Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

The Lawsuit is on you moron!

SCOTUS has accepted the lawsuit.

What has been presented is the application only. As of 5pm, SCOTUS has not accepted it. Maybe in the morning one way or another. You are jumping the gun once again and believing what the fruitcake and conspiracy sites are presenting. Hell, even the application may be false, we don't know. We'll give it the benefit and wait and see.

Damn, you part of the Rumpers will buy anything. Here's your sign.
View attachment 426865

You are way out of date since SCOTUS has already accepted the lawsuit and directed the sued states to respond by 3 PM Thursday.

You are being an ass.

If they accepted it there would be a record of it by SCOTUS on file. You want me to believe it, let's see that record along with the case file.

It is in the link you lazy reader!

Wait until tomorrow, there will be a lot more on this, then you will finally be forced to admit that it happened.

I read the link and it doesn't had a SCOTUS Docket number on it.

But in all fairness, let's look at the whole suit that they have filed since you are too lazy to even off that. Here it is off the Texas site.


It's more or less, more of the same BS that's been thrown out of court already including what was already refused to be considered by the SC already.

This is linked from

Legal Expert Troubled By Ken Paxton’s ‘Preposterous’ Lawsuit Against Battleground States

Time stamped Dec 8, 7:59 pm.

There are absolutely NO links or real cites to the SCOTUS ever posting online with what is claimed that they posted. If it were true, there would be a case number and a record of it on file on the SCOTUS docket. And SCOTUS doesn't usually post online. What do you think they are, Rumpers who use Twitter?

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

The Lawsuit is on you moron!

SCOTUS has accepted the lawsuit.

What has been presented is the application only. As of 5pm, SCOTUS has not accepted it. Maybe in the morning one way or another. You are jumping the gun once again and believing what the fruitcake and conspiracy sites are presenting. Hell, even the application may be false, we don't know. We'll give it the benefit and wait and see.

Damn, you part of the Rumpers will buy anything. Here's your sign.
View attachment 426865

You are way out of date since SCOTUS has already accepted the lawsuit and directed the sued states to respond by 3 PM Thursday.

You are being an ass.

If they accepted it there would be a record of it by SCOTUS on file. You want me to believe it, let's see that record along with the case file.

It is in the link you lazy reader!

Wait until tomorrow, there will be a lot more on this, then you will finally be forced to admit that it happened.

I read the link and it doesn't had a SCOTUS Docket number on it.

But in all fairness, let's look at the whole suit that they have filed since you are too lazy to even off that. Here it is off the Texas site.


It's more or less, more of the same BS that's been thrown out of court already including what was already refused to be considered by the SC already.

This is linked from

Legal Expert Troubled By Ken Paxton’s ‘Preposterous’ Lawsuit Against Battleground States

Time stamped Dec 8, 7:59 pm.

There are absolutely NO links or real cites to the SCOTUS ever posting online with what is claimed that they posted. If it were true, there would be a case number and a record of it on file on the SCOTUS docket. And SCOTUS doesn't usually post online. What do you think they are, Rumpers who use Twitter?

No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



That looks official to me. Thanks.
Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Big Texas Dick slams down on the table.

Everybody else knows what's at stake:
This is a not-so-veiled threat.

The SCOTUS ordered a response.
The equivalent of a fly pattern at the end of the fourth quarter. You can tell from today's SCOTUS ruling that they're not going to step in this shit. I place the blame on Trump's campaign advisors, they should have seen this coming a mile away and preempted it. We had a seriously defective candidate in Joe Biden hiding in the basement..this was a concerted effort at stealing this election across many states, the Democrats had placed their foot soldiers in various Democrat run cities and states and were preparing or should I say conspiring for this fraud for over 6 months, including how to cover their tracks. You gotta hand it to them they basically carried out an "Ocean's 11" of US elections.

