Terrorists Get Better Health Care Than Veterans


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody else shocked? :rofl:

Yeah, right.

Travesty: Al-Qaeda Terrorists At Gitmo Receiving Better Health Care Than Our Vets…


Thanks to Obama who went out of his way to make life easier for the terrorists locked in Gitmo after his plans to close the facility were thwarted by Congress.

Via Fox News:

By now most American have heard about the VA’s infamous patient “secret wait lists” which reportedly contributed to the deaths of up to 40 veterans in the Phoenix area alone. Those patriots were American heroes who served our country proudly. Yet they were left to die waiting to see a doctor.

Here’s another secret the White House doesn’t want you to know about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees get better medical treatment than our veterans.

Say what?

Yes, it’s true. I know because I served as a Pentagon spokesman from 2005-2009 and visited Guantanamo Bay Naval Base over 30 times during those years.

Despite the fact that Al Qaeda terrorists carried out the Sept. 11 terror attacks, killing 3,000 people in America, the admitted co-conspirators and their roughly 150 fellow jihadists at Gitmo have approximately 100 doctors, nurses and health care personnel assigned to them.

Doctors and medical personnel are at their beck and call. Got a cold, a fever, a toothache, a tumor, chest or back pain, mental health issues, PTSD? No problem, come right on in. Military doctors are waiting to see you.

The VA and Gitmo eligible patient-to-health care provider ratios speak volumes.

While the Gitmo ratio is 1.5 to 1, for America’s 9 million veterans receiving VA health care and 267,930 VA employees, the ratio is 35 to 1.

But beyond the Gitmo numbers, the situation at the VA is also a bright, shining example of misguided priorities and terrible mismanagement.

In late 2008, when Obama was president-elect, he and his staff were warned not to trust the wait times reported by VA health care facilities. But instead of fixing the problem, their focus was closing Guantanamo and improving the comfort of detainees. Even though they already lived under some of the best prison conditions ever seen.

While some who see “2008” may reflexively say, “blame Bush, not Obama” the fact is that the VA’s health system has been fatally flawed for years, regardless of who has been the president.

Or maybe obama and his fellow liberals are just doing the Country a favor and letting Veterans die waiting for Health Care because, you know, we're such a threat to the Country. Just ask Diana Moon Glampers, aka; Big Sis, aka; Crappy Nappy, aka; Janet Napolitano.

Napolitano: Returning vets too stupid to avoid extremists « Hot Air

And Law Enforcement (NEVER Equate Law Enforcement with the US Military. Never)

Police: We need mine-resistant tanks because military back from Afghanistan has created an uptick in violence | Mail Online

"When I first started we really didn't have the violence that we see today," adding, "The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques."

Even worse, Whistle Blowers who are letting the Public, the Inspector General and Congress know about the horros of the VA?

They're getting fired.

More Whistle Blowers have been fired than have wrong doers at the VA.

Typical dimocrap run regime.

Veterans Affairs whistleblowers face 'long slog' in fighting retaliation | WashingtonExaminer.com

This guy just got demoted.

Whistleblower says crimes covered up at Miami VA hospital | Fox News

Meanwhile, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM shows why that's what they are -- DISGUSTING FILTH

In 2012, PolitiFact Rated Obama's Promise to "Make the VA a Leader in National Health" A "Promise Kept"


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM stopped being about News, Truth, Fairness and protecting the American People Decades ago.

They are nothing more than knob-slurping lapdogs for the dimocrap party.

CNN: Where News Goes to Die

The latest audience numbers are devastating:

Averaged over prime time (8-11 p.m.), the three major cable news networks had a combined audience Monday of 2.7 million viewers, and here are the percentage shares:

Fox ...... 65%
MSNBC ..... 24%
CNN ....... 11%

...Jeff Zucker's network is a f***ing asterisk, is what they are - an irrelevant afterthought in the TV new business, of interest only as an example of how not to operate a cable news franchise.

11% of 2.7 million is fewer than 300,000 people watching CNN during peak viewing hours. At this point they'd be better off (and truer to the best interests of their shareholders) by just running cat videos, trendy youtube videos, and infomercials 24/7.

CNN, pMSNBC, CBS, ABC and NBC News exist solely in order to support dimocrap, socialist and progressive ideals. They aren't about 'news'.

Anybody that doesn't see that is part of the problem. IOW, a dimocrap
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Wow, pretty appalling.

President Obama finally addressed the nation Wednesday about the growing scandal at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. After meeting with VA Secretary Eric Shinseki he pledged to hold folks accountable.

Thanks, Mr. President.

By now most American have heard about the VA’s infamous patient “secret wait lists” which reportedly contributed to the deaths of up to 40 veterans in the Phoenix area alone. Those patriots were American heroes who served our country proudly. Yet they were left to die waiting to see a doctor.

Here’s another secret the White House doesn’t want you to know about the VA. Al Qaeda detainees get better medical treatment than our veterans.

Say what?

Yes, it’s true. I know because I served as a Pentagon spokesman from 2005-2009 and visited Guantanamo Bay Naval Base over 30 times during those years.

Despite the fact that Al Qaeda terrorists carried out the Sept. 11 terror attacks, killing 3,000 people in America, the admitted co-conspirators and their roughly 150 fellow jihadists at Gitmo have approximately 100 doctors, nurses and health care personnel assigned to them.

The VA and Gitmo eligible patient-to-health care provider ratios speak volumes.

While the Gitmo ratio is 1.5 to 1, for America’s 9 million veterans receiving VA health care and 267,930 VA employees, the ratio is 35 to 1.

