Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

you once again SURPRISE are not answering the question.

changing how we vote is a legislature function. please see SEPARATION OF POWERS to help understand why we do this.

Setting the election law is the legislative function. The actual carrying out of the election is a regulation bound function. The election boards actually set most of the rules. They decide how many polling places, the hours, and many of the other conditions which implement election law.
you once again SURPRISE are not answering the question.

changing how we vote is a legislature function. please see SEPARATION OF POWERS to help understand why we do this.

Setting the election law is the legislative function. The actual carrying out of the election is a regulation bound function. The election boards actually set most of the rules. They decide how many polling places, the hours, and many of the other conditions which implement election law.
we will see if that is true or not. i would think the SCOTUS would scoff at the lawsuit vs. give states til today to respond.
There's no evidence of 'fraud.'

One cannot be hurt by that which doesn't exist.

Actually there is evidence of fraud. Every election has some fraud, even if it's just one or two voting twice, or three people being registered in the wrong place.

What is missing is evidence of enough fraud to put in question the outcome of the election. And in that they fall orders of magnitude short.

In one case the republicans were arguing about 151 ballots, where Biden held a 12,000 vote lead. Even if they succeeded, the judge pointed out, it would in no way change the outcome of the election.
we will see if that is true or not. i would think the SCOTUS would scoff at the lawsuit vs. give states til today to respond.

As you see in my previous post, the only action the USSC can take, is to invalidate the electors from those 4 states. Even though highly unlikely, say that's a possibility. And doing that still doesn't give Trump a victory. As I pointed out, it's whoever gets the majority of electors appointed. And if the USSC throws out 62 electors, then whoever has 239 wins.

And Biden would still have 244.
we will see if that is true or not. i would think the SCOTUS would scoff at the lawsuit vs. give states til today to respond.

As you see in my previous post, the only action the USSC can take, is to invalidate the electors from those 4 states. Even though highly unlikely, say that's a possibility. And doing that still doesn't give Trump a victory. As I pointed out, it's whoever gets the majority of electors appointed. And if the USSC throws out 62 electors, then whoever has 239 wins.

And Biden would still have 244.
great. we will see. not that i disagree, just going to see it through as to what happens.

anyone who says they know what will happen from here is just wishing / hoping / projecting. we are in uncharted waters these days.
There's no evidence of 'fraud.'

One cannot be hurt by that which doesn't exist.

Actually there is evidence of fraud. Every election has some fraud, even if it's just one or two voting twice, or three people being registered in the wrong place.

What is missing is evidence of enough fraud to put in question the outcome of the election. And in that they fall orders of magnitude short.

In one case the republicans were arguing about 151 ballots, where Biden held a 12,000 vote lead. Even if they succeeded, the judge pointed out, it would in no way change the outcome of the election.
there are several down ballot races that are withing just a few votes. somehow, a month after the election, the D's are still finding ballots in drawers and so forth. how come the R's never find random boxes of ballots anywhere?

the fraud is there. there's just also enough media and people who hate trump screaming NOOOOO and throwing out disinformation to give people something to talk about.

in the end, no i don't know. i'll wait and see what the courts say.
anyone who says they know what will happen from here is just wishing / hoping / projecting. we are in uncharted waters these days.
We clearly know the USSC has no power to appoint electors, so they can't award any to Trump, they can only take them from Biden.

And even if they take away the 62 contested electors, Biden still wins 244 to 232.
there are several down ballot races that are withing just a few votes. somehow, a month after the election, the D's are still finding ballots in drawers and so forth. how come the R's never find random boxes of ballots anywhere?

They did in Georgia. Or are you deaf dumb and blind?

Election workers in three counties discovered a total of more than 3,300 new votes stored on memory cards that hadn’t been loaded into election computers. A different issue in Floyd County led to another 2,600 ballots going unscanned.

Mr. Trump gained about 1,400 votes that county election officials hadn’t tallied before the recount.

Oh look. the republicans found votes.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.

Oh my!!!


Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Do you ever read the articles? Do any "Progressives" ever bother reading the attached articles?
Yeah, and is was one of the things the Texas case said was an irregularity or illegal.

The SC won't take the case is my bet, or take it for some time down the road, where the people's choice of Biden is not affected.

The states are not hurt by how the other states run their elections. They have no standing.

Yes, they are. I sure as hell was hurt by fraud being used to get Biden elected.