Half the country and half the people on this forum are hellbent on turning the U.S. into a fascist, Chinese-style, one-party, oligarchy controlled by the Democratic Party. It's hard to preserve a nation when half its populace want to destroy it.
Let's be honest about it, the Chinese outsmarted us. Perhaps Trump shouldn't have pushed them so hard such that they unleashed this virus and conspired with the Dems to get rid of Trump. Bottom line is once again, I don't see any court overturning hundreds of thousands of votes, even if there is sufficient constitutional reason to do so. The only way it will happen is if state legislators do it, and then the court steps in to back them up. The clock is ticking and Trump is seriously running out of time, come December 15 if all the electors submit enough votes for Biden, then it's over.
No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



It only shows that it's been filed. It doesn't show that it's been accepted for ruling. It isn't requiring the defending states to do anything. What it does say is that the court will rule if they will accept it one way or another by Dec 10 by 3 pm.

And since the suit is just a rehash of all the other suits that have been thrown out of court (including the suit just thrown out by the SC today) what do you think the chances of it being considered? This is the biggest hail mary that's ever been thrown.

Now how about stopping reading into it what's not there.
No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



That looks official to me. Thanks.

It is. But it isn't saying what he is claiming it is saying. He has a reading disorder. It hasn't reached the consideration stage quite yet.
So...the motion for leave to file has not yet been granted?

Last edited:
No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



That looks official to me. Thanks.

It is. But it isn't saying what he is claiming it is saying. He has a reading disorder. It hasn't reached the consideration stage quite yet.

But at least there is actually a case filed.

Unlike skye telling us about some raid in Germany.
No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



It only shows that it's been filed. It doesn't show that it's been accepted for ruling. It isn't requiring the defending states to do anything. What it does say is that the court will rule if they will accept it one way or another by Dec 10 by 3 pm.

And since the suit is just a rehash of all the other suits that have been thrown out of court (including the suit just thrown out by the SC today) what do you think the chances of it being considered? This is the biggest hail mary that's ever been thrown.

Now how about stopping reading into it what's not there.

Read it again.... carefully.... keyword is bolded, can you understand now?

to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.

The sued states are being asked to respond to the motion of the previous day.

When they say it is DOCKETED, it means they have accepted the case.
So...the motion for leave to file has not yet been granted?

View attachment 426871

Doesn't look like it. Or maybe they haven't paid for it yet which would also delay it being approved. Until it's paid for, the suit won't even be looked at by the clerk. More than one suit has been refused by the clerk due to non payment in the past by a pre determined time period. Until the motion to leave has been satisfied, no Justice will even see it to either refuse it or rule on it.
Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Big Texas Dick slams down on the table.

Everybody else knows what's at stake:
This is a not-so-veiled threat.

The SCOTUS ordered a response.
The equivalent of a fly pattern at the end of the fourth quarter. You can tell from today's SCOTUS ruling that they're not going to step in this shit. I place the blame on Trump's campaign advisors, they should have seen this coming a mile away and preempted it. We had a seriously defective candidate in Joe Biden hiding in the basement..this was a concerted effort at stealing this election across many states, the Democrats had placed their foot soldiers in various Democrat run cities and states and were preparing or should I say conspiring for this fraud for over 6 months, including how to cover their tracks. You gotta hand it to them they basically carried out an "Ocean's 11" of US elections.

Half the country and half the people on this forum are hellbent on turning the U.S. into a fascist, Chinese-style, one-party, oligarchy controlled by the Democratic Party. It's hard to preserve a nation when half its populace want to destroy it.
Let's be honest about it, the Chinese outsmarted us. Perhaps Trump shouldn't have pushed them so hard such that they unleashed this virus and conspired with the Dems to get rid of Trump. Bottom line is once again, I don't see any court overturning hundreds of thousands of votes, even if there is sufficient constitutional reason to do so. The only way it will happen is if state legislators do it, and then the court steps in to back them up. The clock is ticking and Trump is seriously running out of time, come December 15 if all the electors submit enough votes for Biden, then it's over.
China did not release the virus on purpose.
It was a military thing that accidental leaked out
No reputable sites are reporting it yet.

