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Texans are fools to pass up on Johnny Football.here is why.

I'm not sure I would take Manziel with the first pick....but what do I know I picked Denver....

yeah what crack were you smoking at the time?:lol::lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao:

see If you had picked the NINERS in the superbowl the year before,I wouldnt think you ignorant about football because even though i thought the Ravens were going to win that superbowl,unlike the Hawks/donkeys game,I wasnt confidant they would win like I was with the Hawks game.

The Hawks game I was so confidant,I put down a thousand dollars that I won.:dance: and Im not a rich guy.Thats not a bet I would have ever taken on the Ravens the year before.Normally in superbowls,I'll just bet something like 50 bucks or a dinner,but this one was so obvious they would lose and would be a blowout.:cuckoo:

The last Superbowl pool I won was when I picked Rams over the Titans. I was just down the street from where Lewis gang murdered those guys.
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I'm not sure I would take Manziel with the first pick....but what do I know I picked Denver....

yeah what crack were you smoking at the time?:lol::lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao:

see If you had picked the NINERS in the superbowl the year before,I wouldnt think you ignorant about football because even though i thought the Ravens were going to win that superbowl,unlike the Hawks/donkeys game,I wasnt confidant they would win like I was with the Hawks game.

The Hawks game I was so confidant,I put down a thousand dollars that I won.:dance: and Im not a rich guy.Thats not a bet I would have ever taken on the Ravens the year before.Normally in superbowls,I'll just bet something like 50 bucks or a dinner,but this one was so obvious they would lose and would be a blowout.:cuckoo:

The last Superbowl pool I won was when I picked Rams over the Titans. I was just down the street from where Lewis gang murdered that guy.

I see.:D Like I said,stick to politics.Now THATS a subject your very knowledgeble and good at.:D or like I said,baseball and basketball.Im sure you cant do any worse with those two than you do with football.:D:lol::D

Man that was probably the most depressing moment in my life was when that team in st louis,the LAMBS won the superbowl other than when that evil bitch Georgia moved them from LA of course.

.It was bad enough them being in the superbowl,but winning it all? that was the final dagger in the heart for me.:mad: Thats why Tom Brady and the rest of the patriot players that played in that superbowl are my heros.

for BEATING that Lambs team in st louis.:dance: i have to laugh my ass off when I toon in to watch the Hawks play the Lambs in st louis and see that stadium HALF FULL.:lol: that team is ranked 31st of all the 32 teams in attendance for home games.:D I have a few friends that live there who have been to a couple of their games the past couple years and they say they can easily get good seats up close there,the attendance is so horrible.:D:lol::rofl::lmao:

That place is simply not a football town,they did not deserve them in the first place.The first 3 or 4 years when they got there when they were horrible and only winning like 2 or 3 games a year,that place was LUCKY if it was halfway full then same as now.you could easily get seats up close in the lower level same as now.

they all jumped on the bandwagin of course and sold out when Warner was there,but ever since just those three good years they had when he was there,they have been horrible since then with the worst attendendace in the league the last several years.:lol:

that team has no following whatsoever there.They would always pack them in LA when they were playing there.Its nothing but a lose lose situation if Stan keeps them in st Louis after this year,its nothing but a win win situation if he brings em back to LA.the owners badly want a team there.Its gonna be my Rams next year baby.:dance: the only REAL RAMS football team is in LA.

I live here in the midwest and people said to me back then when the rams moved to st louis,-why are you sad and depressed they are moving,they will be much closer to you now? they couldnt get it that yeah,I have physically been living here in the midwset my whole life but my HEART has always been in california.That I am a california boy at heart since I love hollywood so much and everything.:cuckoo: because of that,i was every bit as devasted as the fans in LA were when they moved here to the midwest where I live.:mad:

they just couldnt understand that I only loved the rams because of the CITY name LOS ANGELES RAMS,their ONE AND ONLY TRUE FOOTBALL NAME.:mad:

after they departed,i switched to being a charger fan but its just not the same,I dont live and die with them like I did with the LA RAMS.:mad:

what I loved about it when they lost the superbowl to the pats,was they pretty much jinxed themselves losing that game because they switched uniform colors the year before after they won the superbowl with their CLASSIC BLUE AND YELLOW uni's from their days in LA. why fix something thats not broken? duh. Georgia ran that team into the ground. I hear that when they bring them back to LA next year,they are going to bring back those classic uniforms as well.:dance: thank god,those are the coolest looking unis in the NFL league history hands down,no contest.

