Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

Here's one that went through the legislature.

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Wolf made voting more convenient and secure by signing Act 77 of 2019, the most significant improvement to Pennsylvania’s elections in more than 80 years. The bipartisan compromise legislation takes effect for the April 2020 primary election and makes Pennsylvania a national leader with voter-friendly election reforms.

and that was pre-covid. what did PA do *after* covid to change their systems?

nice try but i'm not chasing your turds down the toilet. please stick to the lawsuit.

You're far too busy chasing Trump's turds down the toilet. The Texas lawsuit will be tossed as well.

When someone tries to overturn the results of a democratic election, it's call a "coup d'etat". Trump is committing sedition in broad daylight, just like his obstruction of justice. That Republicans are cheering him on in this attempt is proof positive that the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground.
the argument seems to be that the state constitution has rules for "absentee ballots", and they sought to create a new class of balloting not defined in the constitution

So the state legislature created a new type of ballot, called a "mail-in" ballot, under rules the state legislature enacted.
Actually that's a different case, not brought up in the Texas lawsuit.

The Texas lawsuit is claiming that legislatures have exclusive ability to decide on the manner of choosing electors, so it wouldn't make sense that they bring up a claim stating that the legislature couldn't do something to decide on the manner of choosing electors.

In a funny way, this case is arguing against the other one.
They claimed Pennsylvanias "mail-in" ballots were in violation of the PA constitution.
More likely the Supreme Court will seek guidance in the original intent of the Constitution adopters, found in Federalist 59. What Texas Attorney General is now doing is what was specifically alarming to the Constitution adopters. The Elections Clause was specifically included in the document to prevent Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama--(possibly controlled by Vladimir Putin(?)--to gang up on the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia--(possibly controlled by ancestries related to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison). It was recognized at that time that money and influence could happen: Even in France(?)!

So the Congress was given the elections regulating authority: And clearly as matter of National Security. Then see the referenced states attempting intervention in the other states.

Just today, it is noted that Donald John Trump, Juvenile--(the family adults are hard to tell apart)--is not too up on U. S. National Security. Instead there is a Twitter message promising unilateral "Intervention" at the Supreme Court(?). The language of warfare is unmistakably noticeable.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)

You are a riot.
Case law defines legislation.
In essence they write the regulations.

Historically and technically, a “gun” is an artillery piece, i.e. a howitzer, or a crew-served machine gun, an anti-tank artillery piece, anti-aircraft artillery, naval artillery, etc. A firearm is a man-portable weapon that is fired from the hand or the shoulder or from a bipod.

If the legislature fails to define "gun", then that devolves onto the courts.
Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

Here's one that went through the legislature.

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Wolf made voting more convenient and secure by signing Act 77 of 2019, the most significant improvement to Pennsylvania’s elections in more than 80 years. The bipartisan compromise legislation takes effect for the April 2020 primary election and makes Pennsylvania a national leader with voter-friendly election reforms.

and that was pre-covid. what did PA do *after* covid to change their systems?

nice try but i'm not chasing your turds down the toilet. please stick to the lawsuit.

You're far too busy chasing Trump's turds down the toilet. The Texas lawsuit will be tossed as well.

When someone tries to overturn the results of a democratic election, it's call a "coup d'etat". Trump is committing sedition in broad daylight, just like his obstruction of justice. That Republicans are cheering him on in this attempt is proof positive that the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground.

Its not just Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota are getting in on this suite.
Case law defines legislation.
In essence they write the regulations.

Historically and technically, a “gun” is an artillery piece, i.e. a howitzer, or a crew-served machine gun, an anti-tank artillery piece, anti-aircraft artillery, naval artillery, etc. A firearm is a man-portable weapon that is fired from the hand or the shoulder or from a bipod.

If the legislature fails to define "gun", then that devolves onto the courts.

So we agree that courts don't
Or are not supposed to
Write legislation.
They are tasked with interpreting legislation.
Mostly, Constitutional matters seem to empower Congress. Texas is not Empowered. The intent of any jurisprudence more is more likely reliant on Federalist 59! Even the creation of the Civil War Amendments did not limit or curtail the original framing of "The Elections Clause!"

