiots have a total lack of perspective IMO.
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.


Pointing out the lack of credibility in the SPLC in no way endorses any sort of terrorism or lawlessness.

Furthermore the left has committed far more terrorism across the world and throughout history than can be effectively chronicled even with the awesome resources of the internet.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a racist organization.......screw them....
thankfully the DHS is monitoring these people

Extremist violence, in fact, is continuing at levels comparable to the 1990s, at the height of that decade’s militia movement. But rather than coming from organized groups, fully 90 percent of domestic terrorist attacks in recent years have been carried out by “lone wolves” or pairs of extremists who don’t belong to any organization.

Over the last six years, a domestic terrorist incident has occurred, on average, every 34 days, the SPLC found. These leaderless attacks have claimed 63 lives. Plots concocted by extremists working alone or in pairs are the hardest to penetrate and the most likely to succeed.

This violence comes as extremists have migrated toward online networks like Stormfront to spread their beliefs. The neo-Nazi forum has about 300,000 registered users – a nearly 60 percent increase in the last five years.

SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

You do know the numerous July 4th terrorist plots that were stopped were all Islamist!

Serious question: Are you such a coward that you refuse to recognize Islam as America's greatest threat and it's not the Christians who won't attacking for your ignorant speech?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
I am Jewish and I believe the Southern Poverty League is more about pushing the liberal agenda by over-blowing the threat of white supremacy and trying to tie it to conservatives and the tea party.
thankfully the DHS is monitoring these people

Extremist violence, in fact, is continuing at levels comparable to the 1990s, at the height of that decade’s militia movement. But rather than coming from organized groups, fully 90 percent of domestic terrorist attacks in recent years have been carried out by “lone wolves” or pairs of extremists who don’t belong to any organization.

Over the last six years, a domestic terrorist incident has occurred, on average, every 34 days, the SPLC found. These leaderless attacks have claimed 63 lives. Plots concocted by extremists working alone or in pairs are the hardest to penetrate and the most likely to succeed.

This violence comes as extremists have migrated toward online networks like Stormfront to spread their beliefs. The neo-Nazi forum has about 300,000 registered users – a nearly 60 percent increase in the last five years.

SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center
How come the SPLC does not monitor drive by gang shootings? Especially when young children are the shooting victims?....
There is no insult I can think to send your way because for example if I referred to you as a piece of shit, that would be an insult to shit
Last edited:
thankfully the DHS is monitoring these people

Extremist violence, in fact, is continuing at levels comparable to the 1990s, at the height of that decade’s militia movement. But rather than coming from organized groups, fully 90 percent of domestic terrorist attacks in recent years have been carried out by “lone wolves” or pairs of extremists who don’t belong to any organization.

Over the last six years, a domestic terrorist incident has occurred, on average, every 34 days, the SPLC found. These leaderless attacks have claimed 63 lives. Plots concocted by extremists working alone or in pairs are the hardest to penetrate and the most likely to succeed.

This violence comes as extremists have migrated toward online networks like Stormfront to spread their beliefs. The neo-Nazi forum has about 300,000 registered users – a nearly 60 percent increase in the last five years.

SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

You do know the numerous July 4th terrorist plots that were stopped were all Islamist!

Serious question: Are you such a coward that you refuse to recognize Islam as America's greatest threat and it's not the Christians who won't attacking for your ignorant speech?
gutless is a far left wing radical who has the destruction of the United States in mind.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center
Southern Poverty Law Center isn't a source.


More recently, however, it is the SPLC that has found itself on the defensive. Critics from across the political spectrum charge the Center with betraying its professed commitment to advancing civil rights. The SPLC levels accusations of racism unjustly, branding as “bigoted” many groups and individuals whose only crime lies in their refusal to embrace the SPLC’s leftwing agenda. Some accuse the SPLC of pursuing revenue rather than justice, by orchestrating fundraising campaigns that exaggerate the prevalence of racism to ensure a steady stream of donations from the Center’s alarmed supporters. The SPLC consistently claims to detect evidence of white racism infesting virtually every crevice of American society. The Center states, for instance, “Like most of the southeastern U.S., Georgia has seen an explosion in Hispanic immigration in recent years — over a half million since 1990 alone. As hate groups exploit the racial tension stemming from the area’s growth, locals have launched violent attacks against immigrant workers.”

The SPLC’s ideological biases are evident in its map of Active U.S. Hate Groups. Although the SPLC denounces extremist religious groups like the Jewish Defense League and Westboro Baptist Church, no mention is made of even a single extremist Muslim group. Similarly, while far-right groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens are tagged as hate groups, the SPLC withholds judgment on extremist leftwing groups. The aforementioned Intelligence Project, an SPLC initiative that monitors hate and extremist groups around the United States, is conspicuously selective in its scrutiny. Whereas rightwing groups are routinely the subjects of Intelligence Project reports, the political left, as evidenced by the dearth of critical literature, is above suspicion. In 2003, for instance, the SPLC hosted a forum called “Right-Wing Extremism in a Transatlantic Perspective,” which, as one SPLC report noted, sought to develop strategies to combat “the radical right.” Of the radical left, no mention was made.

As part of its transparently one-sided approach to outing alleged hate groups, the SPLC is not above flinging fictional charges against its ideological adversaries. One particularly egregious example was a 2003 article called “Into the Mainstream,” featured in the SPLC’s quarterly magazine, Intelligence Report. Authored by fringe leftist Chip Berlet, this tendentious report deliberately mangled quotes and omitted context, to make the case that “right-wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable.” Among the groups that came in for the SPLC’s scorn was the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and its founder, David Horowitz. After wresting, out of context, several of his quotes on the subjects of African Americans and slavery, the report charged Horowitz with a “selective rewriting of history”—a distortion so patently dishonest that it prompted Horowitz to pen an open letter to SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, wherein he answered the attack and called on Dees to apologize and remove the report from the SPLC’s Web site. Dees complied on neither count.

In support of the charge that the SPLC unfairly targets groups that do not share its politics, critics point to the Center’s comparatively charitable treatment of leftwing groups. Radical organizations like United for Peace and Justice, for instance, are hailed as “social justice groups,” a designation that also extends to feminist groups like Equality Now, a number of gay rights groups, Human Rights First, Amnesty International, and Jesse Jackson’s National Rainbow/PUSH Coalition.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

Evidence supplied by a leftwing bullshit organization?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

Evidence supplied by a leftwing bullshit organization?
See post #3
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
SPLC is a racist Israeli terrorist group. They should be electrified IMO.

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