Not even my chargers rival their colors.at least not now since they took away their yellow pants and made them blue instead.that pissed me off.:mad: Now they came close to looking as impressive back then when they DID have the yellow pants-my chargers.
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Damn. I hate the Raiders. Used to like them, back in the day. Even went to the Coliseum to watch them play (I lived in Ventura County for 30+ years). The Davis fucked L.A.

Then Georgia fucked L.A....

The Oilers moved (my childhood team)...

I've been getting screwed by football teams for years...

Dude if you supported the Oakland Faders when they were in LA then you along with thousands of others there in california,should be ashamed of yourself. thats the trouble with the world,there are too many thiefs in it. those fans i st louis,indy,and arizona are thiefs.keeping something that was stolen from someone else knowingly.:mad:

All those fans in arizona that cheer on the cardinals or the ones in Indy that cheer on the colts and the ones in stank louis that cheer on the lambs,they are a disgrace to the NFL because they all have supported those thief owners who took them away from their loyal fans who should burn in hell for taking their team away from the fans that all supported them.:mad: those owners are all thiefs and should have been sent to jail for stealing.:mad:

the fans are jerks as well for supporting a thief owner like they do.:mad:

Now if you ONLY supported the Raiders when they were in Oakland,thats one thing.But thats not the way it sounds to me.

Davis didnt fuck LA.He fucked Oakland moving them away from that city and invading LA like he did.I wish I could go visit hell to watch him and Georgia suffer for their evil deeds that i guarantee,they are paying for now as is that fucking late owner of the colts .:mad:

Davis might not suffer eternally because HE at least did the right thing in the end.He at least moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong with all those other scumbag sewer dwelling rats in Oakland so his suffering wont last near as long as Georgia or the colts owner who both will burn in hell eternally for NEVER doing the right thing and moving them back.:mad:

Im not even a colts fan but I hate asshole owners who move their team away from their founding city like those 3 did and Bill Bidwell of the cardinals have done.:mad:

The only time in my lifetime that i WAS happy about an NFL team moving away from a city to another was when Davis did the right thing and moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong.:clap:

I guess I actually have Davis to thank in the end it turns out for being the A hole that he was moving the team away twice like he did because when the Rams move back to LA next year,the NFL has said they would like to have two NFL teams play there in the future.

But it WONT be the Raiders joining them because the owners dont want the raiders back there again because of mark davis whos father was a traiter.the apple doesnt fall very far from the tree.also all the business establishments and the politicinas dont want them in LA either because they dont want any of I belong here you dont bickering going on like what transpired when the raiders and Rams were both here so thank god for that that it at least wont be the Raiders in the future if there is another one.

the only one that would be possible would be my chargers which i would be okay with I guess.I would of course prefer them to do the right thing and stay in san diego for the fans sake and have an expansion team go there to LA if the owners just HAVE to have two teams in the NFL play there.:mad: thats stupid though because chicago doesnt have two teams in the NFL so why should LA have to have two of them?:cuckoo:

Chicago has two BASEBALL teams yeah,but not football so the Rams are the one and ONLY team that should be allowed to play in LA.thats where they belong and they were there first way way before that asshole Davis brought them there.:mad:

No, I supported them when they were in Oakland. Big fan of Plunkett, Alzado, and the lot. Old school Raiders. When they were in L.A. I simply took the opportunity to go see them play, much as I did the Rams...
Damn. I hate the Raiders. Used to like them, back in the day. Even went to the Coliseum to watch them play (I lived in Ventura County for 30+ years). The Davis fucked L.A.

Then Georgia fucked L.A....

The Oilers moved (my childhood team)...

I've been getting screwed by football teams for years...

