Texas Attorney General who defied same sex ruling faces life in prison

The far right butt hurt is monumental. Excellent.

I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.

I hope they put gays in charge of all Fema camps under Walmarts in Texas

Wow you folks don't think much of gays. One post accuses them of prison rape and your post accusing them of what???? This type of behavior is so typical of liberals.

Gays like minorities are just pawns in their little shell game. They don't give a rats ass about anyone but themselves. They rant about the children then support sucking them from the womb and flushing them down sinks.
I have no doubt whatsoever that if a gay gene were ever discovered that people like you would toss abortion so quick and become abortion supporters in a flat heartbeat.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.

It's becoming obvious to me that you think I wrote that part about dictatorships but I didn't. You're really starting to look clueless. Then again, it's probably the worms in your head trying to get out.

Talk about clueless...
You think you can cut off the water and power to Texas.
What is wrong with you people? are you truly that clueless? We cut off water and power to the whole country of Iraq. Texas is small potatoes.
Sometimes Republicans can be like alligators, all mouth and no ears.
What part of "the military wont back an oppressive regime" dont you understand?
And how do you plan on cutting off the power when Texas has it's own grid?
Which by the way supplies California with a lot of it's power.
Oh ...and get ready to pay out the ass for gasoline and other petroleum products.
And did I mention Texas has the largest port in the US as far a foreign goods?
And by the way...Texas has the13 largest economy in the world.
And how exactly do you plan on shutting off the water?

You're a complete moron....
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.

And what exactly do any of those countries have to do with American citizens and the militaries disdain for liberals?
You said 'the US military won't back an oppressive regime', which is false.
Firing on a foreign enemy versus firing at your own citizens is a completely different subject. Your Sarcasm to our Country supporting dictators doesn't apply to the issue of what U.S. forces would do if ordered to kill their own citizens in this country.

It would tear the military apart, and some would desert and join those who they are ordered to kill before killing people from their own state................As in the Civil War.........it would tear this nation asunder..............
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
you really dont have any idea do you?
at first I thought you were just playing around to stir up conversation, but now I see that you are in fact as big if not bigger an uneducated idiot than I though you were pretending to be.

Clue numbnuts,
can you point out to me which of the dictatorships you pointed out, are protected by our constitution, or have a constitution of their own that our military is required to comply with.

Holy crap, people like you vote too?
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.

It's becoming obvious to me that you think I wrote that part about dictatorships but I didn't. You're really starting to look clueless. Then again, it's probably the worms in your head trying to get out.

Talk about clueless...
You think you can cut off the water and power to Texas.
What is wrong with you people? are you truly that clueless? We cut off water and power to the whole country of Iraq. Texas is small potatoes.

How exactly are you going to do that unless you enter the state of Texas?
The military has never given the slightest indication that secession is even on the radar.
You really need some classes on reading comprehension before you go any further. I didn't post anything about dictatorships. Regardless, you don't understand the military at all if you think they are going to support a Texas militia at all.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.

It's becoming obvious to me that you think I wrote that part about dictatorships but I didn't. You're really starting to look clueless. Then again, it's probably the worms in your head trying to get out.

Talk about clueless...
You think you can cut off the water and power to Texas.
What is wrong with you people? are you truly that clueless? We cut off water and power to the whole country of Iraq. Texas is small potatoes.
Sometimes Republicans can be like alligators, all mouth and no ears.

Talking to yourself?
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...
And you think this is going to weaken Texas' resolve to fight back?

Clearly, you don't know Texas... Their attack on this guy and on Gov. Perry is like playing with rattlesnakes. You think there's just two and then the ground gives way underneath & you fall into a den of them just waking up from a long Winter's nap, full of venom and pissed off.
So, you missed the part where this is a state investigation by the Texas Rangers? I suppose they are a liberal group controlled by the Whitehouse.

Karma hit the Texas Attorney General today square between the eyes. Gay activists are already planning prison sex parties with Ken Paxton as soon as his new quarters can be arranged.

The criminal investigation against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken a more serious turn, with special prosecutors now planning to present a first-degree felony securities fraud case against him to a Collin County grand jury, News 8 has learned.

Special prosecutor Kent Schaffer told News 8 Wednesday afternoon that the Texas Rangers uncovered new evidence during the investigation that led to the securities fraud allegations against the sitting attorney general.

"The Rangers went out to investigate one thing, and they came back with information on something else," Schaffer told News 8. "It's turned into something different than when they started."

