Texas bakery overwhelmed by support after backlash over Pride cookie....Texas is changing

All the perverts should buy their wedding cakes from this place and stop harassing the Christian bakers

These supposedly "Christian" bakers were not harassed. They were approached by potential customers to do the job they advertised to the public that they were available to do. But they chose to be dipshits, instead. They lied to the public.
Bakers can be creative. Here is one that caught the person who broke into the store by putting the guys picture on their cookies

Anyway, Lufkin, Texas is overwhelmingly conservative so if people lined up around the block, odds are there was a lot of republicans in the crowd as well.
Or gay ANTIFA operatives bused in by Soros...
Bakers can be creative. Here is one that caught the person who broke into the store by putting the guys picture on their cookies

Anyway, Lufkin, Texas is overwhelmingly conservative so if people lined up around the block, odds are there was a lot of republicans in the crowd as well.
Or gay ANTIFA operatives bused in by Soros...

Antifa would have crushed the cookies and looted the local Target for milk.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
We've always had faggots in Texas. We let faggots be faggots and we don't let others bully them. But, we do call them faggots and they accept it.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
Lufkin is Angelina County....as I recall its a dry county. East Texas too.

Good to see the resistance is at least present. Another win for the good guys.
Now, if we could just get rid of the STUPID liquor laws made by the fucking Jesus Nazis a century ago, Texas could be more free.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
Bullies? Did anyone sue the baker over this? I don't think so...

I am not at all surprised to see Texans do this, they support small businesses. Folks that don't like a company, don't file lawsuits over it, they simply cancel and order. That's what normal folks do. Show their support, or lack of support that way...not riot, not sue.....this is normal behavior...I am however not surprised it's somehow shocking to you or you think this is some sort of "change"

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

No, it's NOT bullying. The clown made his decision by himself. The gay couple merely filed a discrimination complaint with the state EEO agency. If his livelihood got "killed," it was due to his actions becoming known to potential customers. Did he hope to keep his conduct a secret?
"Overwhelming" could be like half a dozen people who can quickly be rounded up by the sodomite network. It's much ado about nothing anyway. Controversy over a freaking cookie hardly rises (pardon the pun) to the level of current events.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
All of the left, and I mean ALL YOU FUCKS, are bullies.
You have it backwards
Absolutely incorrect. It isn't the right that is out there intimidating people. Screaming at them in classrooms. Stabbing them or hitting them at protests. Mostly, it is the classroom and public square where you fucks are the vilest and it is where you're true bully tendencies manifest.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

So kind of like when people like you bullied Chick-Fil-A over an innocuous statement made by their CEO and it backfired on you, TDS Lord?

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
That's why you don't get involved in politics or religion if you are a real business. These knuckleheads have chased away many many customers now--------stupid move on their part. The gays only make a up a small percentage of the population especially in texas..........so they kiss this small percentages ass and pissed off far more people '

I have nothing against gays....I think may have mental issues but then again so do alot of people I don't consider them normal, but I don't think they chose to be nor do I think they deserve to be bullied. However, this push the gay on everyone else and trying to make everyone be gay or call gay normal and in many instance special and good has really urked the hell out of me as well so I've been boycotting businesses pushing this chit down our throats as well. Wanna play stupid...well being stupid has consequences in the business world.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
They were "targeted?" To do the job they advertised? By "radicals"? I "targeted" my local supermarket yesterday. Does this make me a "radical"?
Let’s cit the bs

Of course they were targeted by homosexual radicals who sought them out to make an example of

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.
Yea sure, a bunch of misfits, sexual deviants, and drug users show up to “support” the cookie shop. I’m sure that will last. :rolleyes-41:

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