Texas bakery overwhelmed by support after backlash over Pride cookie....Texas is changing

I wonder what this "cookie" looked like. My guess is that it was something you wouldn't want children to see. Imagine a bakery displaying a cake with a Confederate flag? Forget a protest, the sissies would burn the place down.

^^^This is what the cookies looked like. Hopefully there won't be a stamped of traumatized children to the offices of child psychologists all across Texas.
I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think.

I doubt it. The idiots posted the cookie and it got a hugely negative falling out from their regular customers. The damage is done. So they went on Twitter and all the queers in the state and beyond rallied to "support" the place? The bakery better hope that from now on, they can do a business solely on the whims of the gays.
The question is how long can the perverts continue to take up the slack caused by lost patronage of their regular customers?

Not very long I imagine

Soon the queers will be gone and thats when reality sets in
So does that mean we should pass some laws against fags and stuff?

I really don't much care what people do behind closed doors, but I no more need to see a gay pride cookie than I do a straight pride cookie.

I bet that had this bakery put out a straight pride patriot cookie cerebrating America, that the same group of people would have attacked this bakery condemning them and charging them with hate.

And that is the fatal flaw behind all this bullshit.
Seems as tho the free market has decided....

And it seems there was a market place for a cookie that you personally didn't like.....

Will you survive or should we regulate the free market more -- so you don't see anymore cookies that you don't like?
I personally don't like candy corns....they gave me a real bad stomach ache when I was 5.....


They kinda have gay colors....perhaps I could claim its gay candy and try to get conservatives to join my crusade against them....
I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think.

I doubt it. The idiots posted the cookie and it got a hugely negative falling out from their regular customers. The damage is done. So they went on Twitter and all the queers in the state and beyond rallied to "support" the place? The bakery better hope that from now on, they can do a business solely on the whims of the gays.
The question is how long can the perverts continue to take up the slack caused by lost patronage of their regular customers?

Not very long I imagine

Soon the queers will be gone and thats when reality sets in
So does that mean we should pass some laws against fags and stuff?

I really don't much care what people do behind closed doors, but I no more need to see a gay pride cookie than I do a straight pride cookie.

I bet that had this bakery put out a straight pride patriot cookie cerebrating America, that the same group of people would have attacked this bakery condemning them and charging them with hate.

And that is the fatal flaw behind all this bullshit.
Seems as tho the free market has decided....
How so? You think the "free market" is a bunch of idiots traveling from afar one time to buy some cookies from a bakery they never bothered with before and most will never bother with again as the store loses 80% of it normal, regular business so to artificially inflate a cookie for political purposes?

And it seems there was a market place for a cookie that you personally didn't like.....
Why do you say I didn't like a cookie I've never seen and have said nothing against? Maybe you ought to stick with what people actually say.

Will you survive or should we regulate the free market more -- so you don't see anymore cookies that you don't like?
Your life hinges on a cookie far more than mine does. If this bakery wants to alienate its clientele just to sell a politically divisive cookie that one time got a rally of support from people afar as their permanent business model, that is their choice.
I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think.

I doubt it. The idiots posted the cookie and it got a hugely negative falling out from their regular customers. The damage is done. So they went on Twitter and all the queers in the state and beyond rallied to "support" the place? The bakery better hope that from now on, they can do a business solely on the whims of the gays.
The question is how long can the perverts continue to take up the slack caused by lost patronage of their regular customers?

Not very long I imagine

Soon the queers will be gone and thats when reality sets in
So does that mean we should pass some laws against fags and stuff?

I really don't much care what people do behind closed doors, but I no more need to see a gay pride cookie than I do a straight pride cookie.

I bet that had this bakery put out a straight pride patriot cookie cerebrating America, that the same group of people would have attacked this bakery condemning them and charging them with hate.

And that is the fatal flaw behind all this bullshit.
Seems as tho the free market has decided....
How so? You think the "free market" is a bunch of idiots traveling from afar one time to buy some cookies from a bakery they never bothered with before and most will never bother with again as the store loses 80% of it normal, regular business so to artificially inflate a cookie for political purposes?