Its good we're getting this out of our system during this election cycle so the next time we have a sore loser we won't have to worry about a month long tantrum.

No he is serious about the lawsuit:

State AG Ken Paxton Explains Legal Position of Texas in Supreme Court Election Lawsuit



SCOTUS isn't a magic lamp that grants anti-democratic wishes. You have to actually "show harm" and "have a case" and "go through the appeals process."

Paxton hopes that by appeasing the MAGAs that they will overlook his bribery charges being investigated by the FBI.

Paxton is under indictment for one crime and under Federal Investigation for a number of others.
This is nothing but Paxton trying to stroke Trump in order to get a pardon

The SC is never going to even LOOK at this nonsense



SCOTUS already accepted the lawsuit, ordered the sued stated to respond to the lawsuit by 3 PM Thursday.


Again...no reputable sites are reporting this...YET.

LOL, you are sooo lazy....

Really did you bother to LOOK here?

The Supreme Court of the United States

No. 22O155
Title:Texas, Plaintiff
Pennsylvania, et al.
Docketed:December 8, 2020

Dec 07 2020Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Dec 07 2020Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main Document
Dec 07 2020Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
Dec 08 2020Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.



It only shows that it's been filed. It doesn't show that it's been accepted for ruling. It isn't requiring the defending states to do anything. What it does say is that the court will rule if they will accept it one way or another by Dec 10 by 3 pm.

And since the suit is just a rehash of all the other suits that have been thrown out of court (including the suit just thrown out by the SC today) what do you think the chances of it being considered? This is the biggest hail mary that's ever been thrown.

Now how about stopping reading into it what's not there.

Read it again.... carefully.... keyword is bolded, can you understand now?

to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.

The sued states are being asked to respond to the motion of the previous day.

When they say it is DOCKETED, it means they have accepted the case.

The case hasn't gone past the motion for leave yet. And they have until Dec. 10, 3pm to satisfy it or it won't be considered at all. It will never make it past the Court Clerk. Now, where do you get your idea that any action of the "Offending" States are ordered? And it can't be docketed until it gets out of motion for leave. Did Texas run out of money to pay for it?
Don’t Mess with Texas!
Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures

Texas goes directly to the Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to order these swing states with voting irregularities to allow their legislatures to appoint presidential electors.

Don't Mess with Texas! Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin for Unconstitutionally Changing Election Procedures | The Stream
8 Dec 2020 ~~ By Al Perrotta

Just before midnight, the State of Texas threw its massive weight into the election fraud fight. Texas sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on the grounds their ad-hoc changes to election procedures were unconstitutional. And as a result, violated the rights of Texans and those in other states that followed the constitution. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.
What’s more, Texas isn’t fiddling around with lower courts. They marched straight to the Supreme Court. And they are requesting the Supreme Court order the offending states to allow their legislatures to appoint their presidential electors.
Dodging State Legislatures Was Dodgy
Breitbart was the first major outlet with the story, and breaks down the argument the Lone Star State is making.
Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.​
In their lawsuit, Texas claims “certain officials in the Defendant States” presented the COVID pandemic “as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in balloting.” As streiff at RedState noted, “there’s no pandemic escape hatch in the constitution.”
Going to the Supreme Court…a Long Shot, Perhaps
Texas approached the Supreme Court directly, Breitbart reports, “because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.”
Is the Supreme Court going to hear the case? Twitchy has collected the early reaction of legal types, and the consensus seems to be it’s a long shot the Supreme Court will hear the case, let alone rule in Texas’ favor. Several commentators note that the suit was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, not the state’s solicitor general Kyle Hawkins, who would be the go-to person for suits like this.

