Texas Abortion bill

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You continue to willfully ignore the fact that if a bad law makes murder "legal"...it's still murder.

But that's neither here nor there. Why do you object to reasonable oversight of abortion clinics that would result in them being safer for women?

There are no ‘laws’ that make murder anything, ‘bad’ or otherwise.

Murder concerns criminal law and procedural due process.

Abortion concerns privacy rights and substantive due process.

They’re two separate and distinct legal doctrines, one having nothing to do with the other. Fundamental rights, such as the right to privacy, address personal liberty, as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment, where the state may not interfere with personal matters, such as whether to have a child or not.
I guess we're at a standstill, you have your facts from a christian anti-abortion website, I've posted mine from guttmacher and a encyclopedia style website.

You put our faith in yours, and I stand behind mine:)

Actually, mine include a statement from the CDC that acknowledges woeful underreporting and incomplete maternal death statistics.

But you aren't motivated to help women who are desperate and in danger. That's your deal. You think it's good and right that women be processed in slaughterhouses. The important thing is to keep those slaughterhouses running...no matter how filthy and dangerous they are, and no matter how inept and unqualified the butchers are.

Those butchers have a right to make money, too. And women should be happy to die so that they can.


The last refuge of a failed argument.
No one is. The state is telling Americans what they can't do to other people.

zygotes and embryos aren't persons.

Yes they are, my friend.

There is a reason I've become much more pro life since my wife first became pregnant. When I first saw the ultrasound of our child and the little heart beat I became very much aware of how real the baby was. I realized who I was as a father and my responsibility to take care of my spouse and that child. When we lost, our child soon after I again became even more aware of how real and precious our child was. Ive had pets that I lost. Nothing compared to the grief of losing a child.

When my wife became pregnant again with our daughter, I again recognized the awesome responsibility and precious gift that we were blessed with. We were able to see some of her personality during the pregnancy. She still has some of those personality traits today.

We weren't planning to have children when we found out we were going to have them. I would call them unexpected, though definitely not unwanted. When I first found out I was going to be a father I was completely shocked and felt overwhelmed with the real feelings that I was not prepared to be. But I also made the immediate decision to step up.

My children were both real people, even from the beginning. I love them both, even though I never got to see the face of one. It's the biggest insult to any parent to ever claim that their children are not people. Because regardless of what you think, my child was a person. And even if I hadn't been willing to step up to become a parent, I would have had absolutely no right to take my childs life. Nor would my wife have had the right to (and thankfully she never would have considered it).

So you can pretend unborn children aren't children. You can pretend they aren't people. Maybe it will ease your conscience. But the truth is the truth. I've seen it for myself. I would seriously ask yourself to reconsider what you are saying and feeling about this.
I made my argument, and I backed it up with the CDC's own lament about the underreporting of abortion deaths.

I always make my argument.

So unless one goes to medical school they have no interest in preserving the lives of their children or any other child?
Funny. the bill they killed had the potential to make sure abortionists were medically qualified and capable.

I guess she really isn't concerned about that.
No, it's not at all.
But don't let that stop you from making your big pile of fail...
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13 Consecutive hours of standing.

People do that every day in their jobs. It's rough, but it gets done.

I remember my job at Zales that required I stand for 13 hours. Granted, I was given two breaks and lunch, but sitting after standing so long was worse than if I just continued to stand.
Texas is a unique place, and I loved having two of my homes there for many years. However, the parochial, insular, old-timey religious folks, which make Perry's based, run the culture through the laws there. They will pass new legislation next week in the special session. Then the courts will kill it.
Abortion is murder. If not done for the sake of health, it is done just because she can. What about that isn't appalling to you?

Funny, but women don't get arrested for having abortions. Abortion is legal and therefore it can't be murder. When will you accept that?

This is true, and it never will be. Thing is, its pushed as a form of birth control, and as the best possible option aside from not having sex at all. The process is hard to see and if it was explained to most women who wanted one, I doubt highly that it would be done so much. This is why you or your boy friend joe won't ever post a video of the process while one is being carried out. It also shocks me that you and joe want all those African American babies dead. You guys come off as racist. Almost Hitler like.
Funny. the bill they killed had the potential to make sure abortionists were medically qualified and capable.

I guess she really isn't concerned about that.

It had nothing to do with that.

It is a backdoor ban on abortion creating a buerocracy that clinics can't meet

You have to have admitting privledges at a local hospital....then you pressure hospitals not to provide admitting privledges
Your clinic must meet hospital like standards. Block women from using their insurance to pay for an abortion which forces women to pay cash. Then demand that clinics upgrade facilities knowing that they can't pass the costs onto the women
Funny. the bill they killed had the potential to make sure abortionists were medically qualified and capable.

I guess she really isn't concerned about that.

It had nothing to do with that.

It is a backdoor ban on abortion creating a buerocracy that clinics can't meet

You have to have admitting privledges at a local hospital....then you pressure hospitals not to provide admitting privledges
Your clinic must meet hospital like standards. Block women from using their insurance to pay for an abortion which forces women to pay cash. Then demand that clinics upgrade facilities knowing that they can't pass the costs onto the women

First, taxpayers already pay for abortions. No woman will ever be denied an abortion for lack of money. Spend ten minutes at any states planned parenthood web site and you will see that. Clinics SHOULD meet hospital like standards and be inspected regularly and shut down when found lacking. This is how we prevent Gosnell like things from happening. Its common sense.
Texas GOP set to try again

After a one-woman filibuster and a raucous crowd helped derail a GOP-led effort to restrict Texas abortions, Gov. Rick Perry announced Wednesday that he's calling lawmakers back next week to try again.

Perry ordered the Legislature to meet July 1 to begin 30 more days of work. Like the first special session, which ended in chaos overnight, the second one will include on its agenda a Republican-backed plan that critics say would close nearly every abortion clinic across the state and impose other widespread limits on the procedure.

"I am calling the Legislature back into session because too much important work remains undone for the people of Texas," Perry said in a statement. "Texans value life and want to protect women and the unborn."

The first session's debate over abortion restrictions led to the most chaotic day in the Texas Legislature in modern history, starting with a marathon filibuster and ending with a down-to-the wire, frenetic vote marked by questions about whether Republicans tried to break chamber rules and jam the measure through.

A second filibuster is harder to pull off though, since supporters of the bill will ensure it clear preliminary hurdles and reaches floor votes in the House and Senate well before the second session expires.

After abortion setback, Texas GOP set to try again | www.wsbtv.com
The real reason for the bill is to make the process too costly and too inconvenient for most providers and clients in Texas to meet.

The court will kill the legislation on those concerns alone.
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