And it seems there was a market place for a cookie that you personally didn't like.....
Why do you say I didn't like a cookie I've never seen and have said nothing against? Maybe you ought to stick with what people actually say.

Will you survive or should we regulate the free market more -- so you don't see anymore cookies that you don't like?
Your life hinges on a cookie far more than mine does. If this bakery wants to alienate its clientele just to sell a politically divisive cookie that one time got a rally of support from people afar as their permanent business model, that is their choice.
I am not the one upset about a cookie...you are.....

And folks who are as fragile as you are made this post in order to complain about that cookie....

Why do you care so much?

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

No, it's NOT bullying. The clown made his decision by himself. The gay couple merely filed a discrimination complaint with the state EEO agency. If his livelihood got "killed," it was due to his actions becoming known to potential customers. Did he hope to keep his conduct a secret?
You can’t bully someone to change their beliefs even if you think it is discrimination. I am very consistent with this just like you can’t bully someone into not being gay. Further, Muslim clerks at stores have refused to scan or touch pork products and Muslim cab drivers refuse to handle packages that include alcoholic beverages.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??
Just take their business license away.

That’s Bullying. Another form of Bullying is going up to family in a restaurant and making them say, “Black Lives Matter.”
I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think.

I doubt it. The idiots posted the cookie and it got a hugely negative falling out from their regular customers. The damage is done. So they went on Twitter and all the queers in the state and beyond rallied to "support" the place? The bakery better hope that from now on, they can do a business solely on the whims of the gays.
The question is how long can the perverts continue to take up the slack caused by lost patronage of their regular customers?

Not very long I imagine

Soon the queers will be gone and thats when reality sets in
So does that mean we should pass some laws against fags and stuff?

I really don't much care what people do behind closed doors, but I no more need to see a gay pride cookie than I do a straight pride cookie.

I bet that had this bakery put out a straight pride patriot cookie cerebrating America, that the same group of people would have attacked this bakery condemning them and charging them with hate.

And that is the fatal flaw behind all this bullshit.
Seems as tho the free market has decided....
How so? You think the "free market" is a bunch of idiots traveling from afar one time to buy some cookies from a bakery they never bothered with before and most will never bother with again as the store loses 80% of it normal, regular business so to artificially inflate a cookie for political purposes?

And it seems there was a market place for a cookie that you personally didn't like.....
Why do you say I didn't like a cookie I've never seen and have said nothing against? Maybe you ought to stick with what people actually say.

Will you survive or should we regulate the free market more -- so you don't see anymore cookies that you don't like?
Your life hinges on a cookie far more than mine does. If this bakery wants to alienate its clientele just to sell a politically divisive cookie that one time got a rally of support from people afar as their permanent business model, that is their choice.
I am not the one upset about a cookie...you are.....

Blow me. You ARE a cookie.
All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.

Wrong.......they have the right to their Religious beliefs but shitheads like you won't leave them alone.....

Nobody has any obligation to mollycoddle anyone else for their "religious beliefs." If you run a public business, you have a legal obligation to serve all patrons. He makes all of his decisions himself.

There seems to be some idea circulating out there that the public is responsible for shouldering the burdens of a person's choice of beliefs, which is simply not the case. Any right that this guy has must be balanced against the rights of the people who are impacted by his conduct. He's not being forced to invite them home for dinner.
I am not the one upset about a cookie...you are.....
Actually it was super lib JimH52 who opened this can of worms crowing about a huge victory for the pro butt fuck crowd

But I expect it will be a net loss for the hedonist bakers

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
You hate the strong and successful thus label them as “bullies”
Most of this stems from your lack of personal initiative and responsibility. Oops, you just got battered by a truth telling bully Again!
All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.

Wrong.......they have the right to their Religious beliefs but shitheads like you won't leave them alone.....

Nobody has any obligation to mollycoddle anyone else for their "religious beliefs." If you run a public business, you have a legal obligation to serve all patrons. He makes all of his decisions himself.

