Texas deputy shot execution style by blacks


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
I meant your party. It caters to white supremicy.
I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
I meant your party. It caters to white supremicy.

How do you figure that? It's YOUR party keeping the blacks down, it's YOUR party that whenever they gain control of a city it goes to hell. Refute it, I dare you
Black racism against whites has nothing to do with civil rights. It is just cold hatred that hurts us all.
I agree. Black people need to get over it. Life is tough for all of us. Blacks don't own poverty. There are plenty of things they need to stop doing like being gangsta and ghetto. Enuf black America. We get it. You're cool. Youre tough. You got a big dick. Or you need someone to love you and take care of you so you have a baby with a loser and you raise a loser.

Black people know who I'm talking about. And us whites have white trash like this too. Stop it.
Weird shit here, a white dude shot off a cops head with a shotgun and Bucs90 started the threshold to say he's praying for his family.

A black dude shoots a cop and Bucs90 determines that it's racist and an ISIS style attack stemming from a race war and war on police.

Do you see the difference of opinion and conclusion Bucs90 made?

I'm sure he'll be here any moment to reassure everyone it's not what it seems. It's not about race.
Weird shit here, a white dude shot off a cops head with a shotgun and Bucs90 started the threshold to say he's praying for his family.

A black dude shoots a cop and Bucs90 determines that it's racist and an ISIS style attack stemming from a race war and war on police.

Do you see the difference of opinion and conclusion Bucs90 made?

I'm sure he'll be here any moment to reassure everyone it's not what it seems. It's not about race.
Self fulfilling prophecy
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?
So you are saying there MIGHT be a POSSIBILITY the cop was bad. So the white feral should be judge, jury and executioner?
Weird shit here, a white dude shot off a cops head with a shotgun and Bucs90 started the threshold to say he's praying for his family.

A black dude shoots a cop and Bucs90 determines that it's racist and an ISIS style attack stemming from a race war and war on police.

Do you see the difference of opinion and conclusion Bucs90 made?

I'm sure he'll be here any moment to reassure everyone it's not what it seems. It's not about race.
Yeah, it's about race.
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?
So you are saying there MIGHT be a POSSIBILITY the cop was bad. So the white feral should be judge, jury and executioner?
No I feel horrible for the family. I watch too many movies and too much TV. Lol
All you cop haters getting excited now?


HOUSTON, Texas — A Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy was shot execution style at a gas station while reportedly in full uniform. The deputy was filling up his patrol car. Witnesses told Breitbart Texas the shooter shot the deputy in the back of the head and then three times in the back. This tragedy comes within days of a group of Black radicals calling for “lynching whites and killing cops,” as Breitbart Texas recently reported. Witnesses also told Breitbart Texas that the shooter was a black male.

The shooting occurred late Friday evening in Northwest Harris County just outside of Houston. One witness who spoke to this writer said he knew the deputy personally and had just spoken with him about five minutes before the shooting.

He said he saw the man shoot his friend and speed off in a red pickup truck. He said he followed the truck for about two miles until he lost it at a major highway intersection. The truck turned onto Highway 6 from West Road and disappeared.

Deputies in the area confirmed they were indeed searching for a red Ford Ranger pickup truck.

Two teenage girls told Breitbart Texas they saw the shooter fire one shot into the back of the head of the deputy who was simply getting gas for his vehicle. After the deputy fell, they heard three or four other shots. According to the first witness, those shots were fired into the deputy’s back.

Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops
White racist hate talk got that white guy to go kill those black people in church. He wanted to start a race war. Maybe he succeeded?
Typical liberal excuses for the thug life.

Having large violent black men in America is like living in Alaska where you have to watch out for the polar and grizzly bears. Or African lions. Lol
We need to return to public executions for shit like this. Let their friends see first hand what slinging dope & the thug life will get you.
I must agree. So many violent criminals getting out in 5 ten or 20 years. Predators. Be gone. Violent rapist? Be gone.
We need to return to public executions for shit like this. Let their friends see first hand what slinging dope & the thug life will get you.
Unless the person is truly remorseful. That means admitting you did what you did and ratting on all your friends. And if in prison you show to be a criminal then you can be put back on death row.

We have to separate the violent and non violent prisoners.
Wait.....so when the cop approached him and asked for ID....the Professor showed him a government ID...with his name AND address on it? Or...was it a school ID which shows no address and doesn't mean shit to street cops?

Guy, you can try all day to paint this. The cops assertained his identity and arrested him for contempt of cop.

Again, the racist cops make it harder for the good ones.
Michael Brown attacked a cop and tries to take his gun
Eric Garner died of a heart attack while resisting arrest
Tamir Rice was reaching for a gun he had been pointing at people (although cops used bad tactics. Legal...but poor tactically)
Sandra Bland committed suicide

This cop was pumping gas and got shot in the back of the head in a complete ambush.

SURELY you see the difference.

Yes, this is how the police characterized these incidents. Not sure I take any of them at their word, given they were investigating themselves.

Shooting people over jaywalking or playing in a park or not putting out a cigarette seems a little "Harsh" to me.

ACCOUNTABILITY. This is what black folks are upset about. Most of them are just asking nicely, they aren't killing you.

You're a damn retard aren't you?

NO ONE was killed "for jaywalking " or "for playing in a park". You act like cops said "Oh he's jaywalking....KILL HIM."

It's like if someone spray painted graffiti on a bridge...and cop went to stop them....and they turned and pulled a knife...and started stabbing the cop....and then stole the cops gun...and no was about to kill him....and did the cop chokes him to death"........you would say "COP CHOKES MAN TO DEATH FOR PAINTING GRAFFITI"

All the details matter.

Coroner and forensic evidence proved Garner and Brown case. Video proved Rice and Bland case. Sorry
What about the cop who just pulled up and wasted that little black kid playing with a gun? Think that would happen to your white kid in Mayberry?
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
I meant your party. It caters to white supremicy.

How do you figure that? It's YOUR party keeping the blacks down, it's YOUR party that whenever they gain control of a city it goes to hell. Refute it, I dare you

You cant use logic to refute the illogical

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