The Elections Clause

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

U.S. Const. Article I, §4, cl. 1.

Day of Choosing Presidential Electors Clause

The Congress
may determine the Time of chusing the [Presidential] Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

U.S. Const. Article II, §1, cl. 4.

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

U.S. Const. XIV, §§1 & 5.

Fifteenth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

U.S. Const. XV, §§1 & 2.

Power as Regards Different Types of Elections
Although the Constitution is silent on various aspects of the voting process, the Constitution seems to anticipate that states would be primarily responsible for establishing procedures for elections. Federal authority to direct how states administer these regulations, however, is also provided for in the Constitution. Congress's power is at its most broad in the case of House elections, which have historically always been decided by a system of popular voting.13 Its power may be more limited in elections for Senators or President, and is at its narrowest as regards state elections.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)

Did the states bypass their own constitution and laws to change voting laws?
I don't think so. Do you have any examples from the lawsuit that you think are relevant?

the argument seems to be that the state constitution has rules for "absentee ballots", and they sought to create a new class of balloting not defined in the constitution

So the state legislature created a new type of ballot, called a "mail-in" ballot, under rules the state legislature enacted.
They created it after the fact.
Fucking moron, Pennsylvania used mail-in ballots in their primary election in accordance with the new law. Republicans had their opportunity then to challenge the constitutionality of that law if it were really a problem for them. They don't get to sit on that position and wait to see if they win or lose an election, and then attempt to disenfranchise 2.6 million voters because they lost the election over a law that was constitutional when the election was held and the voters followed the law.
The Supreme Court is probably spending its time looking over all the election laws liberal shills violated in the states in question.

Probably? Seems you've already decided that "liberal shills" acted improperly or illegally. Odd isn't it that nearly three dozen appeals by the Trump Supporters have been rejected by the Federal Court System. It also seems that most of the judges have been appointed by Republican Presidents.

What is not probable are the facts that the GOP is closely acting with a seditious intent, and also close to violation US Code for inciting a riot:

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

An not only Federal Judges and justices, but state justices and judges + AG Barr have found no fraud:

The Supreme Court is probably spending its time looking over all the election laws liberal shills violated in the states in question.

Probably? Seems you've already decided that "liberal shills" acted improperly or illegally. Odd isn't it that nearly three dozen appeals by the Trump Supporters have been rejected by the Federal Court System. It also seems that most of the judges have been appointed by Republican Presidents.

What is not probable are the facts that the GOP is closely acting with a seditious intent, and also close to violation US Code for inciting a riot:

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

An not only Federal Judges and justices, but state justices and judges + AG Barr have found no fraud:

They did act illegally. You folks are in for some disappointment. This is about state election officials and their illegal actions that removed all safeguards to fair and free elections.
On the one hand, don't forget to open up the link in the OP(?), Read it(?), and Weep(?)!

Then effectively look what Texas can be inferred to intend, by way of Amendment 15: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

The Texas lawsuit intends that the right to vote be denied or abridged!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)
Mostly the Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit is not getting much coverage, anywhere. Curiously, that appears to be what the Framer's Intended.

More likely the Supreme Court will seek guidance in the original intent of the Constitution adopters, found in Federalist 59. What Texas Attorney General is now doing is what was specifically alarming to the Constitution adopters. The Elections Clause was specifically included in the document to prevent Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama--(possibly controlled by Vladimir Putin(?))--to gang up on the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia--(possibly controlled by ancestries related to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison). It was recognized at that time that money and influence could happen: Even in France(?)!

So the Congress was given the elections regulating authority: And clearly as a matter of National Security. Then see the referenced states attempting intervention in the other states.

Just today, it is noted that Donald John Trump, Juvenile--(the family adults are hard to tell apart)--is not too up on U. S. National Security. Instead there is a Twitter message promising unilateral "Intervention" at the Supreme Court(?). The language of warfare is unmistakably noticeable.

The Avalon Project : Federalist No 59

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)
Texas is under the control of the Russians?

Unlike the democrats who are under control of the Chinese


Law states changing the election process requires going through the legislature.

Please show me where these 4 states did that.

