Texas Dumpster Diving For Food


There are red parts of CA too that are crime free and safe and clean... but the blue parts which is most of the state is a hell hole....

Another bad/sad winter for Texans. What do you think?

I think with no power stores can't run registers and such so they toss perishables. The cold weather in the dumpsters will extend the life of the food some. So, I think, "More power to them. Odds are they wouldn't be able to buy the stuff anyway if the electricity is out."
Story's been out for a couple of days......Ol LaKootie waited till a more Dem friendly picked it up.........
Chaos in Austin amid power outages as residents seen dumpster diving at H-E-B grocery store

According to the article, it was in Austin TX at a HEB store that had lost power and had to toss the food. SOMEONE had posted the store was giving away free food, that caused 250 people to show up and fight over it.

But someone posted on social media that there was "free food" at the store. Soon after, more than 250 people showed up and began fighting over rotting trash, according to Travis County Precinct 4 Constable George Morales.
Love it when the media takes pictures and videos out of context -- exactly correct as Texas was slammed with ice storms last week with over 250K power outages due (many here in Dallas due to fallen tree branches).

At least they were dumpster diving instead of the liberal goto of looting and stealing.

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