Schaffer, a Houston criminal defense attorney, said the securities fraud allegations involve amounts well in excess of $100,000. He declined to comment specifics of the fraud allegations.

A first-degree felony conviction is punishable by up to life in prison.

You are sick and so are those activists.

I guess only Obama can ignore federal law without getting punished for it.
It is state law he may have broken. Hence the investigation by the Texas Rangers.
Are we seeing a trend yet? They knew about this AG's dealings before. Just like they know a lot about a lot of other power brokers across the country. The "Trigger" event for defaming him and a witch hunt on his career...and a promise of "Prison for life!!!" comes directly on the heels of his announcement he would resist gay marriage.

The Nazi's used to instill fear this way. It's a very powerful psychological tool> The silencing of all enemies by the example of the treatment of one or a few. The mafia works in the same way. If Joey's operation in the neighboring area is cutting into your racket, you execute one of Joey's cousins and dump the body on your competitor's porch. Lo and behold the next ten years, not one person is brave enough to take you on.

And so on. Anyone doubting this is a cult yet?
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
You are the moron, if you believe the total tripe that the US military 'won't back an oppressive regime'.

Time for a list of all the oppressive regimes that the US military has supported or still supports today:
Saudi Arabian theocracy
Shah's Iran
South Vietnamese dictatorship
South Korean dictatorship
Taiwan dictatorship
Tito's Yugoslavia
Spanish dictatorship
Chile dictatorship
Argentina dictatorship
Greek dictatorship
And so on...

Yeah, great record there.

And what exactly do any of those countries have to do with American citizens and the militaries disdain for liberals?
You said 'the US military won't back an oppressive regime', which is false.
Firing on a foreign enemy versus firing at your own citizens is a completely different subject. Your Sarcasm to our Country supporting dictators doesn't apply to the issue of what U.S. forces would do if ordered to kill their own citizens in this country.

It would tear the military apart, and some would desert and join those who they are ordered to kill before killing people from their own state................As in the Civil War.........it would tear this nation asunder..............
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
That is only not true it is dishonest. The military loves America twisting their service to suit you is dishonest.
Typical idiot. You write it, you point out all the oppressive governments that the military defends or as you put it, supports, then when caught being an idiot, you try to claim you did not type what is clearly typed above.

again I ask, are you really allowed to vote? seriously?
Maybe you should do a bit of reading up and studying to see who the military has the obligation to support when it comes to Americans fighting what has become an oppressive socialist government,.

It's becoming obvious to me that you think I wrote that part about dictatorships but I didn't. You're really starting to look clueless. Then again, it's probably the worms in your head trying to get out.

Talk about clueless...
You think you can cut off the water and power to Texas.
What is wrong with you people? are you truly that clueless? We cut off water and power to the whole country of Iraq. Texas is small potatoes.
Sometimes Republicans can be like alligators, all mouth and no ears.

Talking to yourself?
Ironically yes. When you have a coherent argument post it, it would be an amazing anomaly for science to study.
And what exactly do any of those countries have to do with American citizens and the militaries disdain for liberals?
You said 'the US military won't back an oppressive regime', which is false.
Firing on a foreign enemy versus firing at your own citizens is a completely different subject. Your Sarcasm to our Country supporting dictators doesn't apply to the issue of what U.S. forces would do if ordered to kill their own citizens in this country.

It would tear the military apart, and some would desert and join those who they are ordered to kill before killing people from their own state................As in the Civil War.........it would tear this nation asunder..............
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
That is only not true it is dishonest. The military loves America twisting their service to suit you is dishonest.

It is what it is,the military doesnt like liberals.
And the proof is all over the internet. You trashed Chris Kyle you trashed Pat Tillman. They have every reason to hate the left and they do,dont take my word for it use the Google.
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
Yes, and I also realize that there are LGBT activists lodged in many strange places. I also realize that this announcment about "life in prison" came IMMEDIATELY after the AG gave the green light to Christian clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays in faith-protest of their 1st Amendment rights..
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
Yes, and I also realize that there are LGBT activists lodged in many strange places. I also realize that this announcment about "life in prison" came IMMEDIATELY after the AG gave the green light to Christian clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays in faith-protest of their 1st Amendment rights..
He gave them the green light to get their asses sued, and most ran for cover. As to the timing, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Attorney General Paxton could face first-degree felony case
Last edited:
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
Yes, and I also realize that there are LGBT activists lodged in many strange places. I also realize that this announcment about "life in prison" came IMMEDIATELY after the AG gave the green light to Christian clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays in faith-protest of their 1st Amendment rights..
You said 'the US military won't back an oppressive regime', which is false.
Firing on a foreign enemy versus firing at your own citizens is a completely different subject. Your Sarcasm to our Country supporting dictators doesn't apply to the issue of what U.S. forces would do if ordered to kill their own citizens in this country.

