Texas deputy shot execution style by blacks

If we had a real AG impartial and interested in the law black lives matter group ,,,,this group, black panthers and anyone else making regular calls for violence would be under investigation as would their funders
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They aren't "trying" it. They are doing it. The fat gay black faggot in Virginia 2 days ago. This black thug last night. Next....

And there you are. Sitting on your ass typing away in multiple threads about how it's time to take up arms and protect cops in your community.

Shouldn't you have left that living room by now? Times a wastin'.

Who says I havent? I go about my day. With a Smith &Wesson M&P .45, hollow points of course. If a cop is in a deadly situation and needs assistance...I'll help. In fact...Patriot Act allows all retired cops to have that ability and to carry concealed in all 50 states.

If the thugs decide I am their target...well...I don't go into those parts of town. No worries.

You are not a retired cop.

And you are still sitting there on your ass typing about how much of a badass you are. Better get going. There are cops out there who need your protection.

Ha. I am. But you're free to believe whatever the hell you want.

There's nowhere to "get going". It's just about taking precautions then going about daily life. Which I do. Most conservatives do. Self reliance. Kinda the theme ya know?

Didn't you claim your son is a cop? Thats sad that as a parent...your vote supports the ideology of people who are out there desiring to see him ambushed. Quite a great parent you are.

You just claimed that I support people who,want to ambush my son.

Do you ever think before you post.

What vote are you talking about, by the way?

And....you are not a retired police officer. You ought to stop with the stolen valor. Worst kind of lying there is.

You do. And you're a terrible parent for doing so. The left wing either directly or indirectly supports the groups who are pushing this violence on cops. Your son is a cop. You are supporting the people and ideology of those who are pushing violence against cops....including him. You should be ashamed.

And yes...I am. I don't give a fuck it you believe it or not.
If we had a real AG impartial and interested in the law black lives matter group ,,,,this group, black panthers and anyone else making regular calls for violence would be under investigation ans would their funders
how do you know these hate groups are not?
If we had a real AG impartial and interested in the law black lives matter group ,,,,this group, black panthers and anyone else making regular calls for violence would be under investigation ans would their funders
how do you know these hate groups are not?
because Obama and Holder helped create some of them......rest are copycats......course they arent......unless some State AG is fed up enough
All you cop haters getting excited now?


HOUSTON, Texas — A Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy was shot execution style at a gas station while reportedly in full uniform. The deputy was filling up his patrol car. Witnesses told Breitbart Texas the shooter shot the deputy in the back of the head and then three times in the back. This tragedy comes within days of a group of Black radicals calling for “lynching whites and killing cops,” as Breitbart Texas recently reported. Witnesses also told Breitbart Texas that the shooter was a black male.

The shooting occurred late Friday evening in Northwest Harris County just outside of Houston. One witness who spoke to this writer said he knew the deputy personally and had just spoken with him about five minutes before the shooting.

He said he saw the man shoot his friend and speed off in a red pickup truck. He said he followed the truck for about two miles until he lost it at a major highway intersection. The truck turned onto Highway 6 from West Road and disappeared.

Deputies in the area confirmed they were indeed searching for a red Ford Ranger pickup truck.

Two teenage girls told Breitbart Texas they saw the shooter fire one shot into the back of the head of the deputy who was simply getting gas for his vehicle. After the deputy fell, they heard three or four other shots. According to the first witness, those shots were fired into the deputy’s back.

Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops

Texas, eh? It's possible he was asking for it.

Just sayin'
And there you are. Sitting on your ass typing away in multiple threads about how it's time to take up arms and protect cops in your community.

Shouldn't you have left that living room by now? Times a wastin'.

Who says I havent? I go about my day. With a Smith &Wesson M&P .45, hollow points of course. If a cop is in a deadly situation and needs assistance...I'll help. In fact...Patriot Act allows all retired cops to have that ability and to carry concealed in all 50 states.

If the thugs decide I am their target...well...I don't go into those parts of town. No worries.

You are not a retired cop.

And you are still sitting there on your ass typing about how much of a badass you are. Better get going. There are cops out there who need your protection.

Ha. I am. But you're free to believe whatever the hell you want.

There's nowhere to "get going". It's just about taking precautions then going about daily life. Which I do. Most conservatives do. Self reliance. Kinda the theme ya know?

Didn't you claim your son is a cop? Thats sad that as a parent...your vote supports the ideology of people who are out there desiring to see him ambushed. Quite a great parent you are.

You just claimed that I support people who,want to ambush my son.

Do you ever think before you post.

What vote are you talking about, by the way?

And....you are not a retired police officer. You ought to stop with the stolen valor. Worst kind of lying there is.

You do. And you're a terrible parent for doing so. The left wing either directly or indirectly supports the groups who are pushing this violence on cops. Your son is a cop. You are supporting the people and ideology of those who are pushing violence against cops....including him. You should be ashamed.

And yes...I am. I don't give a fuck it you believe it or not.

We already established that you were not a police officer. Did you forget? You are a wannabe. How sad is that?

