Texas doctor protests abortion law by admitting he carried out procedure

if I were the AG I wouldnt want to hand the lib media a photo and make him the celebrity that he’s obviously hoping to be

But I would put him in jail for practicing medicine without a license
But he has a license and he can’t be arrested because he performed an abortion.

But it’s interesting to see how your brain is so capable of coming up with a bullshit story to bend reality to what you want.

Instead of having the government enforce the law, the bill turns the reins over to private citizens — who are newly empowered to sue abortion providers or anyone who helps someone get an abortion after a fetal "heartbeat" has been detected. The person would not have to be connected to someone who had an abortion or to a provider to sue.
See post #20

I hope the state can suspend his medical license, but maybe they cant
So if he’s not arrested and not indicted (let alone convicted) what grounds do they have to suspend his license?

Instead of having the government enforce the law, the bill turns the reins over to private citizens — who are newly empowered to sue abortion providers or anyone who helps someone get an abortion after a fetal "heartbeat" has been detected. The person would not have to be connected to someone who had an abortion or to a provider to sue.
Absolutely disgusting way to enforce a law.

What a hero this man is. President Joe needs to appoint some judges to get this sorted.
He will now get the legal ball rolling, but he may lose his license if malpractice insurance carriers fail to allow him malpractice insurance. It's a wait and see. He has opened himself up to many lawsuits. Maybe you can start a Go Fund Me page.
President Joe needs to appoint some judges to get this sorted.
That’s not how it works.

Conservatives will control the courts for at least the next 30 years; with the judicial system no longer available to the people to seek relief from authoritarian Republicans, those disadvantaged by the autocratic right will need to defend their rights and protected liberties through the political process.

We can hope that this act of warranted defiance inspires the people to rise up against rightwing tyranny.
That’s not how it works.

Conservatives will control the courts for at least the next 30 years; with the judicial system no longer available to the people to seek relief from authoritarian Republicans, those disadvantaged by the autocratic right will need to defend their rights and protected liberties through the political process.

We can hope that this act of warranted defiance inspires the people to rise up against rightwing tyranny.
States' rights is now right wing tyranny? Wow, you folks have finally walked off the edge.

The Texas anti-choice law has no provision for enforcement or punishment by state officials, relying solely on enforcement by civil lawsuits.
That and the understanding that insurance companies don't want to take that sort of risk.

Are the insurance companies on the hook for these baby killings? That hasn't been made clear yet.
States' rights is now right wing tyranny? Wow, you folks have finally walked off the edge.
The political process is the only means by which the people can fight against rightwing tyranny; that’s why Republican state lawmakers have enacted measures intended to suppress the right to vote and disenfranchise voters.
The political process is the only means by which the people can fight against rightwing tyranny; that’s why Republican state lawmakers have enacted measures intended to suppress the right to vote and disenfranchise voters.
And yet, you agree: the TX abortion law is constitutional.

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