Texas bakery overwhelmed by support after backlash over Pride cookie....Texas is changing

One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
No matter what you, I or anyone else thinks, utopia is not here. Things happen. Then people and groups get blamed. We see it today and it is incredible. An economic or physical disaster changes everything. However today's idealism can not last. And pushback will eventually show you reality if it happens. Those media and entertainers and politicians will escape to parts unknown when that happens. The truth is, our society has bent over backwards and has taken losses by those who follow the rules of responsible life.
Libbies turn on a dime from private business Facebook can do what it wants to private baker is legally obligated to follow directives of potential customers.
Whichever way the wind blows. That’s why they are so easily manipulated and are the “bottom feeders” referenced in other threads.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

No, it's NOT bullying. The clown made his decision by himself. The gay couple merely filed a discrimination complaint with the state EEO agency. If his livelihood got "killed," it was due to his actions becoming known to potential customers. Did he hope to keep his conduct a secret?
You can’t bully someone to change their beliefs even if you think it is discrimination. I am very consistent with this just like you can’t bully someone into not being gay. Further, Muslim clerks at stores have refused to scan or touch pork products and Muslim cab drivers refuse to handle packages that include alcoholic beverages.
And those Muslim cab drivers lose their jobs over that too.

where are you getting that information?

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

No, it's NOT bullying. The clown made his decision by himself. The gay couple merely filed a discrimination complaint with the state EEO agency. If his livelihood got "killed," it was due to his actions becoming known to potential customers. Did he hope to keep his conduct a secret?
You can’t bully someone to change their beliefs even if you think it is discrimination. I am very consistent with this just like you can’t bully someone into not being gay. Further, Muslim clerks at stores have refused to scan or touch pork products and Muslim cab drivers refuse to handle packages that include alcoholic beverages.
And those Muslim cab drivers lose their jobs over that too.

where are you getting that information?

As they should have. Don't follow business law, lose your license.

I guess Texas is changing more than many of us think. I hate bullies. The repub party is full of them.

Yet killing a baker’s livelihood because they can’t or won’t put same sex couple on a wedding cake is NOT Bullying??

No, it's NOT bullying. The clown made his decision by himself. The gay couple merely filed a discrimination complaint with the state EEO agency. If his livelihood got "killed," it was due to his actions becoming known to potential customers. Did he hope to keep his conduct a secret?
You can’t bully someone to change their beliefs even if you think it is discrimination. I am very consistent with this just like you can’t bully someone into not being gay. Further, Muslim clerks at stores have refused to scan or touch pork products and Muslim cab drivers refuse to handle packages that include alcoholic beverages.
And those Muslim cab drivers lose their jobs over that too.

where are you getting that information?

As they should have. Don't follow business law, lose your license.

That’s one data point. Back to the baker case, he followed business law. He did not refuse the gay couple service. If the gay couple had walked in to the bakery and the baker said, “We don’t serve gays” then the baker would be in violation of business law. He did not refuse service.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.
The straight community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.
Childish claim Bod, that isn't supported with facts. Gay community is drowning in mental illnesses---
this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Time to grow up Bod and accept truth instead of delusions.
The straight community is drowning in mental illnesses....this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Just had a hetero mother arrested today in Denver for killing her own child and dumping his body in Nevada near Vegas. These sick heteros.
Did I say the hetero community was without mental illness or plain being evil? Say No...In fact, I mentioned them also having mental illnesses..............................BUT in the homosexual community mental illness is far more prevalent especially when you get to the trannies. It is what it is..........
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.
The straight community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.
Childish claim Bod, that isn't supported with facts. Gay community is drowning in mental illnesses---
this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Time to grow up Bod and accept truth instead of delusions.
The straight community is drowning in mental illnesses....this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Just had a hetero mother arrested today in Denver for killing her own child and dumping his body in Nevada near Vegas. These sick heteros.
Did I say the hetero community was without mental illness or plain being evil? Say No...In fact, I mentioned them also having mental illnesses..............................BUT in the homosexual community mental illness is far more prevalent especially when you get to the trannies. It is what it is..........
No it is not "far more prevalent" in the homosexual community. And looking at another hetero murder...that poor kid shot in mom's car in the LA area.....hetero couple shot him over road rage.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
I agree...it is best to ignore what you don't like in society as long as it does no harm. I don't like the gay lifestyle and would never be gay, but to each their own so I ignore gays for the most part. The gay community seems to be the ones with the issues with being ignored and pushing their agenda upon others which does irritate me as I feel they are invading others boundaries and their sexual choices are not "normal" but more like someone missing an arm or leg...Not normal and not what mothers want for their kids typically speaking.

