Texas Constitutional Carry Law being slowed down by "professionals"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT.
No, the problem is ignorant, ridiculous conservatives who don’t understand that requiring a license to carry a firearm is also Constitutional carry.

The courts have consistently held that license and permit requirements do not ‘violate’ the Second Amendment right.

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.


"Constitutional carry"?

Wtf is that?

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.


"Constitutional carry"?

Wtf is that?

Rightwing idiocy, Republican political theater.

It’s the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that the Second Amendment alone authorizes the carrying of firearms in public.

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.


"Constitutional carry"?

Wtf is that?

Rightwing idiocy, Republican political theater.

It’s the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that the Second Amendment alone authorizes the carrying of firearms in public.

It does no such thing.

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.


"Constitutional carry"?

Wtf is that?

Rightwing idiocy, Republican political theater.

It’s the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that the Second Amendment alone authorizes the carrying of firearms in public.

It does no such thing.


And what’s particularly ignorant of conservatives is that in states where carrying a concealed weapon is a crime, a license or permit is needed so one can carry a concealed firearm without violating the law.

That is "professional" political whores. This is why we can't get things done in government, because we have pseudointellectual asswipes governing us. Most Texans that are cognizant want this law to pass, but we have "educated" lawyers writing laws and adding nuanced shit that serves no other purpose than to poison what should be a simple concept.

Here's the problem. You've got an entire industry created by the state when it decided to LICENSE a RIGHT. They should have licensed the fuckin media first and made it more difficult for bed wetting leftist apparatchiks to commit journalistic malpractice. So now there is an entire lobbyist group fighting Constitutional Carry because naturally.... They're going to lose business when no one needs to spend an extra $100 to get someone to sign a certificate that states said individual can shoot at pathetic standards....

Let's be clear here... The TX LTC and for that matter LEO standards are PATHETIC. Army standards are PATHETIC, Marksmanship training in this country in general are PATHETIC. I didn't even know it until I got into competitive shooting and found out how to shoot at even an average level. Most cops barely know how to hold a fuckin pistol properly. That's why
Amadou Diallo was only hit by 19 of the 41 rounds sent downrange at him, and half of those rounds were discharged while he was static on the ground.

For a formative part of my youth there was a huge taboo regarding guns. If you had one, you were either a cop or a crook. I am optimistic that this perception in our culture has changed dramatically in the last 20 years and that bed wetting leftist parasites have been indoctrinated to be hoplophobes for the most part. Those of us who promote the 2nd Amendment need to keep the ball running down the field and not only keep Constitutional Carry Laws already enacted in 21 states enacted across the country, but keep training and safety at the forefront of society.

Guns WILL NEVER GO AWAY. There will NEVER BE a liberal unicorn that comes up from hell, waves a magic dildo sewn to it's head that makes all guns disappear. Even if there was, every metallurgist in the country would become a gunsmith over night and start tooling out guns like Pakistanis in
Darra Adam Khel

If people want a safer armed society, it's time to accept the fact that criminals don't obey laws, idiots and psychopaths' will always find a method to kill people and that to reduce accidents people need training. If I had my druthers, no one would graduate 5th grade without understanding how to unload and make a firearm safe.

Yet the bed wetters do not under any circumstance support that because they need the chaos, lawlessness, and death toll to advance their agenda, which has NOTHING to do with safety. They want to return to the mentality of people in the early 1990's that had sheep accepting gun bans. Communists cannot collectively take your shit or make you disappear if you have an AR15 after all.


I'm sorry.
did you have a point or are you done blathering?

All Texans need to do is write an Amendment to their own State Constitution that allows for Open Carry, and better supports their citizen's guns rights.
That won't violate the US Constitution, will be decided and voted on by the people of Texas, and cannot be argued by nit-wits on the internet ... :thup:

Darius Rucker
Southern Style


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