Texas’ complex relationship with firearms: Leading America in gun sales, but with a declining gun ownership rate

Are all guns AR15 style guns? Other than the Military style Ar15 based guns, please list all the other type guns that are in danger of being regulated?

Semi-automatic guns………I posted a thread on the latest demands that make them illegal if the democrats get their way.
moron….the AR-15 is the Trojan horse gun….if you idiots can ban that, then there would be no argument against banning all other semi-automatic guns…rifles, pistols and shotguns since they all operate the same way…………

When two mass public shooters armed with AR-15 rifles were stopped by two normal people, not cops, not soldiers, armed with just hand guns..your stupid point is meaningless…

Not just meaningless, but patently wrong.
Please show any speeches, bills, or public statements proposing the ban of all 9mm weapons. If there is a real effort to ban all 9mm weapons I want to know about it.

You idiot….

This video from pro-freedom patriot Colion Noir gives a good rundown on the facts in this case.

Most damning is this exchange between Dan Bishop (R) and chairman of the Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler (D) in a congressional committee meeting during the markup of the bill on July 20, 2022:

Bishop: Is there anyone on the other side that would dispute that this bill would ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?

Nadler: Yeah, that's the point of the bill.

Bishop: To clarify, Mr. Chairman, you're saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?

Nadler: Yes, the problem is they are in common use.

The bottom line is that if you have a semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine with "any other characteristic that can function as a grip," or a semi-automatic pistol that has a magazine that is not a fixed magazine with one of the myriad features listed, then congratulations! You're now the proud owner of an "assault weapon."

Does anyone want to wager that the phrase "function as a grip" is going to be subjectively interpreted in the same manner that a piece of plastic was deemed to be a "machine gun"? Because that might be the only way of distinguishing between a gun that is "allowed" under this unconstitutional monstrosity and an "assault weapon."

Unlike the old ban, you need only one feature, not two, to be in the "assault weapon" club these days. Plus, to sweeten the deal, they've decided to also ban standard-capacity magazines. Because tyranny is never satisfied with halfway measures.

But not to worry: the anti-liberty left ever so graciously exempts — for now — certain types of firearms:

(3) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any firearm that—
(A) is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action ...

Semi-automatic guns………I posted a thread on the latest demands that make them illegal if the democrats get their way.
You've posted lots of crazy shit. Your imagination plus your paranoia makes you a truly pathetic pile of Jello.
“Background checks for gun purchases in Texas rose during the weeks after the mass shooting in Uvalde that left 19 children and two teachers dead, according to the latest count from the federal government. It wasn’t the largest jump in background checks so far this year, but it’s part of a pattern that has followed most mass shootings for over a decade.

Background checks for guns rose an average of almost 10% following the El Paso, Santa Fe and Sutherland Springs mass shootings. But those events and their aftermath only provided a snapshot of the full, complicated picture of Texans’ relationship with guns and gun violence.

What isn’t complicated is the fact that guns aren’t going to be ‘banned’ the consequence of mass shootings.

Rushing out to buy guns after a mass shooting only results in shortages of both guns and ammunition.
Why am I not surprised that your thread title is so misleading?

The number of gun owners is up but the population growth (you know, millions of illegal aliens) is outpacing the gun sales. It's not that the rate of citizens owning guns is down as if fewer people owned more guns each.

And the rush on guns and ammunition doesn't create shortages except for those who didn't think ahead. The rush on guns and ammunition actually means that there are more guns and ammunition in the hands of those who need them the most: the people. If you didn't get what you want, well, tough shit.
And it’s not just the unwarranted fear that mass shootings will result in ‘bans’ – we see the same ignorance and stupidity from conservatives when a Democratic administration comes into office: shortages and the unavailability of ammunition and firearms based on the moronic lie that guns are going to be ‘banned.’
Sooo....you Dimmers dont buy guns?
Yes, really.

