Texas deputy shot execution style by blacks

Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
I meant your party. It caters to white supremicy.

How do you figure that? It's YOUR party keeping the blacks down, it's YOUR party that whenever they gain control of a city it goes to hell. Refute it, I dare you
I wouldn't know where to begin. And you wouldn't understand or agree anyways so I'm not going to bother. But it would have been good.
The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

What made me change? I've always supported civil rights. Stop trying to deflect from your obvious lack of knowledge and/or education
I meant your party. It caters to white supremicy.

How do you figure that? It's YOUR party keeping the blacks down, it's YOUR party that whenever they gain control of a city it goes to hell. Refute it, I dare you

You cant use logic to refute the illogical
It's why I don't even try
Michael Brown attacked a cop and tries to take his gun
Eric Garner died of a heart attack while resisting arrest
Tamir Rice was reaching for a gun he had been pointing at people (although cops used bad tactics. Legal...but poor tactically)
Sandra Bland committed suicide

This cop was pumping gas and got shot in the back of the head in a complete ambush.

SURELY you see the difference.

Yes, this is how the police characterized these incidents. Not sure I take any of them at their word, given they were investigating themselves.

Shooting people over jaywalking or playing in a park or not putting out a cigarette seems a little "Harsh" to me.

ACCOUNTABILITY. This is what black folks are upset about. Most of them are just asking nicely, they aren't killing you.

You're a damn retard aren't you?

NO ONE was killed "for jaywalking " or "for playing in a park". You act like cops said "Oh he's jaywalking....KILL HIM."

It's like if someone spray painted graffiti on a bridge...and cop went to stop them....and they turned and pulled a knife...and started stabbing the cop....and then stole the cops gun...and no was about to kill him....and did the cop chokes him to death"........you would say "COP CHOKES MAN TO DEATH FOR PAINTING GRAFFITI"

All the details matter.

Coroner and forensic evidence proved Garner and Brown case. Video proved Rice and Bland case. Sorry
What about the cop who just pulled up and wasted that little black kid playing with a gun? Think that would happen to your white kid in Mayberry?
White kids arent notorious for carrying guns and shooting people, are they? Your culture is to blame for that childs death. You guys are dangerous, and as a result you are treated as such.
Michael Brown attacked a cop and tries to take his gun
Eric Garner died of a heart attack while resisting arrest
Tamir Rice was reaching for a gun he had been pointing at people (although cops used bad tactics. Legal...but poor tactically)
Sandra Bland committed suicide

This cop was pumping gas and got shot in the back of the head in a complete ambush.

SURELY you see the difference.

Yes, this is how the police characterized these incidents. Not sure I take any of them at their word, given they were investigating themselves.

Shooting people over jaywalking or playing in a park or not putting out a cigarette seems a little "Harsh" to me.

ACCOUNTABILITY. This is what black folks are upset about. Most of them are just asking nicely, they aren't killing you.

You're a damn retard aren't you?

NO ONE was killed "for jaywalking " or "for playing in a park". You act like cops said "Oh he's jaywalking....KILL HIM."

It's like if someone spray painted graffiti on a bridge...and cop went to stop them....and they turned and pulled a knife...and started stabbing the cop....and then stole the cops gun...and no was about to kill him....and did the cop chokes him to death"........you would say "COP CHOKES MAN TO DEATH FOR PAINTING GRAFFITI"

All the details matter.

Coroner and forensic evidence proved Garner and Brown case. Video proved Rice and Bland case. Sorry
What about the cop who just pulled up and wasted that little black kid playing with a gun? Think that would happen to your white kid in Mayberry?
White kids arent notorious for carrying guns and shooting people, are they? Your culture is to blame for that childs death. You guys are dangerous, and as a result you are treated as such.
Did you hear about the black woman on the bus who stabbed to death another woman because her walker bumped her?

So you had a bad day? Lol

Or, eat a snickers shaniqua.