But beyond the Gitmo numbers, the situation at the VA is also a bright, shining example of misguided priorities and terrible mismanagement.

In late 2008, when Obama was president-elect, he and his staff were warned not to trust the wait times reported by VA health care facilities. But instead of fixing the problem, their focus was closing Guantanamo and improving the comfort of detainees. Even though they already lived under some of the best prison conditions ever seen...

Read More:
Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets | Fox News
With money you can do that. Are you going to pay the same rate for the VA? Do the math and let us all know.

And what's appalling is comparing an apple to a red rubber ball and saying one of them tastes funny.
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Granny says somebody gettin' dey's pockets lined...
Bernie Sanders on VA Bill: We Should Know What’s In It Before We Vote on It
May 23, 2014 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who voted for Obamacare, said Thursday that the Senate should hold a hearing to find out what’s in a bill introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) that makes it easier to fire those responsible for the mounting backlog at VA medical facilities, before senators vote on it.
“I happen to think that the bill that was passed in the House yesterday has many important provisions, which I happen to agree with, but as the senator from Florida knows, we have not held a hearing on this legislation. And some of us are old-fashioned enough to know that maybe folks in the Senate might want to know what is in the bill before we voted on it,” said Sanders on the Senate floor. As CNSNews.com previously reported, on March 19, 2010 – just days before Obamacare became law – then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a speech before the Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.”

Sanders voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. As CNSNews.com previously reported, there are 10,535 pages of final Obamacare regulations. CNSNews.com reported that several top Democratic officials – including Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), refused to say whether they read all the regulations.

Current law allows Senior Executive Service (SES) workers, a group representing most VA senior leaders, “to be disciplined and fired, but there are considerable amounts of red tape involved and the process can drag on for long periods of time,” according to a press release on Rubio’s website. Sanders and Democrats in the Senate blocked Rubio’s bill – the VA Management Accountability Act of 2014 – which “gets rid of these hurdles in order to give the VA secretary authorities similar to those Members of Congress have to fire employees from their staffs.”

While Sanders said top administrators at the VA should be held accountable and efforts to remove incompetent employees should not be thwarted by “an enormous amount of paperwork and obstruction,” he expressed concern that Rubio’s bill could lead to the VA being “politicized.” Sanders imagined that during the new administration – whether Democratic or Republican – the new secretary could decide to replace 20 to 50 hospital administrators and “they don’t have a right to defend themselves.”

Bernie Sanders on VA Bill: We Should Know What?s In It Before We Vote on It | CNS News

See also:

Senators Block VA Accountability Bill
May 22, 2014 - As the Veterans Affairs (VA) fiasco rages on, the House passed a piece of legislation that would make it easier to fire VA employees and make the department more accountable. It was passed with bipartisan support, with the vote being 390 in favor to 33 against.
There was only one problem. The bill (VA Management Accountability Act, H.R.4031) failed to pass the U.S. Senate. Senate Democrats decided mark this Memorial Day by blocking this bill. Speaker John Boehner wasn't happy:

As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I am disappointed, and-frankly-shocked that Senate Democratic leaders chose to block legislation that would hold VA managers accountable," Boehner said in a statement. "As we head home to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, it's fair to ask why Senate Democrats won't stand up for more accountability?"

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said he agreed with some provisions in the bill, but noted that there were areas that needed work, which would be addressed in hearings held later in June. Well, Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

Senators Block VA Accountability Bill | CNS News
Because there are some on the right that don't believe that former government employees shouldn't receive healthcare.
Specifically speaking of employees in government, once they aren't anymore no they shouldn't.
With money you can do that. Are you going to pay the same rate for the VA? Do the math and let us all know.

And what's appalling is comparing an apple to a red rubber ball and saying one of them tastes funny.

No, that's just you defending the indefensible. Pretty much all you Obamabots are about these days. Shame shame.
Moderator note: two identical threads merged.
Can't see how anyone could defend this travesty. But it looks like the Obamabots are gonna try anyway. Shame on em.
"Gitmo" is an American disgrace.

And the health care there is so good they deny many humanitarian organizations access to check on it.

It is disgusting any American who says they love our system of Justice supports keeping this abomination open.
Most of the alleged terrorists imprisoned in the American gulag referred to as Gitmo.

Have never been convicted of anything and thus are entitled to receive proper housing and medical care during their illegal internment.

And has no bearing on the status of the VA health care system. ... :cool:

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US vets are commonly terrorists; just no one calls them that.
If you go to someone else's country and shoot civilian non combatants, you're a murderer, causing terror to the people of that country.
Shut the fuck up, shitbag.

Gulag? :cuckoo:

Those desert inbreds should be tortured to death getting every last bit of intel out of them then fed to the pigs.

Your fellow muslim scum didn't just randomly end up there, they were involved with Islamic terrorism....end of debate, asswipe.

Holding a trial that could expose classified methods and contacts is asinine. Also, they should never be released either because once a demented muslim, always a demented muslim.

Most of the alleged terrorists imprisoned in the American gulag referred to as Gitmo.

Have never been convicted of anything and thus are entitled to receive proper housing and medical care during their illegal internment.

And has no bearing on the status of the VA health care system. ... :cool:

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Burn in hell with your boyfriend Muhammad.

US vets are commonly terrorists; just no one calls them that.
If you go to someone else's country and shoot civilian non combatants, you're a murderer, causing terror to the people of that country.
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Today the president will appear at the tomb of the "VA martyrs for bonuses" in Phoenix AZ. He will reiterate his madness.

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