Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.
just a blatant bold lie which you seem to specialize in. Where has Dominion gone to if they are so pure
and non controversial? They've just shut down offices, scrubbed identities and declined to show up in
Pennsylvania for a little talk with officials there.

Feeling stupid yet? You have no conscience apparently you lie so much and so freely.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Dominion weighs ballots. It gives Biden votes more worth than Trump votes. In addition:

Why do you bother hanging around lying and bullshitting? Your little plan to steal the election
is in the middle of a collapse. Thank you Texas. Thank you Supreme Court.
Thank you rabid stupid democrats.
When the audit of dominion voting machines is over in Michigan, and nothing irregular is found with them, will Trump concede?

Georgia did 2 HAND recounts and the paper ballots matched the Dominion machine count, why hasn't trump conceded?
The dominion conspiracy is double stupid.

First, there's nothing to support it. So belief in the dominion batshit is just pure, unrefined dipshittery.
just a blatant bold lie which you seem to specialize in. Where has Dominion gone to if they are so pure
and non controversial? They've just shut down offices, scrubbed identities and declined to show up in
Pennsylvania for a little talk with officials there.

Feeling stupid yet? You have no conscience apparently you lie so much and so freely.

Second, its been demonstrably disproven. If Dominion voting machines were changing votes, then physical paper ballot (with the votes written right on it for the voter to review) would be wildly different than the electronic vote tallies.

Georgia hand counted the physical ballots. The hand recount of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with WAY more than 99% accuracy.

Obliterating this silly turd of a conspiracy.
Dominion weighs ballots. It gives Biden votes more worth than Trump votes. In addition:

Why do you bother hanging around lying and bullshitting? Your little plan to steal the election
is in the middle of a collapse. Thank you Texas. Thank you Supreme Court.
Thank you rabid stupid democrats.
When the audit of dominion voting machines is over in Michigan, and nothing irregular is found with them, will Trump concede?

Georgia did 2 HAND recounts and the paper ballots matched the Dominion machine count, why hasn't trump conceded?
The Texas suit is not about fraud.
Wrong, the legislature granted the governor those powers, therefore it was an act of the legislature. If they did not want it to include election law, they would have codified an exception. They did not.

It's like giving somebody power of attorney without limitations.
The legislature can't amend the US constitution, fuck nuts.
They didn't. They gave the governor legislative powers.

IE: Allowed him to act under their authority as if done by themselves.
They can't give powers away that were granted by the Constitution of the US, moron
Of course they can silly one! The constitution gives them the power.
They'll weasel out, I think.
I dont know, the SCOTUS justices have skin in this one, with the threats to expand the SCOTUS bench, so I think they are wanting to take action, but afraid of accusations of being partisan, etc, especially from within the SCOTUS.

I suspect that that they will toss the election results and declare no one won and send it to the House, or tell the state Houses to pick their own slate of delegates,, and many of these GOP snails will be willing to support Biden, so it isnt the same thing as just giving Trump the election by ruling out millions of mail-in while keeping the Trump in person votes.

I think they will punt to anyone that they think they can get it too and also make them look nonpartisan.

But My SCOTUS tea leaf reading has never been all that good.

And it's even WORSE here. What a crock you just wrote. NO Virginia, the SCOTUS will NOT "toss the election results" as they have no jurisdiction to do so. let alone the rest of your psychotic wet dream.

I thought I just posted this but it must have been the other thread on the same thing --- the COTUS Article II says the states shall appoint their Electors "in such Manner as the Legislatures thereof may direct". THAT is what state legislatures do, and it's already done. That is, that each state holds a popular election and then allocates its Electors based on that.

THAT'S IT. That' what the legislature does, and it got done a long time ago. Constitution is fulfilled right there.

NOW, if you can find us a state that is defying that procedure, like, say, a state that's ignoring its popular vote of a month ago and picking its Electors not on the vote totals but on, say, incessant begging phone calls from a petulant man-child in the White House crying his eyes out because he's a loser, *THEN* you begin to have a case of not following the COTUS.
Well of course - Texas has every right to change election laws in all 57 states because, you know ... TEXAS! :laugh2:
Good lord, when will Republicans stop embarrassing themselves?

Who will make them pay for it?

Their voters?? Nope...

They are embarrassing themselves for their voters....

and when this is said and done, I guarantee you that these folks will get pissed if you ever remind them

Apparently you would prefer the people nationwide to pay for those States' "right" to defraud the the rest of the rest the United States. Voting fraud affects all Americans.

Allegations of fraud with no evidence shouldn't affect any Americans....

We are weeks now of the allegations of fraud... Where is the evidence... Evidence that will stand up in court...