I don't know of any groups that are pushing violence on cops. I'm certainly not supporting them. You seem to have trouble with how things in life are connected.
All you cop haters getting excited now?


HOUSTON, Texas — A Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy was shot execution style at a gas station while reportedly in full uniform. The deputy was filling up his patrol car. Witnesses told Breitbart Texas the shooter shot the deputy in the back of the head and then three times in the back. This tragedy comes within days of a group of Black radicals calling for “lynching whites and killing cops,” as Breitbart Texas recently reported. Witnesses also told Breitbart Texas that the shooter was a black male.

The shooting occurred late Friday evening in Northwest Harris County just outside of Houston. One witness who spoke to this writer said he knew the deputy personally and had just spoken with him about five minutes before the shooting.

He said he saw the man shoot his friend and speed off in a red pickup truck. He said he followed the truck for about two miles until he lost it at a major highway intersection. The truck turned onto Highway 6 from West Road and disappeared.

Deputies in the area confirmed they were indeed searching for a red Ford Ranger pickup truck.

Two teenage girls told Breitbart Texas they saw the shooter fire one shot into the back of the head of the deputy who was simply getting gas for his vehicle. After the deputy fell, they heard three or four other shots. According to the first witness, those shots were fired into the deputy’s back.

Texas Deputy Executed Days After Black Radical Group Calls for Killing Cops

Texas, eh? It's possible he was asking for it.

Just sayin'

Is it possible you are as well?
obama could use the fbi to squash blm like he used the irs to squash the tea party......but he won't

Of course not. HE WANTED THIS.

His mentor Bill Ayers bombed cops and in 2008 said "I regret only that we didn't do more". He has made cop haters his AGs.

His legacy is blooming.
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.
So take a seat and watch the show. It's going to get very interesting when you get your war.

It sure is. And one side is FAR more heavily armed and trained. And infinitely better funded. Thugs are picking a fight they don't want. But libs are pushing it....so guess we're gonna have it.
Yea, we see how we react when a Boston bomber event happens. We shit our pants and realize we aren't prepared. False sense of security.
You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

Huh? Republicans were supporting blacks during the Civil Rights movement. Democrats founded the KKK. Fact.
You're one pathetic sob, that is a factual statement. The man is pumping gas and gets executed after some feral animal calls for cops to be executed. 2 + 2 = 4
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
I''m no seeing anything in the text saying the shooter was responding to what the group said or what his motive was.

Maybe we can wait for an investigation before drawing conclusions.

Deputy ambushed and killed in NW Harris County; Suspect arrested after intense manhunt

Oh SURE....you can't link them.

Black Texas radicals call for random executions of cops.
2 days later...a black animal executes a cop from behind as he pumps gas.

Yeah...NO LINK there.

You belong in the cage with him
How do you know that cop was innocent? Why do you assume?

What was he doing wrong? Holding the gas nozzle in a racist way?

So this was a good kill?
We don't know the history. Of course we automatically assume the officer was a good man. I don't have any reason to ask these questions but you never know. Kind of a crazy thing to walk up to a random cop and kill him. Now a dick cop? That's a different story. But I'm just speculating.

I was thinking of all the people who get killed in Detroit after sundown every night. I wonder how many of them are bad people out doing bad things?
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

Huh? Republicans were supporting blacks during the Civil Rights movement. Democrats founded the KKK. Fact.
Different times. A Republican freed the slaves, so why don't blacks vote GOP today? Do you know the history of this? I do. Start with the great Mississippi flood in the 1920's. That's when you started losing the black vote.

The GOP is for black people like Ben carson and Herman Cain.
Lots of rich black Republicans. Lots of rich Bruce Jenners in the GOP too. rich people who come from the middle East vote Republican. Put a little money in a Mexicans pocket he'll start agreeing with trump.

Lots of rich pro choice Republicans.

Lots of rich who believe in global warming vote GOP.

Notice what they all have in common?
Do you know that cop was good? Maybe the guy didn't go after a random cop? Ever consider that? Lots of bad cops out there. Did that cop pick on blacks? Lots of them do. I don't know, do you?


Liberals ALREADY justifying this execution of a cop.

I'm done with you. You're hopeless. Your destiny is to probably die young in some stupid violent act. Rot in hell.

Hey this thread was opened on the premise that this was a black on white crime.

We don't know why he shot him. But this is the second time this week when a black person shoots a white person and someone one this board tried to make it a race hate crime.

We are saying we don't know, but we do this speculation is a dick move... I can do it as well but hey I think I am better than that hopefully

I hope you're better than to keep denying what's happening.

The left is pushing a race based domestic conflict. They think it's good for politics....and deep down they just WANT it. They've literally called for dead cops. They're getting it.
Im sure the right said the same thing during the civil rights movement.

The right supported civil rights, it was the Dems who voted against it. You sleep during history class or was your history teacher a liberal loon?
What made you change?

Did you see how the GOP treated blacks during the great Mississippi flood? Shoot.

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