Tesla Powerwall in Australia: Electricity bill dives from $660 to $50

Really? Coming from the same guy that said when the oil is gone we all die?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
The full cost of a 10 kw/hr Tesla Powerwall.

SolarCity Reveals Installed Pricing For Tesla Powerwall

For a 10 kilowatt-hour system, customers can prepay $5,000 for a nine-year lease, which includes installation, a maintenance agreement, the electrical inverter and control systems. Customers can also buy the same system outright for $7,140, Bass said.”

Solar City will begin installations of Powerwall this October.
Use the link that this thread is based upon, that you agreed with, that you argued in favor of. The price is $15k, according the link you "agree" with you.

Old Crock, you really are complete fucking moron.
What this bill shows us about Tesla’s Powerwall
When installation of the $13,950 Tesla Powerwall was announced, many questioned if the savings would be worth the initial investment.
View attachment 95136

AND he has told you numerous times, that's the cost in AUSTRALIA, not the United States. Derpty Derp.
Tesla Powerwall in Australia: Electricity bill dives from $660 to $50

WHEN self-confessed nerd Nick Pfitzner became the first Australia resident to have a Tesla Powerwall installed, he expected to save some money when his electricity bill arrived.
However, he was shocked to discover just how efficient the highly anticipated home battery power storage unit had been.
After receiving his latest electricity bill in the post, Mr Pfitzner was pleased to see the amount to be paid was a mere $50.39 (Incl. GST).
Compare this to his previous bill for the same quarter last year and Mr Pfitzner was facing a bill totalling $660.77 (Incl. GST), which means his family had a saving more than 90 per cent.
“It’s an awesome feeling to see we are only paying an average of just $0.59 per day for our power usage,” he told news.com.au.
“I knew it would save me money, but I had never expected to see a saving that big.”
Each Powerwall has a 7 kWh energy storage capacity and works by using a solar panel to convert sunlight into electricity that charges the device.
“The inverter converts direct current electricity from solar panels, the grid and Powerwall into the alternating current used by your home’s lights, appliances and devices,” the website states.
It is nice to see Telsa fucking big corporate energy in the ass!
It's just like switching to Obamacare
Free enterprise drives down costs and benefits the consumer, why are progressives always the last to learn about this?
Really? Coming from the same guy that said when the oil is gone we all die?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.
Really? Coming from the same guy that said when the oil is gone we all die?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
The full cost of a 10 kw/hr Tesla Powerwall.

SolarCity Reveals Installed Pricing For Tesla Powerwall

For a 10 kilowatt-hour system, customers can prepay $5,000 for a nine-year lease, which includes installation, a maintenance agreement, the electrical inverter and control systems. Customers can also buy the same system outright for $7,140, Bass said.”

Solar City will begin installations of Powerwall this October.
Use the link that this thread is based upon, that you agreed with, that you argued in favor of. The price is $15k, according the link you "agree" with you.

Old Crock, you really are complete fucking moron.
What this bill shows us about Tesla’s Powerwall
When installation of the $13,950 Tesla Powerwall was announced, many questioned if the savings would be worth the initial investment.
View attachment 95136

AND he has told you numerous times, that's the cost in AUSTRALIA, not the United States. Derpty Derp.
No shit, Tryanasourisdummy. But this is a thread about Arustralia, is it not? This is the system we are talking about? Correct, not some made up bullshit the second dumbest (you I think may be dumber) person on the board posted.

Everything Old Crock posts, gets proven wrong, every single post. Ask anybody here, they will tell you, half the time Old Crock links to stuff that shows he is wrong, just like here where the link shows a price that Old Crock agreed with, but now he disagrees.
The full cost of a 10 kw/hr Tesla Powerwall.

SolarCity Reveals Installed Pricing For Tesla Powerwall

For a 10 kilowatt-hour system, customers can prepay $5,000 for a nine-year lease, which includes installation, a maintenance agreement, the electrical inverter and control systems. Customers can also buy the same system outright for $7,140, Bass said.”

Solar City will begin installations of Powerwall this October.
Use the link that this thread is based upon, that you agreed with, that you argued in favor of. The price is $15k, according the link you "agree" with you.

Old Crock, you really are complete fucking moron.
What this bill shows us about Tesla’s Powerwall
When installation of the $13,950 Tesla Powerwall was announced, many questioned if the savings would be worth the initial investment.
View attachment 95136

AND he has told you numerous times, that's the cost in AUSTRALIA, not the United States. Derpty Derp.
No shit, Tryanasourisdummy. But this is a thread about Arustralia, is it not? This is the system we are talking about? Correct, not some made up bullshit the second dumbest (you I think may be dumber) person on the board posted.

Everything Old Crock posts, gets proven wrong, every single post. Ask anybody here, they will tell you, half the time Old Crock links to stuff that shows he is wrong, just like here where the link shows a price that Old Crock agreed with, but now he disagrees.

No derpty- Derp...he has said many times, many many many times, that the prices he is quoting is for the united States, and has on multiple occasions provided links showing the prices in the United States.
Really? Coming from the same guy that said when the oil is gone we all die?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?
The full cost of a 10 kw/hr Tesla Powerwall.

SolarCity Reveals Installed Pricing For Tesla Powerwall

For a 10 kilowatt-hour system, customers can prepay $5,000 for a nine-year lease, which includes installation, a maintenance agreement, the electrical inverter and control systems. Customers can also buy the same system outright for $7,140, Bass said.”

Solar City will begin installations of Powerwall this October.
Use the link that this thread is based upon, that you agreed with, that you argued in favor of. The price is $15k, according the link you "agree" with you.