The Roberts court will either determine that it's none of Texas' business how other states do stuff or that the legistlatures were in session and aware of the changes and did not act, therefore they are implicitly the method determined by the legislature to be appropriate and so once again, buzz of Texas.
This case doesn’t require evidence, it hangs upon the law being changed illegally, before the election.
Every American voter in is being disenfranchised in this National Election by the States who were grossly negligent in their duties to conduct a free and fair election.
All States, who abided by their State Election Rules, should join with Texas and take the scoundrels to court.
Big Texas Dick slams down on the table.

Everybody else knows what's at stake:
This is a not-so-veiled threat.

The SCOTUS ordered a response.
The equivalent of a fly pattern at the end of the fourth quarter. You can tell from today's SCOTUS ruling that they're not going to step in this shit. I place the blame on Trump's campaign advisors, they should have seen this coming a mile away and preempted it. We had a seriously defective candidate in Joe Biden hiding in the basement..this was a concerted effort at stealing this election across many states, the Democrats had placed their foot soldiers in various Democrat run cities and states and were preparing or should I say conspiring for this fraud for over 6 months, including how to cover their tracks. You gotta hand it to them they basically carried out an "Ocean's 11" of US elections.

Half the country and half the people on this forum are hellbent on turning the U.S. into a fascist, Chinese-style, one-party, oligarchy controlled by the Democratic Party. It's hard to preserve a nation when half its populace want to destroy it.
Let's be honest about it, the Chinese outsmarted us. Perhaps Trump shouldn't have pushed them so hard such that they unleashed this virus and conspired with the Dems to get rid of Trump. Bottom line is once again, I don't see any court overturning hundreds of thousands of votes, even if there is sufficient constitutional reason to do so. The only way it will happen is if state legislators do it, and then the court steps in to back them up. The clock is ticking and Trump is seriously running out of time, come December 15 if all the electors submit enough votes for Biden, then it's over.
China did not release the virus on purpose.
It was a military thing that accidental leaked out
Smack in the middle of an election year, which results in an economic collapse, which enables the Democrats to completely capitalize and defeat Trump. Too many coincidental things that lead to a pretty solid circumstantial case, usually good enough to get a conviction in a court of law.
In the suit, he claims that pandemic-era changes to election procedures in those states violated federal law, and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the states from voting in the Electoral College."
Nevermind the fact that the election laws in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan were passed by their own state legislatures, but Texas knows better...even tho when they tried to challenge their own state's election laws, they were laughed out of court.
My home is in Tennessee. I should allow the State legislatures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan decide who my President is? Bullspit. This is a federal-not State-election.
But the problem is that those state legislatures have been circumvented. That’s the crux of the suits. Those states violated federal constitutional law by not having voting changes approved by their state legislatures which is required by state constitutional law.
In the suit, he claims that pandemic-era changes to election procedures in those states violated federal law, and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the states from voting in the Electoral College."
Nevermind the fact that the election laws in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan were passed by their own state legislatures, but Texas knows better...even tho when they tried to challenge their own state's election laws, they were laughed out of court.
My home is in Tennessee. I should allow the State legislatures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan decide who my President is? Bullspit. This is a federal-not State-election.
But the problem is that those state legislatures have been circumvented. That’s the crux of the suits. Those states violated federal constitutional law by not having voting changes approved by their state legislatures which is required by state constitutional law.

The Governor of Texas extended the in-person voting period without going through the state legislature.

You DO want those 38 Electoral votes for the blob nullified too...right?

SEVEN states have now joined Texas lawsuit, arguing that the Equal Protection Clause has been violated in this election from state-to-state.

, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.

All those floundering states trying to climb into that last little lifeboat. They don't even care that it has a huge hole in it.

SCOTUS has voted 6-3 to hear the Texas lawsuit.
Washington Pundit © on Twitter: "The 6-3 SCOTUS RULING came to us as personal communication from a trusted source. Since we could not find an official declaration, we removed the post. Praying it will come to fruition." / Twitter

Washington Pundit ©


Come back when there is something official instead of just some made up shit.
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Tramp is a loser , he will go down as the worst Potus in the US.

Obama will go down as one of the best.

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