Texas Abortion law stands


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In yet more late-night happenings, most of the conservative contingent of the Supreme Court let the Texas abortion ban stand just before midnight Wednesday.

The law went into effect early Wednesday morning, which has now left the second largest state in the country with virtually no access to legal abortions. The law bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before many people even know that they’re pregnant.
The Texas law was crafted purposefully to make lawsuits difficult, as the law will be carried out by individual vigilantes and not state officials — therefore leaving no clear person to sue, at least before an individual has brought a suit against anyone “aiding or abetting” a post-six week abortion. The conservatives clung to that as rationale for denying the injunction.

Chief Justice John Roberts and the three liberal justices all wrote individual dissents.

“The court’s order is stunning,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote scathingly. “Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand.”

First of all, I do not believe abortion is a constitutional right. Roe v Wade is widely seen as a decision by a liberal SCOTUS that stretches the right to privacy quite a bit. One day maybe this court will face that issue head on, is abortion a constitutional right or isn't it? The other thing is, should this be a federal decision or should it be up to the states to determine their own rules. I think I need to study the thinking about federalism a little more, IMHO the federal gov't shouldn't be making laws that the state and local gov'ts can and should decide for themselves.

To start with there will be some unwanted children and maybe even some backstreet abortions which will be horrible, but in time the penny will drop and people will have no choice but to start being more responsible instead.

Abortion should never be used as a retrospective form of contraception.
the only time it should be allowed is if a woman is raped.
Abortion should have never been legal. It is straight up murder of the unborn. The Supreme Court just corrected itself after all these years. Finally this national genocide will stop.!!

To start with there will be some unwanted children and maybe even some backstreet abortions which will be horrible, but in time the penny will drop and people will have no choice but to start being more responsible instead.

Abortion should never be used as a retrospective form of contraception.
May be some truth to it. We have too many poor people having too many kids. Too many being more than 2. Notice middle class people don't have more than 1 for the same reason. Can't afford more.

But if you are poor, your kids get free Obamacare, and foodstamps, and free k-12 public school, etc. Sorry to say it, but a poor woman with 3-4 kids is costing us a lot of money. If you take away the help we give poor people, they'll stop being stupid?

Many women now take the morning after pill.

This is all up to women. Let's see if in the midterms they care enough to show up and vote Republicans out of office for this. And I mean in all states because this is a test case for places like Michigan. Next time they have a republican governor, this will happen here too. Up to women if they don't mind, what do I care? I'm a dude. Not planning to have any kids myself. But if I did, great.
So the GOP is after shredding the U.S. Constitution and dumping the legal doctrine of standing in favor of chaos. I guess we are going to lose our democracy. Now that Texas has gone full-tilt nazi, it should vote to replace the star on its flag with a swastika. The Texas law should not be limited to abortion, but give everyone the right to sue anyone who makes a choice that they don't personally approve of.

Apparently, all of that republican stuff about being against "big government" and being for individual freedom and local control was a big hoax. This abortion law is not the only area is which the republicans are governing from the top down. abbott is just another hitler. For his next trick, he should order all Texans to get vaccinated.
When the penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape, that's when you know it's a war on women.
Abortions end life. Rape breaks a heart for life, but the victim can find comfort from family members, because in this state, families will do all they can to help their loved ones get love and support. We still have more loving people in Texas than anywhere else on earth.

In yet more late-night happenings, most of the conservative contingent of the Supreme Court let the Texas abortion ban stand just before midnight Wednesday.

The law went into effect early Wednesday morning, which has now left the second largest state in the country with virtually no access to legal abortions. The law bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, before many people even know that they’re pregnant.
The Texas law was crafted purposefully to make lawsuits difficult, as the law will be carried out by individual vigilantes and not state officials — therefore leaving no clear person to sue, at least before an individual has brought a suit against anyone “aiding or abetting” a post-six week abortion. The conservatives clung to that as rationale for denying the injunction.

Chief Justice John Roberts and the three liberal justices all wrote individual dissents.

“The court’s order is stunning,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote scathingly. “Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand.”

First of all, I do not believe abortion is a constitutional right. Roe v Wade is widely seen as a decision by a liberal SCOTUS that stretches the right to privacy quite a bit. One day maybe this court will face that issue head on, is abortion a constitutional right or isn't it? The other thing is, should this be a federal decision or should it be up to the states to determine their own rules. I think I need to study the thinking about federalism a little more, IMHO the federal gov't shouldn't be making laws that the state and local gov'ts can and should decide for themselves.

Greetings, is it a great day for Texas teen girls and women who become pregnant, yet have no desire to be maternal child caregivers?

If a teen girl or woman is forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term, how well does that work out for children?

Why aren't citizens, particularly men, demanding medical science develop a reliable male oral contraceptive.

In my opinion, when men have the ultimate decision for creating life, we will experience a much happier, more peaceful planet populated by fewer emotionally troubled, drama craving citizens.



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