The baker was out of line---it was a stupid business move on his/her/its parts. Gay is not liked in many areas in Texas, while others like me don't care as long as you aren't pushing it on everyone else. In Texas, with the bible belt and all----the churches will be telling their flocks to stay away. Others like me will be asking themselves if they really want to support a baker who is telling kids that gay is normal or do I just want to shop somewhere else.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
I agree...it is best to ignore what you don't like in society as long as it does no harm. I don't like the gay lifestyle and would never be gay, but to each their own so I ignore gays for the most part. The gay community seems to be the ones with the issues with being ignored and pushing their agenda upon others which does irritate me as I feel they are invading others boundaries and their sexual choices are not "normal" but more like someone missing an arm or leg...Not normal and not what mothers want for their kids typically speaking.

The baker was out of line---it was a stupid business move on his/her/its parts. Gay is not liked in many areas in Texas, while others like me don't care as long as you aren't pushing it on everyone else. In Texas, with the bible belt and all----the churches will be telling their flocks to stay away. Others like me will be asking themselves if they really want to support a baker who is telling kids that gay is normal or do I just want to shop somewhere else.
The baker was out of line????????
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.
The straight community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.
Childish claim Bod, that isn't supported with facts. Gay community is drowning in mental illnesses---
this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Time to grow up Bod and accept truth instead of delusions.
The straight community is drowning in mental illnesses....this isn't wishful thinking but simply the facts. Just had a hetero mother arrested today in Denver for killing her own child and dumping his body in Nevada near Vegas. These sick heteros.
Did I say the hetero community was without mental illness or plain being evil? Say No...In fact, I mentioned them also having mental illnesses..............................BUT in the homosexual community mental illness is far more prevalent especially when you get to the trannies. It is what it is..........
No it is not "far more prevalent" in the homosexual community. And looking at another hetero murder...that poor kid shot in mom's car in the LA area.....hetero couple shot him over road rage.
Suicides, drug abuse, depression, bi-polar are much more prevalent in the homosexual/bisexual communities. More unstable generally speaking hence why the military would not accept anyone openingly gay until forced as these people were at higher rates of mental breaks and often betrayed thier fellow soldiers quickly. Chelsea Manning is not the exception but the rule to this.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
I agree...it is best to ignore what you don't like in society as long as it does no harm. I don't like the gay lifestyle and would never be gay, but to each their own so I ignore gays for the most part. The gay community seems to be the ones with the issues with being ignored and pushing their agenda upon others which does irritate me as I feel they are invading others boundaries and their sexual choices are not "normal" but more like someone missing an arm or leg...Not normal and not what mothers want for their kids typically speaking.

The baker was out of line---it was a stupid business move on his/her/its parts. Gay is not liked in many areas in Texas, while others like me don't care as long as you aren't pushing it on everyone else. In Texas, with the bible belt and all----the churches will be telling their flocks to stay away. Others like me will be asking themselves if they really want to support a baker who is telling kids that gay is normal or do I just want to shop somewhere else.
I perceive the "conservative"/right-wing community as the folks with issues about being ignored and pushing their agenda on others. They are the ones who repeatedly invade other people's boundaries and this is one of the main reasons why I oppose them. They are very aggressive and can't seem to mind their own business.

Nobody can be the great definer of what is "normal," especially when it comes to sex.

