Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

Good! Let the fucking Dims that run D.C. deal with the mess they've made!

Texas has begun carrying out Governor Greg Abbott’s plans to transport illegal immigrants who have been placed in the state by the federal government to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., according to a new report.

“In the last 24 hours, TDEM has dispatched buses to areas where communities have expressed concerns about the federal government dropping off migrants and has the capability to send as many as is necessary to fulfill the requests from mayors and county judges,” Seth Christensen, chief of media and communications for TDEM, told Fox News.

What a coup by Americas enemies to flood your nation with massive, low wage labour, subsidized by the taxpayer. It will ensure the end of Americas welfare state and improve enemy governments effort to recruit American talent.

Give credit where it is due, the long term outcome is obvious and inevitable, and yet, there is abdundant support in media and in government. No concern at all for Americas future or National Security.

Everyone from GWB to those agencies sworn to defend Americans have been impotent and in collusion with foreign enemies by allowing this to continue.

Notice how some black Americas now say "we are fighting for the rights of black and brown people". They don't even say "citizens", they just use the catch all "people".

They wish to include their "plight" in their race pimping efforts. Does any party benefit from this illegal invasion? How about the average citizen and Americas sustainability?

Again, I've said it for some time, that the West is going to lose. Americas enemies have re-written how to succeed through intelligence agencies and buying influence in the West. An astonishing, neck breaking speed of success. They have been so effective than many Americans are happily willing to sink their own nation.
It's going to be interesting to see what Biden does now. Get your popcorn ready. :popcorn:

Give Abbott some credit. I recall suggesting that if I were Texas I would bus illegals to NY, Los Angeles and other cities in which politicians openly support such illegal entry. It would force those citizens to experience first hand what border towns are experiencing and they would appreciate the situation that other citizens feel.

There is a right and a wrong way to enter a country. Millions of good citizens wisely head to America through legal channels. Why reward the conmen and coyotes?
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What? That's not what all you commie leftist were saying when Trump was President was It?
You must be talking about somebody else. I have no problem with illegal being dumped back across the border they crossed illegally entering and never have. You hear people whining about dumb ass illegals dying of thirst and exposure in the desert. I figure it is their choice, and some choose poorly. I'm not exactly a bleeding heart kind of guy.
I never knew what Donny worked out with the Mexican government to get them to keep them in their country until their case came up. Whatever it was, Joe should not have put a stop to it, without a plan in place. Not only did he not have a plan, I don't think he even had a clue. It is, without a doubt, the biggest policy failure of his administration. His administration has done nothing but compound the error ever since.
I was glad to see Abbott make the decision, he would only transport illegal aliens to Washington that wanted to go to Washington, as he has now noted, otherwise it would be kidnapping. That is just what I said the first day he mentioned taking them. People on here thought I was crazy, even trying to argue he was within his rights as the illegal were prisoners in illegal status. Now Abbott has come to the same point of view, as I. Now, I hope he doesn't just drop them off along the way.
You must be talking about somebody else. I have no problem with illegal being dumped back across the border they crossed illegally entering and never have. You hear people whining about dumb ass illegals dying of thirst and exposure in the desert. I figure it is their choice, and some choose poorly. I'm not exactly a bleeding heart kind of guy.
I never knew what Donny worked out with the Mexican government to get them to keep them in their country until their case came up. Whatever it was, Joe should not have put a stop to it, without a plan in place. Not only did he not have a plan, I don't think he even had a clue. It is, without a doubt, the biggest policy failure of his administration. His administration has done nothing but compound the error ever since.
I was glad to see Abbott make the decision, he would only transport illegal aliens to Washington that wanted to go to Washington, as he has now noted, otherwise it would be kidnapping. That is just what I said the first day he mentioned taking them. People on here thought I was crazy, even trying to argue he was within his rights as the illegal were prisoners in illegal status. Now Abbott has come to the same point of view, as I. Now, I hope he doesn't just drop them off along the way.
Happy to hear you say that. It's rare thing to find a Dem with such a point of view.

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