Dude if you supported the Oakland Faders when they were in LA then you along with thousands of others there in california,should be ashamed of yourself. thats the trouble with the world,there are too many thiefs in it. those fans i st louis,indy,and arizona are thiefs.keeping something that was stolen from someone else knowingly.:mad:

All those fans in arizona that cheer on the cardinals or the ones in Indy that cheer on the colts and the ones in stank louis that cheer on the lambs,they are a disgrace to the NFL because they all have supported those thief owners who took them away from their loyal fans who should burn in hell for taking their team away from the fans that all supported them.:mad: those owners are all thiefs and should have been sent to jail for stealing.:mad:

the fans are jerks as well for supporting a thief owner like they do.:mad:

Now if you ONLY supported the Raiders when they were in Oakland,thats one thing.But thats not the way it sounds to me.

Davis didnt fuck LA.He fucked Oakland moving them away from that city and invading LA like he did.I wish I could go visit hell to watch him and Georgia suffer for their evil deeds that i guarantee,they are paying for now as is that fucking late owner of the colts .:mad:

Davis might not suffer eternally because HE at least did the right thing in the end.He at least moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong with all those other scumbag sewer dwelling rats in Oakland so his suffering wont last near as long as Georgia or the colts owner who both will burn in hell eternally for NEVER doing the right thing and moving them back.:mad:

Im not even a colts fan but I hate asshole owners who move their team away from their founding city like those 3 did and Bill Bidwell of the cardinals have done.:mad:

The only time in my lifetime that i WAS happy about an NFL team moving away from a city to another was when Davis did the right thing and moved them BACK to Oakland where they belong.:clap:

I guess I actually have Davis to thank in the end it turns out for being the A hole that he was moving the team away twice like he did because when the Rams move back to LA next year,the NFL has said they would like to have two NFL teams play there in the future.

But it WONT be the Raiders joining them because the owners dont want the raiders back there again because of mark davis whos father was a traiter.the apple doesnt fall very far from the tree.also all the business establishments and the politicinas dont want them in LA either because they dont want any of I belong here you dont bickering going on like what transpired when the raiders and Rams were both here so thank god for that that it at least wont be the Raiders in the future if there is another one.

the only one that would be possible would be my chargers which i would be okay with I guess.I would of course prefer them to do the right thing and stay in san diego for the fans sake and have an expansion team go there to LA if the owners just HAVE to have two teams in the NFL play there.:mad: thats stupid though because chicago doesnt have two teams in the NFL so why should LA have to have two of them?:cuckoo:

Chicago has two BASEBALL teams yeah,but not football so the Rams are the one and ONLY team that should be allowed to play in LA.thats where they belong and they were there first way way before that asshole Davis brought them there.:mad:

No, I supported them when they were in Oakland. Big fan of Plunkett, Alzado, and the lot. Old school Raiders. When they were in L.A. I simply took the opportunity to go see them play, much as I did the Rams...

oh good. glad to hear that.I hope you did the RIGHT thing with the raiders when they were in LA that I do with the Lambs team playing here in st louis,root for the other team to win that played them?

Like I just got done saying,the Rams moving away from LA was easily the most depressing moment in my life,it was like losing your only true friend you have in the world that you've had and loved for so many years in your life,your dog.

The SECOND worst moment in my life was having the Lambs WIN the superbowl.that was the final dagger in the heart for me.:mad: just like when they moved away,I was depressed for YEARS after that.both times.

the third most depressing moment in my life was when the Raiders lost the last superbowl. Living here in kansas city and all,I met an aquintance who introduced me to rich gannon when he was here playing for the chiefs.

I got to sit down and talk to Rich one time and get to know him so I so badly wanted his Raiders to win the superbowl.It took years for me to get over that one as well

why did he have to go and pick the superbowl to have his worst game in his career.why?:mad:.

especially since they were back where they belong and were once again,THE OAKLAND RAIDERS.I have always used that hope that the raiders moving back to LA-something I did not think would be possible,that The Rams would move back as well and that moment looks good for me now baby.:dance:

for one thing,I know for a FACT through talking to people out in california part of the bring back the rams to LA club,that there are people from st louis that have been up there inquiring about the cost of homes out there.If theres nothing to it,why are they up there asking about the prices of homes?:D

seems to me if there was nothing to it at all,the owner stan kronike would just come out and say that he just bought the land out there for some personal propery or something like thatthat the rams are staying but he isnt saying a word about it.:D

He wont make the announcement till after the season is over which is smart.