In October of 2020 I bought an SAA clone, and there was a plentiful selection; .45 Colt was also readily available and reasonably priced.

In the spring of 2021, I thought about adding another SAA clone to the collection – but none were to be found; .45 Colt was also hard to find, and what could be found was ridiculously expensive.

Some of that was pandemic-related – material shortages, supply line problems; but much of it was due to idiot conservatives buying up guns and ammunition because they wrongly believed the lie President Biden was going to ‘ban’ firearms.
So you are one of the idiots who goes out and buys in a panic??
And it’s not just the unwarranted fear that mass shootings will result in ‘bans’ – we see the same ignorance and stupidity from conservatives when a Democratic administration comes into office: shortages and the unavailability of ammunition and firearms based on the moronic lie that guns are going to be ‘banned.’
Why would the threat of bans cause people to buy more guns? Are you suggesting that people want to buy them just so the government can take them away? That's not too smart on the part of anyone that thinks like you do.

How is there a shortage of firearms or ammunition? I'm not really seeing either.

I know that there's 10% inflation.

I know that the prices for metals and other component parts used in ammunition are increasing at a far higher pace than even the ridiculously high Biden inflation rate - and not just for ammunition suppliers but for everyone. For instance, Copper is up 50% since Biden took office. It's down in recent weeks so maybe that will help ammunition prices soon - depending on stability and other metals, too, but with the recession combined with 400+ billion new spending and 300+ billion new taxes? No; the price won't stay down.

I know that there are still hundreds of ships piled up outside our ports waiting to unload because Democrats won't open the ports to capacity and Biden is still paying workers to not work. This is leading to shortages and delays in critical components for every industry, leading to more increased prices.

I know that a lot of new gun owners are purchasing guns with well over 5 million new gun owners buying guns and ammunition since the pandemic began so there's that whole supply and demand thing there, too.

But those new gun owners aren't panicking about confiscation - only an idiot would put their money into something they thought was going to be confiscated. Those 5+ million people saw 400 cops do nothing while children were slowly, methodically, evilly, killed and realized that their safety and the safety of their families is in their own hands.

I remember when I first started buying guns. There were a lot of guns in the manufacturers' catalogs that I wanted but they just weren't available. That goes clear back to the 80s. There have always been ebbs and flows of particular model availability, as manufacturers focus on one model over others. There's nothing new there and I don't see anything changed today. Guns I can't get today will be available in a few weeks/months. The guns I can get today will likely not be on the shelves with 100% consistency over the next year or years. Nothing new.

So, yes, there's some increased demand. Between demand and Biden, prices are way up for ammunition. But, really, I don't see any problem. I can get just about any gun I want. You're really making a mountain out of a molehill.
Why would the threat of bans cause people to buy more guns? Are you suggesting that people want to buy them just so the government can take them away? That's not too smart on the part of anyone that thinks like you do.

How is there a shortage of firearms or ammunition? I'm not really seeing either.

I know that there's 10% inflation.

I know that the prices for metals and other component parts used in ammunition are increasing at a far higher pace than even the ridiculously high Biden inflation rate - and not just for ammunition suppliers but for everyone. For instance, Copper is up 50% since Biden took office. It's down in recent weeks so maybe that will help ammunition prices soon - depending on stability and other metals, too, but with the recession combined with 400+ billion new spending and 300+ billion new taxes? No; the price won't stay down.

I know that there are still hundreds of ships piled up outside our ports waiting to unload because Democrats won't open the ports to capacity and Biden is still paying workers to not work. This is leading to shortages and delays in critical components for every industry, leading to more increased prices.

I know that a lot of new gun owners are purchasing guns with well over 5 million new gun owners buying guns and ammunition since the pandemic began so there's that whole supply and demand thing there, too.

But those new gun owners aren't panicking about confiscation - only an idiot would put their money into something they thought was going to be confiscated. Those 5+ million people saw 400 cops do nothing while children were slowly, methodically, evilly, killed and realized that their safety and the safety of their families is in their own hands.

