Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

The USSC cockroaches just turned down a perfectly solid lawsuit against Pennsylvania
Just dirty lawyers in filthy black robes
The USSC cockroaches just turned down a perfectly solid lawsuit against Pennsylvania
Just dirty lawyers in filthy black robes

No that lawsuit is still on, it was the INJUNCTION part that was rejected:

Supreme Court rejects Injunctive relief (NOT THE CASE) on voter fraud by Mike Kelly… and the case is still pending in front of the court

Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Sounds great but states rarely ever win against other states
The US is over and done with
The USSC cockroaches just turned down a perfectly solid lawsuit against Pennsylvania
Just dirty lawyers in filthy black robes

No that lawsuit is still on, it was the INJUNCTION part that was rejected:

Supreme Court rejects Injunctive relief (NOT THE CASE) on voter fraud by Mike Kelly… and the case is still pending in front of the court

Not looking very good
Best T can do is never concede and he should continue to expose the scandal in weekly events
The courts go on precedent, so I don't see how those that were in on the 2000 decision can reverse themselves at this point, especially after the epic lack of success of previous suits.
the Texas suit is about constitutional issues and does not depend on proving fraud
With frauds Roberts and Kav ..not looking very good
USA is one of the most crooked nations on earth
Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Big Texas Dick slams down on the table.

Everybody else knows what's at stake:
This is a not-so-veiled threat.

The SCOTUS ordered a response.
Texit? LOL. All you Trumpublicans should move to Texass, secede and make Trump your king.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Why hasn't this guy been on Rumps Cabinet. With this type of track record he should have been at least under consideration for one of those positions.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

The Lawsuit is on you moron!

SCOTUS has accepted the lawsuit.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense


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