the vikings for a while were making a threat to move out there but nobody really belived back then that was ever really going to happen like they do with the Rams right now so thats good news also.The vibes are just so much different than they were back then with the vikings. you dint have people all over the newscasts out there talking about a possible vikings move like they are with the rams.

there are former LA RAMS players like eric dickerson and vince ferragamo and fred dreyor out there on newscasts doing interviews all the time saying it s a very stong possibility.that kind of talk never happend with the vikings thank god.
ANYWAYS,if anybody thinks there are better quarterbacks in the draft that should go ahead of johnny football.Lets here them and WHY?-unless you are people that predicted the donkeys to win like truthseeker and rightwinger. guys who obviously arent very bright about football.:D:lol::lol::lol:

give some actual REASONS why he shouldnt be number one. so far nobody has made any VALID ones.
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ANYWAYS,if anybody thinks there are better quarterbacks in the draft that should go ahead of johnny football.Lets here them and WHY?-unless you are people that predicted the donkeys to win like truthseeker and rightwinger. guys who obviously arent very bright about football.:D:lol::lol::lol:

give some actual REASONS why he shouldnt be number one. so far nobody has made any VALID ones.

Maybe because he got an NCAA rulebook when he became a Texas A & M football player and he immediataly went out and made a deal with an agent to sell his signed football gear.

He got lucky ..it could have gone very badly the other way.

He uses extremely bad judgement at times. His rich daddy and school administration won't be there to pull his ass out of the fire at the next level.

Johnnie thinks he is smarter than the rest of the players and authority.

I think A & M was happy to get rid of him.
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Manziel is Doug Flutie

Texans would be crazy to pass on Clowney


this coming from a fool who thought the donkeys actually had a prayer against Huggys Hawks.:D:lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

DESPITE the fact he had said way back in the middle of the season the year before when they lost to the falcons in the playoffs,that they would get to the superbowl by the next season,this past season.:cuckoo:

Even AFTER he said all that to you,and even AFTER they beat the team that was in the superbowl the previous season,the niners,you STILL doubted Huggy.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

man what drugs were you taking that whole time?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

even I wasnt stupid as you were.I picked them to lose against the niners in the NFC championsip game but I at LEAST was smart enough to say that entire week leading up to the game,the winner of the NFC championship game would win the supernbowl.I at least wasnt a fool not to realise that those were the two best teams in the NFL and that THAT was the real superbowl.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I at least learned my lesson.you NEVER learn.:cuckoo:

the fact two posters who were actually dense enough to pick the donkeys to win,I can pretty much take it to the bank now that he will be a great quarterback in the NFL now.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you both made sure of that with your predictions.two people dense enough to pick the donkeys. you two sealed the deal for Johnny right there:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

More reason to take Clowney over an overrated, undersized quarterback

Ask Huggy how valuable his defense is. Ask about the QB they got in the third round

Manziel is not worth an overall number one pick, Clowney is
Manziel is Doug Flutie

Texans would be crazy to pass on Clowney


this coming from a fool who thought the donkeys actually had a prayer against Huggys Hawks.:D:lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

DESPITE the fact he had said way back in the middle of the season the year before when they lost to the falcons in the playoffs,that they would get to the superbowl by the next season,this past season.:cuckoo:

Even AFTER he said all that to you,and even AFTER they beat the team that was in the superbowl the previous season,the niners,you STILL doubted Huggy.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

man what drugs were you taking that whole time?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

even I wasnt stupid as you were.I picked them to lose against the niners in the NFC championsip game but I at LEAST was smart enough to say that entire week leading up to the game,the winner of the NFC championship game would win the supernbowl.I at least wasnt a fool not to realise that those were the two best teams in the NFL and that THAT was the real superbowl.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I at least learned my lesson.you NEVER learn.:cuckoo:

the fact two posters who were actually dense enough to pick the donkeys to win,I can pretty much take it to the bank now that he will be a great quarterback in the NFL now.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you both made sure of that with your predictions.two people dense enough to pick the donkeys. you two sealed the deal for Johnny right there:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Ask Huggy about the QB they got in the third round

you mean the one that he recently made a thread about saying the same thing about him that he said for the entire year about him last year?:D
Manziel is Doug Flutie