I remember when I first started buying guns. There were a lot of guns in the manufacturers' catalogs that I wanted but they just weren't available. That goes clear back to the 80s. There have always been ebbs and flows of particular model availability, as manufacturers focus on one model over others. There's nothing new there and I don't see anything changed today. Guns I can't get today will be available in a few weeks/months. The guns I can get today will likely not be on the shelves with 100% consistency over the next year or years. Nothing new.

So, yes, there's some increased demand. Between demand and Biden, prices are way up for ammunition. But, really, I don't see any problem. I can get just about any gun I want. You're really making a mountain out of a molehill.
They might want to buy them to get in before the ban, possibly being grandfathered. This does come up, every time somebody talks about a ban.
Semi-automatic guns………I posted a thread on the latest demands that make them illegal if the democrats get their way.
2aguy, I still do not see them getting their way, nor should they.
Banning the one specific style gun that is universally accepted as the best, most effective weapon for a school shooter, or a mass shooter is not the same as banning every other type gun, dumb ass.
Are you seriously suggesting that the AR-15 is the best, most effective, weapon for a school shooter? You don't really know much about guns, do you?

An AR-15 is a terrible choice for a school shooter. They're popular because of the computer games that these psycho, isolated, kids play and the movies they watch, but they're far from the best suited to the task.

I'm not going to give you a how to so you can go try it out but there are a lot of handguns with high capacity factory mags, much more maneuverable in close quarters, far more concealable, easier to handle.

The best solution to school shootings is to quit telling kids that they're evil and everyone hates them and that everyone is justified in hating them.

Of course we need an interim solution for dealing with the millions of kids that were raised on those public school lessons, and for that, arm the teachers, teacher assistants, let parents put together an armed patrol in schools. Or, even just let the parents that want to go stop the shooter, and the cops that want to go stop the shooter, go stop the shooter. Instead, in Uvalde, they forcibly stopped parents and real cops from ending it far sooner.

The Uvalde shooter had to be shocked that he was allowed to keep shooting for so long. He was probably secretly wishing they'd come in and end it, but they didn't.
“Background checks for gun purchases in Texas rose during the weeks after the mass shooting in Uvalde that left 19 children and two teachers dead, according to the latest count from the federal government. It wasn’t the largest jump in background checks so far this year, but it’s part of a pattern that has followed most mass shootings for over a decade.

Background checks for guns rose an average of almost 10% following the El Paso, Santa Fe and Sutherland Springs mass shootings. But those events and their aftermath only provided a snapshot of the full, complicated picture of Texans’ relationship with guns and gun violence.

What isn’t complicated is the fact that guns aren’t going to be ‘banned’ the consequence of mass shootings.

Rushing out to buy guns after a mass shooting only results in shortages of both guns and ammunition.

I thought your lie was that we don't do background checks.
You really are an uniformed prog aren't you?
Let's forget the AR15 is already the most popular rifle in America and just see the other guns this latest bill tried to ban:

But the language of H.R. 1808 also makes clear the legislation bans numerous semiautomatic pistols as well.

The ban applies to semiautomatic pistols with detachable magazines and threaded barrels. Because of the popularity of suppressors for hearing protection, nearly every semiautomatic pistol manufacturer makes pistol models with threaded barrels. This means an untold number of semiautomatic pistols would be banned by H.R. 1808.

Also, any semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds would be banned, as would any semiautomatic shotgun with a fixed magazine holding more than five rounds.

H.R. 1808 also bans semiautomatic shotguns that accept detachable magazines and have a pistol grip.

I won't give up any of my guns. Ever. No amount of crying & fear engineered fear porn will change my mind
The gun that amazes me that they would ban is any shotgun with a revolving cylinder magazine like the Taurus/Rossi Circuit Judge .410/.45LC. Just how fucking stupid is banning that and what scares them so much about it?