Where is it?

No messages of 'it is coming' or 'it is everywhere'... Accusing people of a crime and having no evidence is a crime in itself...

Sounds like you are as sick of this as I am and the judges are. That idiot AG in Texas now claims 80 million fraudulent votes with no evidence. They pull this crap out of their ass and expect people to enjoy the scent. It's beyond ridiculous.

Sweety-------------Texas had their better IT guys inspect the Dominion system before the election throughly and reject allowing it in TEXAS because they found that the system was basically meant to create FRAUD----------

TEXAS IT guys understand the system and how it was used to CHEAT.............

Even my lib brother who happens to be the director of computer it department for one of the colleges is saying Biden is fucked.

If those IT guys already inspected the software, it should be easy to present evidence of how votes were stolen. Just saying you think it was possible isn't enough. You gotta show evidence that it was.

More to ignore right?

Why are you so sure that Clinton really won re-election in 96?

How are you confident that Bush won re-election in 2004??

How do we know that Sean Spicer really didn't win Dancing With The Stars??

Many states grant the chief executive special powers normally held by the legislature, during declared emergencies.

§ 38-3-51 - Emergency powers of Governor

(4) To perform and exercise such other functions, powers, and duties as may be deemed necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population.
Those powers don't apply to election law. The Constitution grants those powers only to the state legislature. How many times does that fact have to pounded into your thick skull?

Wrong, the legislature granted the governor those powers, therefore it was an act of the legislature. If they did not want it to include election law, they would have codified an exception. They did not.

It's like giving somebody power of attorney without limitations.
where did they do this and by what process that has been approved in their constitution??
The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.
The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.
But the legislature did NOT approve or vote on the changes.

If they did, show me. Otherwise just stop the bullshit.
My guess is the Supreme court will not get involved.

Can you even imagine the precedent set that states can sue other states because they didnt like the way another state's election was run?

Jebus Crisco! We'd never have any election of our leaders by we the people, and only by some court judges! :eek:
The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.
But the legislature did NOT approve or vote on the changes.

If they did, show me. Otherwise just stop the bullshit.
The duty was to decide if their legislature was going to choose the electors, if not, then who? All of our different legislatures chose the citizens vote would determine and choose their electors. Thats the "manner" in which they are chosen that the constitution speaks of.... once this is chosen, the constitutional requirement is fulfilled.

The US constitution does not govern the finer details of how an election process is done within each state.

The Texas case has no Constitutional standing.

Michiganders etc. can argue about their own processes not being followed in their own State courts.... but the US constitutional mandate of their legislatures choosing the "manner" of electing their electors, thru the citizen's vote, instead of the legislature's vote, was fulfilled, in my opinion.
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The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.
But the legislature did NOT approve or vote on the changes.

If they did, show me. Otherwise just stop the bullshit.
The duty was to decide if their legislature was going to choose the electors, if not, then who? All of our different legislatures chose the citizens vote would determine and choose their electors. Thats the "manner" in which they are chosen that the constitution speaks of.... once this is chosen, the constitutional requirement is fulfilled.

The US constitution does not govern the finer details of how an election process is done within each state.

The Texas case has no Constitutional standing.

Michiganders etc. can argue about their own processes not being followed in their own State courts.... but the US constitutional mandate of their legislatures choosing the "manner" of electing their electors, thru the citizen's vote, instead of the legislature's vote, was fulfilled, in my opinion.
you once again SURPRISE are not answering the question.

changing how we vote is a legislature function. please see SEPARATION OF POWERS to help understand why we do this.

now - please show me where these states did in fact go through their LEGISLATURE to make these changes.

all you gotta do. anything is else a shitshow distraction that i am simply not going to chase down.
The constitution gives legislatures the power to choose the manner in which electors are chosen.... by the legislature voting themselves, or by the vote of the citizens, or by flipping a coin etc.

These legislatures chose to give up the legislature picking the electors, and gave it to the citizens to choose.
But the legislature did NOT approve or vote on the changes.

If they did, show me. Otherwise just stop the bullshit.
The duty was to decide if their legislature was going to choose the electors, if not, then who? All of our different legislatures chose the citizens vote would determine and choose their electors. Thats the "manner" in which they are chosen that the constitution speaks of.... once this is chosen, the constitutional requirement is fulfilled.

The US constitution does not govern the finer details of how an election process is done within each state.

The Texas case has no Constitutional standing.