Personally, I find heterosexual males who are open misogynists and yet have sex with people they think are inferior are totally abnormal, but nobody criticises them at all. The same goes for people who push religion a lot and then totally ignore the marriage vows that they took in a religious ceremony. Yet they will say that LGBTQs are abnormal. Physician, heal thyself.
One wonders what kind of trash would send a hateful message while cancelling a large order at the last minute and quit following a business over a celebratory cookie. It takes real scum to do such a thing in response to a very sweet gesture.

I'm glad that this business received so much support.
Celebratory? What's celebratory about being gay specifically again? If the bakery just did the cookie instead of pushing the cookie and agenda--no one would care. Businesses should stay out of politics and social agendas especially when they piss off more than they please when doing so. It's bad stupid business....

Why not use a cookie to convey good wishes to the LGBTQ community? There is nothing wrong with this.

Now explain why some scumbags would make a federal case over what cookies a bakery bakes. You have to be a super asshole to do this.

BTW: a lot of businesses owned by right-wing bozos and religious yahoos get involved in politics and social "agendas."
Because not everyone supports being gay or thinks it normal and good. The gay community has repeatedly proven that their ranks are filled with perverts obsessed with cramming their mental illnesses on everyone else especially children.

Plenty of us who are neither supporters not really attackers of the gay community don't want to support the cray cray crazy that it is.

Oh btw, plenty in the gay community know they have mental issues galore--------wtf is wrong with you guys/freaks thinking that everyone else has to bow to your life style choices and delusions.

This doesn't involve anyone bowing to anybody. I don't get involved with people I don't like.

There is no justification for what this scumbag did. It doesn't matter if he doesn't like LGBTs or doesn't think they are normal. He could merely have ignored the whole thing.

All sexual orientations have perverts. Some heteros troll malls hunting teenagers, assault little girls and sometimes kill them, subject their daughters to "purity culture," pretend to be religious while encouraging grown men to target 15-year-old girls. All of these people have mental issues. Perves come in all varieties.

Get rid of the idiotic notion that sexual orientation is a choice. It isn't. I'm a woman who has never been attracted to another woman. Things just are what they are.
I agree...it is best to ignore what you don't like in society as long as it does no harm. I don't like the gay lifestyle and would never be gay, but to each their own so I ignore gays for the most part. The gay community seems to be the ones with the issues with being ignored and pushing their agenda upon others which does irritate me as I feel they are invading others boundaries and their sexual choices are not "normal" but more like someone missing an arm or leg...Not normal and not what mothers want for their kids typically speaking.

The baker was out of line---it was a stupid business move on his/her/its parts. Gay is not liked in many areas in Texas, while others like me don't care as long as you aren't pushing it on everyone else. In Texas, with the bible belt and all----the churches will be telling their flocks to stay away. Others like me will be asking themselves if they really want to support a baker who is telling kids that gay is normal or do I just want to shop somewhere else.
I perceive the "conservative"/right-wing community as the folks with issues about being ignored and pushing their agenda on others. They are the ones who repeatedly invade other people's boundaries and this is one of the main reasons why I oppose them. They are very aggressive and can't seem to mind their own business.

Nobody can be the great definer of what is "normal," especially when it comes to sex.

Personally, I find heterosexual males who are open misogynists and yet have sex with people they think are inferior are totally abnormal, but nobody criticises them at all. The same goes for people who push religion a lot and then totally ignore the marriage vows that they took in a religious ceremony. Yet they will say that LGBTQs are abnormal. Physician, heal thyself.
I am not right wing----I'm an independent who is fiscally conservative but a bit more socially liberal (gee the word now has gain a negative connotation. I'm a female and I really don't care for pussified males............true hetero males do often have sex with anyone with a hole ....but given gay bath houses if you want to cmpare the two groups--gay males tend to take this more risky screw anything behavior to who new level.. Gay males can often be more intelligent but more often tend to get the worst qualities of both males and females. Think their brain is wired differently ---sometimes in some things better, but often not better but worse.

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