But why should she live?
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt
Is there nothing liberal organizations will do that you won't defend? BLM called for assassinations and you don't (or won't) make the connection?
Same way you guys defended bill O'Reilly for getting tiller the abortion doctor killed. Or Gabby Gifford shot.
Michael Brown attacked a cop and tries to take his gun
Eric Garner died of a heart attack while resisting arrest
Tamir Rice was reaching for a gun he had been pointing at people (although cops used bad tactics. Legal...but poor tactically)
Sandra Bland committed suicide

This cop was pumping gas and got shot in the back of the head in a complete ambush.

SURELY you see the difference.

Yes, this is how the police characterized these incidents. Not sure I take any of them at their word, given they were investigating themselves.

Shooting people over jaywalking or playing in a park or not putting out a cigarette seems a little "Harsh" to me.

ACCOUNTABILITY. This is what black folks are upset about. Most of them are just asking nicely, they aren't killing you.

You're a damn retard aren't you?

NO ONE was killed "for jaywalking " or "for playing in a park". You act like cops said "Oh he's jaywalking....KILL HIM."

It's like if someone spray painted graffiti on a bridge...and cop went to stop them....and they turned and pulled a knife...and started stabbing the cop....and then stole the cops gun...and no was about to kill him....and did the cop chokes him to death"........you would say "COP CHOKES MAN TO DEATH FOR PAINTING GRAFFITI"

All the details matter.

Coroner and forensic evidence proved Garner and Brown case. Video proved Rice and Bland case. Sorry
What about the cop who just pulled up and wasted that little black kid playing with a gun? Think that would happen to your white kid in Mayberry?
White kids arent notorious for carrying guns and shooting people, are they? Your culture is to blame for that childs death. You guys are dangerous, and as a result you are treated as such.
Did you hear about the black woman on the bus who stabbed to death another woman because her walker bumped her?

So you had a bad day? Lol

Or, eat a snickers shaniqua.

But why should she live?
She shouldnt live. She should die for being so petty. Its not like she had any reason to believe that walker was going to be lethal.
Same way you guys defended bill O'Reilly for getting tiller the abortion doctor killed. Or Gabby Gifford shot.

Let's look at that. O'Reilly got on TV every night and called Tiller "Tiller the Baby Killer". Every freaking night. And one of his fans shot him.

Gabby Gifford, yeah, that was a mistake. But hey, a national figure put a crosshairs on her, so there's that.

You guys are claiming that somone no one has ever heard of inspired this guy, and you offer no proof than I can see.

Oh, BTW, Sealy, Stormfront Called. They said you are welcome back if you promise to tone it down.
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

These people aren't "liberals" anymore. They are faggot anarchists that want to see America burn.
Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

These people aren't "liberals" anymore. They are faggot anarchists that want to see America burn.

They are progressives, far far worse than a liberal
This has been a bad week for the left, first the militant gayper goes off his noodle and now a militant Black lives matter fool goes off the deep end.
I wonder if The Obama will claim this monster as His son as well.

There are black men and there are pavement apes...this one is a pavement ape

AND....the deputy was not shot by "blacks" as the stupid, redneck O/P suggests in her title. He was shot by a lone gunman. If Skank really thought she had a lock on the truth she wouldn't have to lie so much.
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon - Hip-Hop and Politics

I'm surprised they waited this long after the first one to seek revenge.
You scared white trash need to get a grip. You started this fight and black men just may well end it on the street, or in the trailer park where you live.
Same number of cops have been killed in that time.
Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

These people aren't "liberals" anymore. They are faggot anarchists that want to see America burn.
Like the tea party.
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon
29 Black People Have Been Killed by Police/Security Since Jan 2012: 16 Since Trayvon - Hip-Hop and Politics

I'm surprised they waited this long after the first one to seek revenge.
You scared white trash need to get a grip. You started this fight and black men just may well end it on the street, or in the trailer park where you live.
Same number of cops have been killed in that time.

By black men with guns? Really.

Would you like to post a link to that comment or just continue to look like a biased fucked up racist, instead?

Seems like the rest of the world wants to know, too.

Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?
  • 26 May 2015
Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men? - BBC News

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