It would tear the military apart, and some would desert and join those who they are ordered to kill before killing people from their own state................As in the Civil War.........it would tear this nation asunder..............
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
That is only not true it is dishonest. The military loves America twisting their service to suit you is dishonest.

It is what it is,the military doesnt like liberals.
And the proof is all over the internet. You trashed Chris Kyle you trashed Pat Tillman. They have every reason to hate the left and they do,dont take my word for it use the Google.
Well you're simply wrong about that especially Pat Tillman. All I can tell you is I have supreme confidence of who the military takes their orders from. Frankly to believe anything else is treason.
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
Yes, and I also realize that there are LGBT activists lodged in many strange places. I also realize that this announcment about "life in prison" came IMMEDIATELY after the AG gave the green light to Christian clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays in faith-protest of their 1st Amendment rights..
Firing on a foreign enemy versus firing at your own citizens is a completely different subject. Your Sarcasm to our Country supporting dictators doesn't apply to the issue of what U.S. forces would do if ordered to kill their own citizens in this country.

It would tear the military apart, and some would desert and join those who they are ordered to kill before killing people from their own state................As in the Civil War.........it would tear this nation asunder..............
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
That is only not true it is dishonest. The military loves America twisting their service to suit you is dishonest.

It is what it is,the military doesnt like liberals.
And the proof is all over the internet. You trashed Chris Kyle you trashed Pat Tillman. They have every reason to hate the left and they do,dont take my word for it use the Google.
Well you're simply wrong about that especially Pat Tillman. All I can tell you is I have supreme confidence of who the military takes their orders from. Frankly to believe anything else is treason.

I see you conveniently left Chris Kyle out of the discussion..
The military hates the left. I know you may not like it but those are the facts.
Would you like some links showing the left bashing the military?
There's plenty of them out there.
You do realize that this investigation is by the state of Texas? And started months ago?
Yes, and I also realize that there are LGBT activists lodged in many strange places. I also realize that this announcment about "life in prison" came IMMEDIATELY after the AG gave the green light to Christian clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays in faith-protest of their 1st Amendment rights..
How would the US military, with or without support of the Federal military bases in Texas, acting against an illegal secession of a state, be 'backing an oppressive regime'. The implication being that the US Federal government is some 'oppressive regime', by following the US Constitution and maintaining the territorial integrity of the US. It can only apply to foreign enemies/countries, as the whole premise of it being related to any domestic US situation makes no sense.

The military already hates the left. If the military viewed secession as just they wouldnt do a damn thing.
That is only not true it is dishonest. The military loves America twisting their service to suit you is dishonest.

It is what it is,the military doesnt like liberals.
And the proof is all over the internet. You trashed Chris Kyle you trashed Pat Tillman. They have every reason to hate the left and they do,dont take my word for it use the Google.
Well you're simply wrong about that especially Pat Tillman. All I can tell you is I have supreme confidence of who the military takes their orders from. Frankly to believe anything else is treason.

I see you conveniently left Chris Kyle out of the discussion..
The military hates the left. I know you may not like it but those are the facts.
Would you like some links showing the left bashing the military?
There's plenty of them out there.

I left out Chris Kyle because he did get a bad deal from the left but it had more to do with guns than the person. Not interested in your links unless they are from 0-10 officers.
I hope texas secedes and says fuck you to Obama and the black robbed fags.
We won't secede. No need to. What will happen is when Hillary finishes her 2d term, the US debt will be at $47.5 trillion. Texas will buy up the US debt and rent out the other states to Latinos and Chinamen.

How will you escape from the underground Fema camps?
Texans are allowed to have guns for protection as defined in the 2nd Amendment. How is the government going to get them in those FEMA camps in the first place?
I know very few people in the DFW area who aren't armed at all times. On their persons or their vehicles. And many, many women are armed. Hell, it's hard to get range time anymore and just about every range I know is undergoing expansion. The signs around here say "Don't Mess With Texas" and we don't take it to mean "Don't Litter."

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