Texans would be crazy to pass on Clowney


this coming from a fool who thought the donkeys actually had a prayer against Huggys Hawks.:D:lol::lol::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

DESPITE the fact he had said way back in the middle of the season the year before when they lost to the falcons in the playoffs,that they would get to the superbowl by the next season,this past season.:cuckoo:

Even AFTER he said all that to you,and even AFTER they beat the team that was in the superbowl the previous season,the niners,you STILL doubted Huggy.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

man what drugs were you taking that whole time?:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

even I wasnt stupid as you were.I picked them to lose against the niners in the NFC championsip game but I at LEAST was smart enough to say that entire week leading up to the game,the winner of the NFC championship game would win the supernbowl.I at least wasnt a fool not to realise that those were the two best teams in the NFL and that THAT was the real superbowl.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

I at least learned my lesson.you NEVER learn.:cuckoo:

the fact two posters who were actually dense enough to pick the donkeys to win,I can pretty much take it to the bank now that he will be a great quarterback in the NFL now.:lol::lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you both made sure of that with your predictions.two people dense enough to pick the donkeys. you two sealed the deal for Johnny right there:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

More reason to take Clowney over an overrated, undersized quarterback

Ask Huggy how valuable his defense is. Ask about the QB they got in the third round

Manziel is not worth an overall number one pick, Clowney is

coming from YOU,a fool stupid enough to pick the donkeys to win,its no surprising to see this post cause you just crippled your arguments.:lol::lol::lol:

With Huggys,I can understand why you would pass him up and take a chance on another quarterback before him,your post though to no surprise,just is all the more reason to take him though which again,is no surprise coming form someone who couldnt see the obvious,that the superbowl would be a blowout with the seahawks winning.:lol::lol::D

undersized quarterback?

yeah thats what they said about Wilson also and every team in the NFL is regretting right now juding him by that.:lol::lol::D:rofl::lmao::lmao:

how many other quarterbacks out there in the history of the sport have ever been able to make a shot from a nosebleed section of the upper level into the net swishing it not once,but TWICE in a row? not another one that Im aware of. yeah thats being overrated alright.:lol::lol::lol::D

Ask about the quarterback Huggy got in the 3rd round?

Uh thats because seattle wasnt even sure he would be as great a quarterback as he has blossomed into obviously.the fact they waited that long instead of snaching him in the first.
and its also extremely rare when a late round pick blossoms into an excellent quarterback.thats not the norm.Wison,Brady,and Montana are rare excceptions.Thats not a normal thing that happens all the time.:cuckoo:

AGAIN,Brady,Wilson,and Montana are such great gifted players that come around just once in a great blue moon that makes everybody on the roster much better players than they really are who get overlooked.thats very rare when that Happens.

Brady being the last GREAT querterback before Wilson who was extremely overlooked by everybody in the league.:cuckoo: Brady makes everybody on that team much better players than they really are and wills them to excel just as wilson does.how many years has that been between wilson and brady? something like 13 or 14. got to go with the QB,he will make the defense perform and excel. again you can build a team around a QB just like they did with manning when he was with the colts.

Manziel has his off field troubles as Huggy pointed out no doubt.But its not like he has been linked to drugs or anything.

You have to take the chance that he will grow up in the NFL when he gets into the real world as long as he has a good coach to guide him like Wilson did with Carrol for example.He is just way too much of a talented prospect you got to take the chance on.

another undersized doug flutie? seriously you REALLY need to get off that crack you been smoking everyday your whole life.:lol::lol::lol::D

to say he is undersized and comparable to flutie, thats just as asinine as your posts that oswald was the one assassin.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:

Flutie was like 5'7 or 5'8. Wilson is 5'11''. Manziel is 6'1'' and 210 pounds which the same weight wilson is.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

I can only say this so many times,you REALLY need to get off that crack you been smokiing everyday your entire life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D
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I'd take Clowney, QB's as first picks, they sometimes work, however more often than not, they fail, its a risky position, if you hit it big, like with Luck or take a big hit by drafting Marinovich, tough to say.

Manziel scored 32 on the Wonderlic, however Luck and Kapernick scored 37.

