Texas Dems flee state to save democracy

Demoquacks have history doing this.

Don't mess with Texas

I would impeach them all.
When are you idiots who didn't take a Civics or Government 101 class in high school (if ya got that far) gonna learn that "impeachment" is not an option for members of state or federal congress.

They can be censured - They can be expelled. But not without a quorum. :)
You should know that Republicans in Oregon were first to use this play.
‘Fleebaggers’: A History of Democrats Running Away to Deny a Quorum
The tactic was first tried in 1924, during a mutual standoff in Rhode Island in which Democrats, in the minority, refused to allow Republicans to conduct business, and so the Republicans went to Massachusetts in protest. But the runaway tactic has been typically used by Democrats in recent decades — often with the enthusiastic support of the establishment media.
BriteFart? No thanks. ;)
So are you saying blacks are too stupid or too lazy to get an ID?

Fucking racist
ID was already required in Texas. This ain't about ID.

Fucking idiot
What's your objection to this legislation? (as if it affects you or you have a say)
You live there and you don't know? Texas was already the most difficult state to vote in BEFORE this nonsense.

Just another Dimtard hissy fit that won’t work. They oppose verifying a person who is voting is who they claim to be. WHY?

They will be arrested upon returning to TX and hauled to the Capital to do their job.

Childish stunt.
So are you saying blacks are too stupid or too lazy to get an ID?

Fucking racist
ID was already required in Texas. This ain't about ID.

Fucking idiot
What's your objection to this legislation? (as if it affects you or you have a say)
You live there and you don't know? Texas was already the most difficult state to vote in BEFORE this nonsense.


Pedo Joe’s home state has NO early voting. NO vote by mail.

Texas has had it since 1987, IIRC.
These people deserve a Freedom Medal. They’ll have to stay away from TX and their families in many cases for a month to avoid arrest by Governor Fappit - Mad respect!

Each of them deserve punishment, Damn chickenhearted creeps.
What kind of punishment do you have in mind? Con-centration camp?
These people deserve a Freedom Medal. They’ll have to stay away from TX and their families in many cases for a month to avoid arrest by Governor Fappit - Mad respect!

Democrats did this back when Rick Perry was Governor and they returned after awhile, so will these Democrats…
And the GOP printed up hit list playing cards on them.
Americans should cry out in protest over what those people have done.


Americans should applaud them for what they've done.

Both will be examples of how fkd up the US has become!
These people deserve a Freedom Medal. They’ll have to stay away from TX and their families in many cases for a month to avoid arrest by Governor Fappit - Mad respect!

They will be extradited like the criminals they are. It's not over. It's only a PATHETIC delay tactic that NEVER works.

The jig is up. They can't cheat anymore. This is pure desperation.
Ah....the mating call of the orange cultist..."Lock 'em Up!" Of course, forget any actual law being broken or any trial.....

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