Michiganders etc. can argue about their own processes not being followed in their own State courts.... but the US constitutional mandate of their legislatures choosing the "manner" of electing their electors, thru the citizen's vote, instead of the legislature's vote, was fulfilled, in my opinion.
you once again SURPRISE are not answering the question.

changing how we vote is a legislature function. please see SEPARATION OF POWERS to help understand why we do this.

now - please show me where these states did in fact go through their LEGISLATURE to make these changes.

all you gotta do. anything is else a shitshow distraction that i am simply not going to chase down.

They probably didn't...just like Texas didn't. One difference was that the Supreme Court validated Pennsylvania's election plan as for allowing 3 days of receipt of ballots mailed in by November third.

Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Do you ever read the articles? Do any "Progressives" ever bother reading the attached articles?
Yeah, and is was one of the things the Texas case said was an irregularity or illegal.

The SC won't take the case is my bet, or take it for some time down the road, where the people's choice of Biden is not affected.

The states are not hurt by how the other states run their elections. They have no standing.

Yes, they are. I sure as hell was hurt by fraud being used to get Biden elected.

Texans voted, Texans appointed their electors. What another state does is none of their bee's wax, according to the constitution.... imo. The people of those 4 states chose Biden, by landslides in most of them....there is no ambiguity. The laws tweaked by the court rulings, truly matters naught...Biden, was chosen by their citizens to be our next president, in good faith.... they followed the election laws they were told were legal.
Your opinion isn't worth shit. So if another state approves slavery, that's none of your business? You realize that your fucking stupid, don't you?
There's no evidence of 'fraud.'

One cannot be hurt by that which doesn't exist.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Do you ever read the articles? Do any "Progressives" ever bother reading the attached articles?
Yeah, and is was one of the things the Texas case said was an irregularity or illegal.

The SC won't take the case is my bet, or take it for some time down the road, where the people's choice of Biden is not affected.

The states are not hurt by how the other states run their elections. They have no standing.

Yes, they are. I sure as hell was hurt by fraud being used to get Biden elected.

Texans voted, Texans appointed their electors. What another state does is none of their bee's wax, according to the constitution.... imo. The people of those 4 states chose Biden, by landslides in most of them....there is no ambiguity. The laws tweaked by the court rulings, truly matters naught...Biden, was chosen by their citizens to be our next president, in good faith.... they followed the election laws they were told were legal.
Your opinion isn't worth shit. So if another state approves slavery, that's none of your business? You realize that your fucking stupid, don't you?
There's no evidence of 'fraud.'

One cannot be hurt by that which doesn't exist.
there's lots of it. you saying there isn't is working any better than you insisting RUSSIA hacked our elections.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
I don't know what the lawsuit is asking for, because they've already gone PAST the "safe harbor" If they invalidate the EC votes of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia, Trump still won't win.

Remember, it's not a race to 270, it's a race to the majority of elector appointed. If they decertify 62 electors, than the total drops from 538 to 476 and you now need 239 to win.
Biden had 306, minus 62 gives him 244

244 is still more than the 239 needed to win.

It's simple math.
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.
Sanity? Do you believe men with tits are women?
The reason why i have asked you this question, is i need to understand your definition of Sanity...
where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity.
Have you ever heard of a court room? Just curious. Defense lawyers do that- and, it can lead to a corrupt prosecution- do you want people to just roll over and accept that? It appears your bias is evidence you do.

There is no Law of Innocence to be applied- fyi- however, until a trial proves otherwise (no matter the how) then in the US, our system, allegedly, performs in the blind justice mode- that is not blinded by, btw- a good defense lawyer has to maintain innocence while the burden of proof of guilt lies with the prosecution- again, there is no law of innocence that can be applied- btw, I don't think a civil action lawsuit is a criminal action lawsuit- I could be wrong though, so I'll wait for your bias to prove me guilty-
Legally troubled Texas A.G. concocts absurd election lawsuit as Trump muses about pardons If you had told me this kind of crazy stuff was going on, I would have never believed you originally. But then again, we are talking about Republicans and their cult base, so yes, it is totally believable. We of course are talking about these insane and totally stupid law suits by Ken Paxton to over turn the election, who of course is under criminal indictment himself. This is the typical nonsensical Rudy Giuliani play book, where you go after the folks who are investigating you, while you yourself are being investigated for criminal activity. Needless to say this is going to backfire on Paxton and the idiot base who believe this craziness. Paxton and the Republican party have descended into full, all out bonkers. Unleashing crackpots and criminals is not a winning strategy. Apparently the majority of the party isn't smart enough to see that. They have become the laughing stock of the country. Thank goodness we still have a majority who care and vote for sanity.

The more adjectives you use in the first few words of a post, the more we know it's nothing more than your delusions and idiocy.

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