I like the defensive guy instead the offensive guy. Defense still wins championships.
I'd take Clowney, QB's as first picks, they sometimes work, however more often than not, they fail, its a risky position, if you hit it big, like with Luck or take a big hit by drafting Marinovich, tough to say.

Manziel scored 32 on the Wonderlic, however Luck and Kapernick scored 37.

I like the defensive guy instead the offensive guy. Defense still wins championships.

Fair enough.

I still go with Manziel though for the same reason i stated that you can build a team around a quarterback as they did with both Aikman and Manning of the colts and Cowboys.Defense wins championships no doubt,but if you have a quarterback who is disasterous,then having a great defense can only take you only so far into the playoffs.Just ask the kc chiefs from 1995 and 1997.:D:lol::lol:

Those two years they had the most dominating defense in the league.In 97 they set an NFL record at the time for most games played without giving up a touchdown,8 or 9 games.Having an excellent great defense carried them to the playoffs,but having a disasterous quarterback both seasons was their gloom and doom both times with steve bonehead in 95 and elvis garbage in 97.:D Elvis Garbage then joined the Ravens after the chiefs let him go a couple years later and got them to the playoffs, but then went one and done in the first round that year.:D

Then there is The Bears as well from the year the colts and them played in the superbowl.The Bears made it to the superbowl on the strength of their defense and special teams carrying tthem to the big game that year but once they got there,having a disasterous quarterback who is now a journeyman backup quarterback in the league,FINALLY caught up to them with his weak inaccurate throws leaving the bears defense on the field all day long which eventually got too tired to rush the passer anymore letting Manning pick them apart and win the superbowl of course.

The Bears didnt want to merely just get to the superbowl that year,they obviously wanted to win it all.I guarantee the fans would much have rather seen them not get to the superbowl that year instead of lose it all like they did.I know because i spoke to many Bears fans back then and they were very depressed about them lossing back then. Im not even a Bears fan myself but I was very unhappy about it back then seeing them lose hating the colts and manning and everything so I can just imiagine how sad THEY were back then.

you dont knew where your going to be able to get a a decent quarterback who wont hurt you like grossman of the bears,grbek and bonehead of the chiefs did.Its too risky to pass up.

again,the last time a late round quarterback in the NFL that everyone overlooked who turned out to be a quarterback who could get you to the big dance before wilson 2 years ago,was Brady.and how many years has that been,14,15? the risk is just too great to take and pass up.
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I would not risk an overall #1 on Manziel. If you want an undersized QB you can get one in the second round

A player like Clowney comes around every five years or so. If they want a stretch, take Khalil Mack...he will be a better player than Manziel
I would not risk an overall #1 on Manziel. If you want an undersized QB you can get one in the second round

A player like Clowney comes around every five years or so. If they want a stretch, take Khalil Mack...he will be a better player than Manziel

I agree, Luck was a once in a generation QB, Manziel, maybe good but he isn't a sure pick, Clowney is a anchor for a defense and a problem for any offense he goes up against.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I would not risk an overall #1 on Manziel. If you want an undersized QB you can get one in the second round

A player like Clowney comes around every five years or so. If they want a stretch, take Khalil Mack...he will be a better player than Manziel

I agree, Luck was a once in a generation QB, Manziel, maybe good but he isn't a sure pick, Clowney is a anchor for a defense and a problem for any offense he goes up against.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Ya... that was the book on Lucky Luck.. Once In A Generation.. :lol: He should probably go ahead on and write his autobiography and play himself in the movie of the same title.

Luck was the 27 th rated passer in 2012 and 17 th last season while that midget 3 rd rounder Wilson was 4 th and 7 th respectively...THAT with generally accepted as "pedestrian" receivers.

Call me a doubting Thomas but I'm starting to wonder which "generation" he is supposed to star in.. :lol:

Luck also plays in the same conference that gave up Mannings crazy good numbers last season and the runt had to beat any number of NFC teams that would probably have had their way with the Broncos had they made it to the Super Bowl.

I'm really just having more and more trouble seeing what the big deal is with Luck. If he has another so-so season it might just be time to nudge him off the pedestal everyone seems to have placed him on.
I would not risk an overall #1 on Manziel. If you want an undersized QB you can get one in the second round

A player like Clowney comes around every five years or so. If they want a stretch, take Khalil Mack...he will be a better player than Manziel

I agree, Luck was a once in a generation QB, Manziel, maybe good but he isn't a sure pick, Clowney is a anchor for a defense and a problem for any offense he goes up against.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Ya... that was the book on Lucky Luck.. Once In A Generation.. :lol: He should probably go ahead on and write his autobiography and play himself in the movie of the same title.

