Texas Attorney General who defied same sex ruling faces life in prison

The idiot is the person who thinks the military would side with the losers of the far right.
If your state and others seceded........including your own family members of which may disagree with you................would you fire on them and kill them on orders if you were in the military......................The order given and you have to kill your own family, friends, and neighbors..................Would you do it.
No state is going to secede. No such orders will be given. You are living in a strange world of butt hurt derangement. Go to church, pray for personal healing.
I never said they would secede now did I.............I'm responding to the idiots who say they will kill their own people if ordered to do so.................anyone who would say so if full of shit..............Mr. Fakey.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.
Just as your quote of foreign dictators to prove a point makes no sense..................
You brought up foreign entities, not I..............I only responded in kind..................

But to this thread,.........lol...............to say that a Texan in that military unit would fire on his own family is utter nonsense.......

If someone told to fire on and kill my own family or neighbors I tell them to go fuck themselves..................which was my point.
Makes perfect sense, if someone with a broad stroke claims that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime', even though it has in many other countries. Can't apply to the US government as it is not an 'oppressive regime' by following the US constitution and restoring order.

Civilians are never the target, and the US is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions: http://www.cfr.org/human-rights/geneva-conventions/p8778

So no US soldier in Texas would be required to kill families*, only people engaged in injuring or killing US soldiers.

*The implication of which is an appeal to emotion aka a logical fallacy.
So if given the order to kill people trying to secede from the Union who are not armed or are armed but only in protest........would you fire.............

and secondly if they were firing and they were your own family would you kill your own.
If their protests are violent, and they loot and/or kill or injure US soldiers, then US soldiers would use their own judgment - legally they would be allowed to fire if the protesters are looting and/or killing/injuring US soldiers. No one would be required to kill or injure peaceful protesters that want secession.

If you don't want to be involved in the US military, you can resign so you don't have to fire, likewise the US military would never shoot civilians (unless those civilians looted and/or killed/injured US soldiers thus invalidating their protection under some parts of US federal laws, the Constitution, and the Geneva conventions). If I was in that situation I would resign rather than fire.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............
You would never be given an order to fire on civilians, who aren't killing/injuring US soldiers or looting. In fact right now the goal against ISIS is zero civilian casualties: US aim for zero civilian casualties draws criticism TheHill
“There’s a target of zero civilian casualties, so if there are civilian casualty concerns, we would continue to monitor a target or a potential target to see if there is a way to mitigate that,” said an Air Force official.
In practice, the strategy means that sudden developments on the ground can often force pilots to call off airstrikes. If a car suddenly drives up to an enemy checkpoint, for example, a strike would be delayed until it could be determined that no civilians were present.
So I doubt very much US soldiers would be barred from resigning, let alone be punished for it.
You don't have a clue do you? Shutdown the delivery of power and water, block cell and radio traffic, and stop all deliveries by train and highway and you will surrender in days. For the nutters who stockpile, an A-10 will clean your house very effectively. You lost when the NRA capitulated to equal ownership of weapons to maintain militias.

What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You don't have any concept of reality, let alone any knowledge of the US constitution.

IF a state secedes, that is not a legal act - without approval from Congress (House and Senate) and the President.

Under your silly scenario, Texas secedes illegally.

The US military can do what it needs to do to bring the insurrectionists/rebels back into the union - which was made a precedent by the civil war.

IF Texas seceded illegally, all Federal military bases in Texas would be ordered to restore order, within the confines of the US constitution.

You can dream your little fantasy, but in the real world with Texas vs the rest of the USA, Texas loses.

Under my scenario? You must be on crack
Just as your quote of foreign dictators to prove a point makes no sense..................
You brought up foreign entities, not I..............I only responded in kind..................

But to this thread,.........lol...............to say that a Texan in that military unit would fire on his own family is utter nonsense.......

If someone told to fire on and kill my own family or neighbors I tell them to go fuck themselves..................which was my point.
Makes perfect sense, if someone with a broad stroke claims that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime', even though it has in many other countries. Can't apply to the US government as it is not an 'oppressive regime' by following the US constitution and restoring order.

Civilians are never the target, and the US is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions: http://www.cfr.org/human-rights/geneva-conventions/p8778

So no US soldier in Texas would be required to kill families*, only people engaged in injuring or killing US soldiers.

