Texas Attorney General who defied same sex ruling faces life in prison

I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.
We won't secede. No need to. What will happen is when Hillary finishes her 2d term, the US debt will be at $47.5 trillion. Texas will buy up the US debt and rent out the other states to Latinos and Chinamen.

How will you escape from the underground Fema camps?
Texans are allowed to have guns for protection as defined in the 2nd Amendment. How is the government going to get them in those FEMA camps in the first place?
Using the state police, Texas Rangers, the USAR, and the NG, all who hate the far social con right.

what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either. then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.
Because the state police, ranger, USAR, and NG hates what you crazies are trying to do to the country. Say whatever you want, sure: that all of our right. Act on it: the roof will fall in on you guys.
bedwetting Pete fails to understand the center and right normal police, rangers, army, and guard hate the far right social con crazies with a passion.
I d
We won't secede. No need to. What will happen is when Hillary finishes her 2d term, the US debt will be at $47.5 trillion. Texas will buy up the US debt and rent out the other states to Latinos and Chinamen.

How will you escape from the underground Fema camps?
Texans are allowed to have guns for protection as defined in the 2nd Amendment. How is the government going to get them in those FEMA camps in the first place?
Using the state police, Texas Rangers, the USAR, and the NG, all who hate the far social con right.

what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either. then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.
Because the state police, ranger, USAR, and NG hates what you crazies are trying to do to the country. Say whatever you want, sure: that all of our right. Act on it: the roof will fall in on you guys.

Again I must disagree. I would think that those dedicating their lives to the country would be more inclined to fight for the country instead of changing it into some Anti American socialist south american shit hole.
Are we seeing a trend yet? They knew about this AG's dealings before. Just like they know a lot about a lot of other power brokers across the country. The "Trigger" event for defaming him and a witch hunt on his career...and a promise of "Prison for life!!!" comes directly on the heels of his announcement he would resist gay marriage.

The Nazi's used to instill fear this way. It's a very powerful psychological tool> The silencing of all enemies by the example of the treatment of one or a few. The mafia works in the same way. If Joey's operation in the neighboring area is cutting into your racket, you execute one of Joey's cousins and dump the body on your competitor's porch. Lo and behold the next ten years, not one person is brave enough to take you on.

And so on. Anyone doubting this is a cult yet?
Are we seeing a trend yet? They knew about this AG's dealings before. Just like they know a lot about a lot of other power brokers across the country. The "Trigger" event for defaming him and a witch hunt on his career...and a promise of "Prison for life!!!" comes directly on the heels of his announcement he would resist gay marriage.

The Nazi's used to instill fear this way. It's a very powerful psychological tool> The silencing of all enemies by the example of the treatment of one or a few. The mafia works in the same way. If Joey's operation in the neighboring area is cutting into your racket, you execute one of Joey's cousins and dump the body on your competitor's porch. Lo and behold the next ten years, not one person is brave enough to take you on.

And so on. Anyone doubting this is a cult yet?
How terrible that having to answer for crimes committed is reduced to Nazi scare tactics. Let's root out the lawbreakers especially if they are in government and leave the rhetoric at the courthouse door. Let the law prevail and it will do the right thing.
We won't secede. No need to. What will happen is when Hillary finishes her 2d term, the US debt will be at $47.5 trillion. Texas will buy up the US debt and rent out the other states to Latinos and Chinamen.

How will you escape from the underground Fema camps?
Texans are allowed to have guns for protection as defined in the 2nd Amendment. How is the government going to get them in those FEMA camps in the first place?
Using the state police, Texas Rangers, the USAR, and the NG, all who hate the far social con right.

what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either. then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.
Because the state police, ranger, USAR, and NG hates what you crazies are trying to do to the country. Say whatever you want, sure: that all of our right. Act on it: the roof will fall in on you guys.
Think 'Maryland Patriot' is still butthurt that MD voted with a sound majority for same-sex marriage, and that no one in the state (outside of the GOP) is really phased about two men or two women getting married.

what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
The only moron here is the one who thinks even a well developed militia is going to win a war against the United States of America.
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
pay out the ass for petroleum products? hell no, how about learn to live without them.
People just dont understand the power that Texas holds. Like the old saying. What is it that keeps Texas from floating out into the Gulf? the rest of the country sucks.
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
The only moron here is the one who thinks even a well developed militia is going to win a war against the United States of America.

The idiot here is the one who thinks the military would ever side with the likes of obammy.
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
The only moron here is the one who thinks even a well developed militia is going to win a war against the United States of America.
There is a moron here, but thats the one that thinks the welfare sucking liberals are going to be able to win a war against the military and real citizens. Because the militaries first responsibility is to uphold the constitution and to fight all enemies from outside and from within, that right now would include the current administration I would think.
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.

And what exactly do any of those countries have to do with American citizens and the militaries disdain for liberals?
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
what is it that makes you so sure that the state police and texas rangers would be on board with the government, and if the military operates under the rules they are supposed to, they will not go along with the government either.
then we have those people that would be willing to travel to Texas to fight with them because should Texas fail, the rest of the country would soon follow.

The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
The bed wetters fail to understand that the majority of police and military are right of center and really don't care for the moonbat messiah as it is.

Then take into consideration just the number of people who hunt in TX with long range rifles.

The armies of all the world couldn't take on Texas without thermonuclear weapons.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.

It's becoming obvious to me that you think I wrote that part about dictatorships but I didn't. You're really starting to look clueless. Then again, it's probably the worms in your head trying to get out.

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