There seems to be some idea circulating out there that the public is responsible for shouldering the burdens of a person's choice of beliefs, which is simply not the case. Any right that this guy has must be balanced against the rights of the people who are impacted by his conduct. He's not being forced to invite them home for dinner.
So so so so funny to hear a lib loon blather about the obligations of a private business when lib loons CONSTANTLY proclaim that private businesses, Facebook, can do what they want and if you don’t like it then go elsewhere(hide-the liberal default action)
All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.

Wrong.......they have the right to their Religious beliefs but shitheads like you won't leave them alone.....

Nobody has any obligation to mollycoddle anyone else for their "religious beliefs." If you run a public business, you have a legal obligation to serve all patrons. He makes all of his decisions himself.

There seems to be some idea circulating out there that the public is responsible for shouldering the burdens of a person's choice of beliefs, which is simply not the case. Any right that this guy has must be balanced against the rights of the people who are impacted by his conduct. He's not being forced to invite them home for dinner.
No one was impacted by the Christian baker

The homosexuals could have gone to any of the other bakets who would accept their business

Libs like you speak as if you are presenting a case before the Supreme Court and legal hair-splitting is the order of the day

But you arent

We are all just regular people here who are not interested in your unworldly presentations

The gays could have easily gone somewhere else

but they chose the Christian baker to punish those who do not condone their perverted lifestyle
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."

You have to be a super asshole to sue a baker because he won't make your gay cake.......and take it all the way to the Supreme Court....and then, when he wins, you send in more gay people to sue him some more...

That is taking being an asshole to new levels....
so so so funny to hear a lib loon blather about the obligations of a private business when lib loons CONSTANTLY proclaim that private businesses, Facebook, can do what they want and if you don’t like it then go elsewhere(hide-the liberal default action)
thats a great way of looking at it.

I wonder what the libs here think about that?
All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.

Wrong.......they have the right to their Religious beliefs but shitheads like you won't leave them alone.....

Nobody has any obligation to mollycoddle anyone else for their "religious beliefs." If you run a public business, you have a legal obligation to serve all patrons. He makes all of his decisions himself.

There seems to be some idea circulating out there that the public is responsible for shouldering the burdens of a person's choice of beliefs, which is simply not the case. Any right that this guy has must be balanced against the rights of the people who are impacted by his conduct. He's not being forced to invite them home for dinner.
No one was impacted by the Christian baker

The homosexuals could have gone to any of the other bakets who would accept their business

Libs like you speak as if you are presenting a case before the Supreme Court and legal hair-splitting is the order of the day

But you arent

We are all just regular people here who are not interested in your unworldly presentations

The gays could have easily gone somewhere else

but they chose the Christian baker to punish those who do not condone their perverted lifestyle

You are once again trying to transfer responsibility from the bozo baker to innocent customers.

They probably did find a cake elsewhere. But you are trying to hold them responsible for this bozo's misconduct. Why should they go silently away when the fault was his?

Please stop representing this guy's beliefs as if all people of the Christian faith believe the same thing. The denominations, sects, and factions feel differently. Refusing to bake a cake has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."

You have to be a super asshole to sue a baker because he won't make your gay cake.......and take it all the way to the Supreme Court....and then, when he wins, you send in more gay people to sue him some more...

That is taking being an asshole to new levels....

They didn't. The Colorado anti-discrimination agency took it to court. The bimbo "won" on a technicality, not the merits.

But what kind of an asshole gets riled by a cookie baked to convey good wishes? Name him/her. Is this person older than age 14?
No one really cares if people want to be gay (except hardcore muslims).
Most people are tired of the lifestyle being thrust in their faces ad nauseam, though.
If it were a productive, natural sexual option, it would result in offspring.
As it stands, one must deviate from the natural process that brought themselves into existence to be gay.
so so so funny to hear a lib loon blather about the obligations of a private business when lib loons CONSTANTLY proclaim that private businesses, Facebook, can do what they want and if you don’t like it then go elsewhere(hide-the liberal default action)
thats a great way of looking at it.

I wonder what the libs here think about that?
They dont think
They feel and emote

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