*The implication of which is an appeal to emotion aka a logical fallacy.
So if given the order to kill people trying to secede from the Union who are not armed or are armed but only in protest........would you fire.............

and secondly if they were firing and they were your own family would you kill your own.
If their protests are violent, and they loot and/or kill or injure US soldiers, then US soldiers would use their own judgment - legally they would be allowed to fire if the protesters are looting and/or killing/injuring US soldiers. No one would be required to kill or injure peaceful protesters that want secession.

If you don't want to be involved in the US military, you can resign so you don't have to fire, likewise the US military would never shoot civilians (unless those civilians looted and/or killed/injured US soldiers thus invalidating their protection under some parts of US federal laws, the Constitution, and the Geneva conventions). If I was in that situation I would resign rather than fire.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

I can't believe I am in a conversation with a true idiot. Read up chump snopes.com Obama Purging Military for Not Shooting Citizens
Your purpose in this op was to stir shit up and nothing else...............and when it gets stirred and someone returns fire you whine like a little bitch........

Sum it up for you.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.

Oh the irony of a far left religious drone asking for someone to back things up with "facts"..

Now that really is comedy!
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.

So is that what happens when you don't follow your far left programmed narrative?
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.
I followed orders..................so what...............your purpose is that I served in the stockade............
get a grip.................

My point stands...........if ordered to fire on their own citizens and family they'd refuse...........
2nd...............your still a whiny bitch who started a thread to create chaos and can't handle it when it's back at you.

Cry me a river.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.

So is that what happens when you don't follow your far left programmed narrative?
I bet the other ten year olds watching your computer think that is hilarious.
You can't just resign from the military........You were given an order to fire.............failure to do so would be considered punishable by the UCMJ............and if you just left.........you would be considered a deserter............

2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.
I followed orders..................so what...............your purpose is that I served in the stockade............
get a grip.................

My point stands...........if ordered to fire on their own citizens and family they'd refuse...........
2nd...............your still a whiny bitch who started a thread to create chaos and can't handle it when it's back at you.

Cry me a river.

Maybe some day you’ll grow up and be able to think about it seriously.

I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.
2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.
I followed orders..................so what...............your purpose is that I served in the stockade............
get a grip.................

My point stands...........if ordered to fire on their own citizens and family they'd refuse...........
2nd...............your still a whiny bitch who started a thread to create chaos and can't handle it when it's back at you.

Cry me a river.

Maybe some day you’ll grow up and be able to think about it seriously.
Your OP.............lol..............
Jeff Foxworthy has a sign for you.
I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.

Wrong. Lying won't get you anywhere, this thread is easily searchable.
I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.

Wrong. Lying won't get you anywhere, this thread is easily searchable.

You being an easily found out liberal bigot is very easy, you are right about that.

Karma hit the Texas Attorney General today square between the eyes. Gay activists are already planning prison sex parties with Ken Paxton as soon as his new quarters can be arranged.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.
I followed orders..................so what...............your purpose is that I served in the stockade............
get a grip.................

My point stands...........if ordered to fire on their own citizens and family they'd refuse...........
2nd...............your still a whiny bitch who started a thread to create chaos and can't handle it when it's back at you.

Cry me a river.

Maybe some day you’ll grow up and be able to think about it seriously.
Your OP.............lol..............
Jeff Foxworthy has a sign for you.
No, heb has a sign for you
2/3 of the military would desert before killing their own countrymen.

There are some sniveling servile libtards in the military, but most of them are shitbags and won't be an issue.

Why don't you back that up with facts? You can't and you know it.
I served and would say you are full of it..............To say they'd kill there own is bs.
I served too and I followed orders. People who didn't got put in the stockade.

So is that what happens when you don't follow your far left programmed narrative?
I bet the other ten year olds watching your computer think that is hilarious.

Yet another irony impaired comment form a far left drone with the mentality of a two year old..
I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.

Wrong. Lying won't get you anywhere, this thread is easily searchable.

You being an easily found out liberal bigot is very easy, you are right about that.

Karma hit the Texas Attorney General today square between the eyes. Gay activists are already planning prison sex parties with Ken Paxton as soon as his new quarters can be arranged.

I'm sure you've never heard of karma. Go read a book.
I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.

Wrong. Lying won't get you anywhere, this thread is easily searchable.

Yes you are a far left drone that supports racism and bigotry..

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