Yes, really.

In October of 2020 I bought an SAA clone, and there was a plentiful selection; .45 Colt was also readily available and reasonably priced.

In the spring of 2021, I thought about adding another SAA clone to the collection – but none were to be found; .45 Colt was also hard to find, and what could be found was ridiculously expensive.

Some of that was pandemic-related – material shortages, supply line problems; but much of it was due to idiot conservatives buying up guns and ammunition because they wrongly believed the lie President Biden was going to ‘ban’ firearms.
Because the SAA is the primary gun for gangland thugs and home defense, right?

SAAs have been hard to get for decades, mostly driven by the Cowboy Action Shooting enthusiasts and other collectors.
I just read it. What I see is a ban on the AR/AKsl and submachine guns that fire semiauto. It also lists one model of the Mini14 but not all of them. It's pretty specific on what it bans. And not a single one of these have any use other than a serious target shooter or a mass murderer. And most Serious Target Shooters don't mind to be registered because that registration also covers firearms covered in the 1934 law.
What is a semiauto machine gun? So any semi-automatic is a machine gun and should be banned? Or is it only the ugly black ones? Why do you hate ugly black things? You really have some deep seated racial fears, don't you?

And you're also wrong about the use of semi-automatic weapons. Ever go shooting prairie dogs? You have to stay a few hundred yards off and shoot a lot of them. The holes they create injure domestic and while animals.

There have been plenty of posts on this site of ARs being used successfully in defense against a gang of attackers or home invaders and plenty of posts showing that even cops can shoot many rounds and not hit a thing when they're under fire as well so high-capacity mags on an AR are critical for many home defense scenarios.

And, no, target shooters are not willing to register their guns. What would be the purpose for registering them? Are you suggesting NFA style taxes and regulations to own a semi-automatic weapon?
Now about you gunnutters claiming that anything with a 10 round or more would be banned. Actually, using the Heller V ruling and a few other rulings at the Federal Court level, that figure is 15 and the HR does say excess of 15. And it includes the semiauto M249 and other belt fed firearms as being "Banned".
Please explain where you see a 10-round or 15-round legal limitation? New York's is 7 rounds. Others have suggested a 6-round limit.
I don't like the word banned. Most of the guns that are prohibited on the HR can be legal if you file a EFL license and pay for the permits. They aren't really banned and any US Citizen in good standings can qualify to not only possess them but to also operate them.
Just as soon as you support voter ID, background checks, voting tax, then get back to me. It won't change the Constitution but your argument is filled with ignorance, stupidity, and hypocrisy.

HR 1808 is very comprehensive and definately was drawn up by a bunch of people highly well versed in firearms.
Actually, HR-1808 was drawn up by a bunch of people who know nothing at all about firearms. For instance:

A collapsible stock does not make the gun concealable. With the collapsible stock fully collapsed (you know, like a petite woman might want to shoot safely - but Dems hate women) the gun must still meet minimum length requirements so the law does nothing.

Banning shotguns with a revolving cylinder? Really? Are they that afraid of the .410 shotgun? There are no revolver shotguns other than a .410. What pussies the left are.

They are calling the Hi-Point carbine an assault rifle. Really! They're absolutely nuts. It's a great little camp gun or farm gun for protection against varmints, coyotes, etc., but it's not even close to being an AR.

They just don't like ugly guns.

There's not a single attribute of what they're calling an assault rifle that makes the gun any more dangerous or deadly than any other gun.

Since an assault weapons ban would not do a thing to stop crime, it is not possible that this would be the end.
Revolvers next.
There have been proposed laws that define a semi-automatic as any gun where a single pull of the trigger fires a round and leaves the gun in the position such that another pull of the trigger fires another round.

That description includes revolvers as semi-automatic weapons. They want single-shot only with the slight exception of a bolt-action. Some descriptions have explicitly included lever-actions, too... because, you know... The Rifleman..

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