Texans voted, Texans appointed their electors. What another state does is none of their bee's wax, according to the constitution.... imo. The people of those 4 states chose Biden, by landslides in most of them....there is no ambiguity. The laws tweaked by the court rulings, truly matters naught...Biden, was chosen by their citizens to be our next president, in good faith.... they followed the election laws they were told were legal.
Your opinion isn't worth shit. So if another state approves slavery, that's none of your business? You realize that your fucking stupid, don't you?
There's no evidence of 'fraud.'

One cannot be hurt by that which doesn't exist.
Telling this lie 10,000 times will not make it true.
there are several down ballot races that are withing just a few votes. somehow, a month after the election, the D's are still finding ballots in drawers and so forth. how come the R's never find random boxes of ballots anywhere?

They did in Georgia. Or are you deaf dumb and blind?

Election workers in three counties discovered a total of more than 3,300 new votes stored on memory cards that hadn’t been loaded into election computers. A different issue in Floyd County led to another 2,600 ballots going unscanned.

Mr. Trump gained about 1,400 votes that county election officials hadn’t tallied before the recount.

Oh look. the republicans found votes.
we were having a good discussion til you had to go start the insult parade.

if i was wrong, simply correct me. in my experience, the vast majority of "votes found" after an election go to the Democrats. i seldom see a R say "hey, these boxes of votes were left in this closet..."

but if this is how you discuss matters, great. i'll simply stop bothering.
anyone who says they know what will happen from here is just wishing / hoping / projecting. we are in uncharted waters these days.
We clearly know the USSC has no power to appoint electors, so they can't award any to Trump, they can only take them from Biden.

And even if they take away the 62 contested electors, Biden still wins 244 to 232.
You need 270 to win, moron.
The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.

And having selected the method of choosing the electors, the legislature can't change the law in the middle of the election. And they certainly can't change the law ex-post facto.

The method, whether the EC is chosen by the legislature, the voters, or by flipping a coin must remain in place.
anyone who says they know what will happen from here is just wishing / hoping / projecting. we are in uncharted waters these days.
We clearly know the USSC has no power to appoint electors, so they can't award any to Trump, they can only take them from Biden.

And even if they take away the 62 contested electors, Biden still wins 244 to 232.
You need 270 to win, moron.
yea, i wasn't going to get into that with him once he showed troll colors.


"A candidate must receive an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) to win the presidency or the vice presidency. If no candidate receives a majority in the election for president or vice president, that election is determined via a contingency procedure established by the 12th Amendment."

doesn't say shit about the most wins, it says 270.

better troll, but still he's just a troll now.
how come the R's never find random boxes of ballots anywhere?
They did in Georgia. Or are you deaf dumb and blind?

Election workers in three counties discovered a total of more than 3,300 new votes stored on memory cards that hadn’t been loaded into election computers. A different issue in Floyd County led to another 2,600 ballots going unscanned.

Mr. Trump gained about 1,400 votes that county election officials hadn’t tallied before the recount.

Oh look. the republicans found votes.
we were having a good discussion til you had to go start the insult parade.

You started by insulting my intelligence, saying that republicans never found any votes. When it's obvious to anyone who read about the Georgia recount, that republicans did indeed find "missing" ballots that helped Trump.

So stop the "oh i'm insulted" bullshit. You played the "only democrats do that" card, and lost.
but if this is how you discuss matters, great. i'll simply stop bothering.

I discuss using facts. If you claim republicans didn't find missing ballots (hey you forgot to count these) that helped Trump, you might as well crawl under a rock.
how come the R's never find random boxes of ballots anywhere?
They did in Georgia. Or are you deaf dumb and blind?

Election workers in three counties discovered a total of more than 3,300 new votes stored on memory cards that hadn’t been loaded into election computers. A different issue in Floyd County led to another 2,600 ballots going unscanned.

Mr. Trump gained about 1,400 votes that county election officials hadn’t tallied before the recount.

Oh look. the republicans found votes.
we were having a good discussion til you had to go start the insult parade.

You started by insulting my intelligence, saying that republicans never found any votes. When it's obvious to anyone who read about the Georgia recount, that republicans did indeed find "missing" ballots that helped Trump.

So stop the "oh i'm insulted" bullshit. You played the "only democrats do that" card, and lost.
in my mind they seldom do. you pointed out an instance - ONE instance and that hardly invalidates my thoughts on the matter from 50+ years of watching elections.

and we were talking. i gave you my viewpoint. as for insulting your intelligence, that simply isn't possible, man.

have a day. you're banished to troll-ville.

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