Old Crock, you really are complete fucking moron.
What this bill shows us about Tesla’s Powerwall
When installation of the $13,950 Tesla Powerwall was announced, many questioned if the savings would be worth the initial investment.
View attachment 95136

AND he has told you numerous times, that's the cost in AUSTRALIA, not the United States. Derpty Derp.
No shit, Tryanasourisdummy. But this is a thread about Arustralia, is it not? This is the system we are talking about? Correct, not some made up bullshit the second dumbest (you I think may be dumber) person on the board posted.

Everything Old Crock posts, gets proven wrong, every single post. Ask anybody here, they will tell you, half the time Old Crock links to stuff that shows he is wrong, just like here where the link shows a price that Old Crock agreed with, but now he disagrees.

No derpty- Derp...he has said many times, many many many times, that the prices he is quoting is for the united States, and has on multiple occasions provided links showing the prices in the United States.
Old Crock links to a battery that charges a car, not a house, moron. Just cause you link to it does not make it true.
Really? Coming from the same guy that said when the oil is gone we all die?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
You think Manhattan, a city of millions will be able to grow its own food with horses and slaves? Did you really just state that? This is why you deserve ridicule.
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
No Fertilizers? No Pesticides? No Steel? We will grow food as they did during the time of Christ? Truly stupid is your idea.
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
You think Manhattan, a city of millions will be able to grow its own food with horses and slaves? Did you really just state that? This is why you deserve ridicule.

People will have to move to the outlying areas... they will have to adapt... that's why humans have brains. Sure, some people will probably die, but it won't be the end of the world. Hell we are trying to move to Mars. Does Mars have oil? Oh how will we survive THERE!?!? OMGZ!
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
No Fertilizers? No Pesticides? No Steel? We will grow food as they did during the time of Christ? Truly stupid is your idea.

No Steel? There is steel all over the fucking place. It will get used. Someone can take a car hood and bend it into a till. Are you really that dense?
I am happy that you only address me, personally. That shows that is your only response, you can not answer any question I pose to you. Thank you for confirming what I posted.

No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.
No, all you could do is criticize, but you ignored my questions for you. What is the cost, benefit analysis for the lifetime of a solar panel? Not just the production cost to the environment, but how much pollution it will save verses the amount it causes at production.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.

Well of course, the production is going to be higher using combines and tractors, but just because those wouldn't be viable anymore doesn't mean we can't any longer grow food. It means that people will have to start growing their own food instead of depending on buying it from large farms. I'm not really sure why this idea is so hard to grasp. There are people RIGHT now living without any type of mechanical farming equipment, car, anything that uses oil... and they are living.
Answer a false premise? Reply to a lie? Hell, do you even know the life of a Solar Panel? Solar Panels do not save, or prevent pollution, if they did, you would prove it, so you demand others to do what you can't. I have many threads here, that state how ineffective, how worthless, Solar is. Go ahead and prove what you contend, prove the point you made first. Show us how you can maintain Solar or Wind plants without Oil. Show us how you will pump water to simply clean solar panels, without another source of fuel. You make outrageous claims with zero proof. I can at the least dig up a bunch of threads I have created with tons of information.

You got a thread making your points? I will look for it, as far as in this thread, which is about Tesla Poweralls, you have shown that you can not add anything. Go ahead, dig up one of your threads that proves what you have stated. I will happily rip that apart. Here, I will just ridicule your nonsense.

Seriously? Calling me non-sense coming from someone that made the statement that when oil dries up we die?

Edit: I've NEVER said we need to go without oil... NEVER. Prove I said that. In fact I've said we will NEVER be able to stop using oil and coal. BUT we need to limit it's use so it last longer, and so that we can minimize the effects it has on the environment.
How will you grow food with out Oil? Without Oil we do die. Using it faster to build Solar and Wind brings the end nearer. Solar and Wind consume far too much for what they provide us. How do you build a Wind Turbine without oil, is there a substitute for the Propene, which only comes from Oil, which you need to manufacture fiberglass?

Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?

Not very well. Fossil fuels have allowed the farming industry to industrialize. I suggest you look at the production rates pre, and post internal combustion engines.

Well of course, the production is going to be higher using combines and tractors, but just because those wouldn't be viable anymore doesn't mean we can't any longer grow food. It means that people will have to start growing their own food instead of depending on buying it from large farms. I'm not really sure why this idea is so hard to grasp. There are people RIGHT now living without any type of mechanical farming equipment, car, anything that uses oil... and they are living.

We will always be able to grow food. That's not the issue. the issue is efficiency. Oil won't be running out any time soon, and neither will coal. Technology will keep us going for quite a while. What annoys me is there are so many other, better uses for oil than using them to power our cars. I would love to see a broadcast energy system as envisioned by Tesla. That would be revolutionary, and environmentally friendly unlike the battery powered monstrosities we currently see.
Well of course, the production is going to be higher using combines and tractors, but just because those wouldn't be viable anymore doesn't mean we can't any longer grow food. It means that people will have to start growing their own food instead of depending on buying it from large farms. I'm not really sure why this idea is so hard to grasp. There are people RIGHT now living without any type of mechanical farming equipment, car, anything that uses oil... and they are living.
I guess you just do not understand the many products and uses we get from oil or the amount of people that are fed by modern farming. Without oil, you can not feed 300,000,000 people, let alone the billions of people on earth.
Did you just seriously ask how you grow food without oil? OMG how in the hell did people live before we discovered oil?
You think Manhattan, a city of millions will be able to grow its own food with horses and slaves? Did you really just state that? This is why you deserve ridicule.

People will have to move to the outlying areas... they will have to adapt... that's why humans have brains. Sure, some people will probably die, but it won't be the end of the world. Hell we are trying to move to Mars. Does Mars have oil? Oh how will we survive THERE!?!? OMGZ!
Move to mars? That is what you believe? How you gonna get there, without oil?

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