Here's one that went through the legislature.

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Wolf made voting more convenient and secure by signing Act 77 of 2019, the most significant improvement to Pennsylvania’s elections in more than 80 years. The bipartisan compromise legislation takes effect for the April 2020 primary election and makes Pennsylvania a national leader with voter-friendly election reforms.

and that was pre-covid. what did PA do *after* covid to change their systems?

nice try but i'm not chasing your turds down the toilet. please stick to the lawsuit.

You're far too busy chasing Trump's turds down the toilet. The Texas lawsuit will be tossed as well.

When someone tries to overturn the results of a democratic election, it's call a "coup d'etat". Trump is committing sedition in broad daylight, just like his obstruction of justice. That Republicans are cheering him on in this attempt is proof positive that the Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground.

Its not just Texas. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and South Dakota are getting in on this suite.

Is this a multi-bedroom suite or an orgy room?

The Republican Party, or what passes for the Republican Party, has lost its mind, and is now participating in an attempt coup against the legally elected government of the United States of America. Who elected these idiots as AG's in these states?

American conservatives have now completely abandoned the idea of a Constitutional Republic, and utterly embraced authoritarianism.
Then effectively look what Texas can be inferred to intend, by way of Amendment 15: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude

The Texas lawsuit intends that the right to vote be denied or abridged!

Anyone has noticed that lawyers have been pleading for the Courts to start imposing sanctions for the frivolous, Trumped-Up related, lawsuits!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)
The Supreme Court is probably spending its time looking over all the election laws liberal shills violated in the states in question.

Probably? Seems you've already decided that "liberal shills" acted improperly or illegally. Odd isn't it that nearly three dozen appeals by the Trump Supporters have been rejected by the Federal Court System. It also seems that most of the judges have been appointed by Republican Presidents.

What is not probable are the facts that the GOP is closely acting with a seditious intent, and also close to violation US Code for inciting a riot:

18 U.S. Code § 2102 - Definitions

An not only Federal Judges and justices, but state justices and judges + AG Barr have found no fraud:

They did act illegally. You folks are in for some disappointment. This is about state election officials and their illegal actions that removed all safeguards to fair and free elections.

If they have been found to have NOT committed Fraud, what crime do you have evidence to prove your opinion?

We all know, even you, that Donald Trump is a pathological liar. His word is not worth a confederate dollar.

Pathological liar: Pathological Liar: How to Cope with Someone’s Compulsive Lies
You mean this crook
FBI is investigating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, AP report says

The FBI is investigating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the Associated Press reported Tuesday evening, vetting allegations made by eight of Paxton’s former top aides that he illegally used the power of his office to benefit a political donor.

Two unnamed sources told the AP that the bureau was examining claims made by the whistleblowers that Paxton broke the law by intervening several times in legal matters involving Nate Paul, a real estate investor and friend who donated $25,000 to Paxton’s campaign in 2018.

Just another tRUMP crook
And texASS always screams the loudest about state "sovereignty " the F*cking hypocrites/

Mostly the Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit is not getting much coverage, anywhere. Curiously, that appears to be what the Framer's Intended.

More likely the Supreme Court will seek guidance in the original intent of the Constitution adopters, found in Federalist 59. What Texas Attorney General is now doing is what was specifically alarming to the Constitution adopters. The Elections Clause was specifically included in the document to prevent Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama--(possibly controlled by Vladimir Putin(?))--to gang up on the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia--(possibly controlled by ancestries related to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison). It was recognized at that time that money and influence could happen: Even in France(?)!

So the Congress was given the elections regulating authority: And clearly as a matter of National Security. Then see the referenced states attempting intervention in the other states.

Just today, it is noted that Donald John Trump, Juvenile--(the family adults are hard to tell apart)--is not too up on U. S. National Security. Instead there is a Twitter message promising unilateral "Intervention" at the Supreme Court(?). The language of warfare is unmistakably noticeable.

The Avalon Project : Federalist No 59

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a real sniff of foreign intervention: See Deut 23: 19-20, about the gouging and screwing that Moses likely learned as kid--from Acts 7 a household art and skill of Pharaoh!)

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