Texas bakery overwhelmed by support after backlash over Pride cookie....Texas is changing

These gay/trans burgers always have to parade around their feelings
Whether it’s a street parade demanding approval or a protest parade over cakes and cookies; a show must be made over their “victimization”
You are once again trying to transfer responsibility from the bozo baker to innocent customers.

They probably did find a cake elsewhere. But you are trying to hold them responsible for this bozo's misconduct. Why should they go silently away when the fault was his?

Please stop representing this guy's beliefs as if all people of the Christian faith believe the same thing. The denominations, sects, and factions feel differently. Refusing to bake a cake has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.
the baker is n to a bozo

The homosexuals are political activists trying to use government to promote their perverted lifestyle
You are once again trying to transfer responsibility from the bozo baker to innocent customers.

They probably did find a cake elsewhere. But you are trying to hold them responsible for this bozo's misconduct. Why should they go silently away when the fault was his?

Please stop representing this guy's beliefs as if all people of the Christian faith believe the same thing. The denominations, sects, and factions feel differently. Refusing to bake a cake has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus.
the baker is n to a bozo

The homosexuals are political activists trying to use government to promote their perverted lifestyle

He's a bozo, a bimbo, and a rank asshole. Of course people become activists when some group stalks them and attempts to use the government to target them. How else do they defend themselves?

Right-wing fundies keep targeting them and others and trying to push their lifestyle on LGBTQs and others. Why don't the fundies start minding their own business? When have LGBTQs traveled to other countries to spread hatred of fundies?
No one really cares if people want to be gay (except hardcore muslims).
Most people are tired of the lifestyle being thrust in their faces ad nauseam, though.
If it were a productive, natural sexual option, it would result in offspring.
As it stands, one must deviate from the natural process that brought themselves into existence to be gay.

Why do you care? There certainly are enough babies to go around, some of which have been abandoned by their fathers, if not both parents. There are men out there who actually brag that they have never taken care of their infants, not one diaper or feeding. Do you think that whore trump ever made any personal effort to raise his children?

The LGBTQ "lifestyle" is no more "thrust" in people's faces than the "big daddy" fundie lifestyle is. Turn on your TV.

Tell me of any LGBTQ activist who ever went overseas to incite hatred against anyone. frankie graham and other right-wing bimbos have.
Of course people become activists when some group stalks them and attempts to use the government to target them. How else do they defend themselves?
Now you are really out in left field

The Christians are not stalking homosexuals

Its just the opposite

Homosexuals are stalking and targeting Christian small businesses
Of course people become activists when some group stalks them and attempts to use the government to target them. How else do they defend themselves?
Now you are really out in left field

The Christians are not stalking homosexuals

Its just the opposite

Homosexuals are stalking and targeting Christian small businesses

Sorry. But I'm not.The fundies are stalking the LGBTQs, as if to exclude them from society. There will not be any scapegoating in our society. These people who call themselves "Christian" aren't anyway.
Bakers can be creative. Here is one that caught the person who broke into the store by putting the guys picture on their cookies

Anyway, Lufkin, Texas is overwhelmingly conservative so if people lined up around the block, odds are there was a lot of republicans in the crowd as well.
Or gay ANTIFA operatives bused in by Soros...
Oh! You gotta whatch dem atheist commie marxists!
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."

You have to be a super asshole to sue a baker because he won't make your gay cake.......and take it all the way to the Supreme Court....and then, when he wins, you send in more gay people to sue him some more...

That is taking being an asshole to new levels....
What are you talking about? You are a couple years behind in the news. Read my link and try again....if you can read.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
Of course Texas is changing...half of California is moving there because Cali is now so fucked up! Liberals are like the BORG...they assimilate...destroy...and then move on.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
Lufkin is Angelina County....as I recall its a dry county. East Texas too.

Good to see the resistance is at least present. Another win for the good guys.
Amazing, isn't it? No government involvement at all.
Sodomites think nothing of parading hairy drag queens in front of kids in a hometown parade but they claim they are bullied when somebody criticizes their obscene cookies. Much ado about nothing.
All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.

Wrong.......they have the right to their Religious beliefs but shitheads like you won't leave them alone.....

Nobody has any obligation to mollycoddle anyone else for their "religious beliefs." If you run a public business, you have a legal obligation to serve all patrons. He makes all of his decisions himself.

There seems to be some idea circulating out there that the public is responsible for shouldering the burdens of a person's choice of beliefs, which is simply not the case. Any right that this guy has must be balanced against the rights of the people who are impacted by his conduct. He's not being forced to invite them home for dinner.
custom cakes in denver.PNG

These are all the bakeries in Denver that do custom cakes.

No one was impacted by the baker's refusal.

But now it's about punishing Thoughtcriminals.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Now you get to explain why people making a Federal case over what cakes a baker doesn't bake is good and righteous and holy.
Everybody loves a parade so if a trans parade is thrown then everyone will love trans
Lib 101

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