Terrorists Attack Russia

Explosions Rocked A Train Station and another location.

I'm traveling. Any details?

I hope that Stratford57 and Sbiker can check in with us to let us know whats happening.

We pray for our Russian brothers and sisters at this time of grief, and also pray that those who left this fucked-up planet today are now safe in Our Lords Beautiful Kingdom having been welcomed into His arms.
Another tragedy for the world and for all Russians today :sad:
I hope President Putin will be able to do something to catch all those who were involved in this crime (I know it's just a useless hope but it's all I can do unfortunately.... :cry:)

Putin thinks too early to call a terrorist attack... They always erase these as soon as possible because Russia is invulnerable :rock:
I hope it's not a terrorist attack... :(
In any case many people are dead...even if it's not a terrorist attack is a tragedy anyway :(
That's fine, but next time people die in uncool countries such as Syria, you should shed online tears too. I know Russians are pretty people with blue eyes, but dead people are dead people regardless of nationality.
Of course I'm sorry for Syrians too. Those who were killed today in Russia had nothing to do with Syrian war. They were just common people, citizens. :dunno:

Putin thinks too early to call a terrorist attack... They always erase these as soon as possible because Russia is invulnerable :rock:
I hope it's not a terrorist attack... :(
In any case many people are dead...even if it's not a terrorist attack is a tragedy anyway :(
That's fine, but next time people die in uncool countries such as Syria, you should shed online tears too. I know Russians are pretty people with blue eyes, but dead people are dead people regardless of nationality.
Of course I'm sorry for Syrians too. Those who were killed today in Russia had nothing to do with Syrian war. They were just common people, citizens. :dunno:
Anyone silent about Syrian war is guilty.
Show me irrational. It is perfectly rational. Russia is being unreasonable. That's why so many people are dying.

Russia thinks 10:1 collateral damage is perfectly acceptable. Especially when those civilians were anti-Assad sympathizers.
Explosions Rocked A Train Station and another location.

I'm traveling. Any details?
I'm guessing either a Chechen or ISIS did this.

Well, since guessing is allowed I'm guessing Putin decided to target the RR Car because one of his critics was aboard, and too many of his critics has already been shot in the back on a Moscow St. or poisoned. He needed to change methods but still carry forward his message.

Whatever :uhoh3:

"Whatever" with an emoji - a literary first, and one so unique and brilliantly composed as to evoke envy in all who aspire to and in need of attention.

Allow me to be first to feed your need: an uninspired example of the genre of a thoughtless, lacking substance. and a typical example of hackneyed pedestrian poppycock. Feel better now?
"While you're at it, can you also pray for the civilians killed by Russia in Syria? Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months"

Did YOU pray or shed tears online when Obama was having Syrian civilians and Afghan hospitals bombed? No of COURSE you DIDN'T.

“Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US. We are concerned that the US-led alliance appears to have relaxed some of their rules concerning civilian casualties,” said Woods. A coalition spokesman denied any change to its rules of engagement.

Coalition civilian casualities 200, Russian civilian casualities 2,000. Maybe you didn't notice the extra zero in the numbers count.

You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.

Why should anyone waste time with people as obviously as uneducated and ignorant as you and Meane?
Explosions Rocked A Train Station and another location.

I'm traveling. Any details?
I'm guessing either a Chechen or ISIS did this.

Well, since guessing is allowed I'm guessing Putin decided to target the RR Car because one of his critics was aboard, and too many of his critics has already been shot in the back on a Moscow St. or poisoned. He needed to change methods but still carry forward his message.

Whatever :uhoh3:

"Whatever" with an emoji - a literary first, and one so unique and brilliantly composed as to evoke envy in all who aspire to and in need of attention.

Allow me to be first to feed your need: an uninspired example of the genre of a thoughtless, lacking substance. and a typical example of hackneyed pedestrian poppycock. Feel better now?

""Whatever" with an emoji"

Some comments are not worthy of anything more than that.

"thoughtless, lacking substance"

The majority of my posts are thoughtful and contain substance, unlike the majority of your posts, which is probably the reason why you have so many posts and so FEW ratings for your posts, obviously even those on the Left consider you a dunce.

Aug 3, 2009
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San Francisco Bay Area
You people are totally stupid aren't you?

That 200 figure is from ONE incident, not COMBINED incidents in TOTAL.?

Actually the combined total was only 190, I rounded it up.

Since the siege began it’s our view that at least 190 civilians have been killed by coalition airstrikes, mostly US.

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