Luck was the 27 th rated passer in 2012 and 17 th last season while that midget 3 rd rounder Wilson was 4 th and 7 th respectively...THAT with generally accepted as "pedestrian" receivers.

Call me a doubting Thomas but I'm starting to wonder which "generation" he is supposed to star in.. :lol:

Luck also plays in the same conference that gave up Mannings crazy good numbers last season and the runt had to beat any number of NFC teams that would probably have had their way with the Broncos had they made it to the Super Bowl.

I'm really just having more and more trouble seeing what the big deal is with Luck. If he has another so-so season it might just be time to nudge him off the pedestal everyone seems to have placed him on.

The team he is on has little talent, one decent WR, the offensive line is not good, take Luck off the team and you win 5 maybe 6 games and they certainly would not have beaten the Hawks. Take Wilson off the team, the still win 10-12 games.

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I agree, Luck was a once in a generation QB, Manziel, maybe good but he isn't a sure pick, Clowney is a anchor for a defense and a problem for any offense he goes up against.

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Ya... that was the book on Lucky Luck.. Once In A Generation.. :lol: He should probably go ahead on and write his autobiography and play himself in the movie of the same title.

Luck was the 27 th rated passer in 2012 and 17 th last season while that midget 3 rd rounder Wilson was 4 th and 7 th respectively...THAT with generally accepted as "pedestrian" receivers.

Call me a doubting Thomas but I'm starting to wonder which "generation" he is supposed to star in.. :lol:

Luck also plays in the same conference that gave up Mannings crazy good numbers last season and the runt had to beat any number of NFC teams that would probably have had their way with the Broncos had they made it to the Super Bowl.

I'm really just having more and more trouble seeing what the big deal is with Luck. If he has another so-so season it might just be time to nudge him off the pedestal everyone seems to have placed him on.

The team he is on has little talent, one decent WR, the offensive line is not good, take Luck off the team and you win 5 maybe 6 games and they certainly would not have beaten the Hawks. Take Wilson off the team, the still win 10-12 games.

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I've heard that a lot also. Nonsense. A lot of teams that have great defenses went nowhere. 10-12 is a bigger spread than a quick glance suggests. 10-6 is a whole lot more comon than 12-4.
Ya... that was the book on Lucky Luck.. Once In A Generation.. :lol: He should probably go ahead on and write his autobiography and play himself in the movie of the same title.

Luck was the 27 th rated passer in 2012 and 17 th last season while that midget 3 rd rounder Wilson was 4 th and 7 th respectively...THAT with generally accepted as "pedestrian" receivers.

Call me a doubting Thomas but I'm starting to wonder which "generation" he is supposed to star in.. :lol:

Luck also plays in the same conference that gave up Mannings crazy good numbers last season and the runt had to beat any number of NFC teams that would probably have had their way with the Broncos had they made it to the Super Bowl.

I'm really just having more and more trouble seeing what the big deal is with Luck. If he has another so-so season it might just be time to nudge him off the pedestal everyone seems to have placed him on.

The team he is on has little talent, one decent WR, the offensive line is not good, take Luck off the team and you win 5 maybe 6 games and they certainly would not have beaten the Hawks. Take Wilson off the team, the still win 10-12 games.

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I've heard that a lot also. Nonsense. A lot of teams that have great defenses went nowhere. 10-12 is a bigger spread than a quick glance suggests. 10-6 is a whole lot more comon than 12-4.

Great, I happy for you.

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I would not risk an overall #1 on Manziel. If you want an undersized QB you can get one in the second round

A player like Clowney comes around every five years or so. If they want a stretch, take Khalil Mack...he will be a better player than Manziel

I agree, Luck was a once in a generation QB, Manziel, maybe good but he isn't a sure pick, Clowney is a anchor for a defense and a problem for any offense he goes up against.

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Yep...just think. JJ Watt and Clowney? QBs all over the NFL would be pissing themselves.

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