Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

The prosecutor was convicted of DWI and refused to resign.

How can a prosecutor represent the interests of the people when she herself is a criminal?

Austin is chocked full of moonbats and a misdemeanor indictment on this charge, given the facts, only ENHANCES Perry's standing.

Please, keep trumpeting this as loudly as possible.

Tell the grand jury that indicted him.

Grand juries turn out indictments that are trash all the time because prosecutors routinely abuse the system. This is just a case of a bunch of Democrats working to make politics they don't like illegal. The problem is that this will let Republicans do the same thing, which will leave idiots that support this action screaming about Republicans being sore losers.
This is no different than Scott Walker and Wisconsin...it's BULL****.
Speaking about Scott Walker, if he is so popular with the voters why is he neck in neck with his Democratic opponent at this point in the game? He should be doing much much better if he was the 'hero' of the Wisconsin crowd don't you think.

Gov. Scott Walker in dead heat with Mary Burke in new poll : Wsj

Yeah... LOL!

Remember this: "It now seems certain that Governor Walker will be recalled through the ground swell movement, due to the public's outraged at his attack on the means of public sector labor to organize... ." WSJ ?
Didnt attack their means to organize.....he didnt force any union people to leave the union yet they did in droves.
How do you abuse power by making a promise? If that's all it took to put someone in jail our entire government would be serving life sentences. That's what politicians do. They make promises to get elected
Governor Perry has reportedly again flirted with the idea of running for president of the United States. But an Austin grand jury has indicted Perry for abuse of official capacity and and coercion of a public servant. How is this likely to affect the Republicans later this year in the midterm election and two years from now in the general election?

You add this on top of the Hispanics and Blacks being pissed off because 52,000 kids from Central America are treated like trash and the Ferguson, MO uprising over another Black being murdered by a cop after Eric Garner was strangled by cops in Staten Island for selling cigarettes and....well....the GOP just fucked themselves again.

They just can't stop themselves from losing the minority vote, which is quickly catapulting out of the minority category.

The Koch brothers et al. are going to be very, very busy buying the midterms. It's going to cost them MUCH more than they expected.
LLMMMAOOO yeah the GOP killed those two guys.............thats what ya get for getting your news from comedians
Texas really is a shitty state.

Hey genius. First, nobody cares. Perry is out after this term.
More importantly, a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich for not having enough mustard.
An indictment is only the decision of a Grand Jury. It's just a phase.
An indictment in simple terms means the prosecution has convened a panel, presented evidence that if it convinces the panel, is compelling to the point where the Panel decides it is sufficient to warrant charges.
But anyway...
If you think this means anything other than what it is, you are just being gleeful.
Have fun. The rest of us have jobs....Get it?

Hahahaha....It means something. Google Rod Blagojevich.

These things aren't done lightly. The accused usually has his party bail him out. Looks like the GOP washed their hands of him.
Governor Perry has reportedly again flirted with the idea of running for president of the United States. But an Austin grand jury has indicted Perry for abuse of official capacity and and coercion of a public servant. How is this likely to affect the Republicans later this year in the midterm election and two years from now in the general election?

AUSTIN -- A grand jury has chosen to indict Texas Gov. Rick Perry following an investigation into whether the governor abused his power by vetoing state funds for the Travis County District Attorney's Office last year.

Gov. Rick Perry is charged with the following:

  • Gov. Perry is charged with one count of abuse of official capacity, a class A misdemeanor. This charge could be enhanced into a felony due to the amount of money that is involved.
  • Gov. Perry is also charged with coercion of a public servant, a class A misdemeanor.

Perry vetoed state funds for the office after District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg refused to resign following a DWI conviction.

After the veto, Perry said he could not give money to Lehmberg's office because she had lost the public's confidence after her arrest in April 2013. Lehmberg pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 45 days in jail. She served 21 days.

Upon his indictment, Perry must turn himself in to the Travis County Jail, where he will be booked, fingerprinted and have his mug shot taken. A pre-trial hearing will be arranged within the next few weeks.

Defense attorneys could file a motion to have the indictment thrown out, which would delay a trial, or seek to have a trial within the next 90 days.
Perry can continue to serve as governor while under indictment. He can also continue as governor if convicted, but he could be stripped of office through a separate legislative removal process.

Perry could be charged with coercion of a public servant, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine, abuse of official capacity, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine, and bribery, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Last year, Lehmberg was allowed to keep her job following a civil trial based on a lawsuit filed by an Austin lawyer citing a Texas constitutional code states an elected official can be removed for intoxication on or off duty.

A complaint by watchdog group Texas for Justice alleged Perry violated state laws concerning bribery, coercion and abuse of authority.
The veto meant that the Public Integrity Unit, which investigates ethics complaints against politicians statewide and is housed in Lehmberg's office, was left without a $7.5 million two-year allocation. Travis County commissioners later agreed to partially fund the operation, but two employees lost their jobs.

A Perry spokesperson said that the governor broke no laws and exercised his constitutional veto authority through line-item vetoes in the budget.
A Texas judge called for special prosecutor Michael McCrum to look into Perry's actions last year. A grand jury spent four months looking at evidence in the case and hearing testimony from members of the governor's staff, all of whom testified before the grand jury.

This case is the last open investigation related to Lehmberg's DWI arrest.
Craig McDonald, complainant and director of Texans for Public Justice

  • Filed criminal complaint against Perry days after veto
  • Complaint alleged Perry broke several misdemeanor and felony state laws
  • Complaint was initially sent to State District Judge Julie Kocurek in Travis County
  • Kocurek recused herself, and a special judge and prosecutor were appointed to handle the matter

Michael McCrum, special prosecutor

  • San Antonio native
  • Appointed by State District Judge Bert Richardson in August 2013 to handle Perry inquiry
  • Former federal prosecutor hired during President George H.W. Bush administration
  • Selected by President Barack Obama for a U.S. attorney position in Texas, but withdrew his name from consideration
  • Currently works primarily in San Antonio criminal defense practice, specializes in white collar crimes

Bert Richardson, state district judge

  • ​San Antonio native
  • Appointed in July 2013 by State District Judge Billy Ray Stubblefield to handle Perry inquiry; Stubblefield is presiding judge for region
  • 25 years of trial experience as a lawyer and a judge
  • Current Republican candidate for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

David Botsford, Perry defense attorney

  • Hired by Perry for $450 an hour at taxpayer expense in April
  • Has successfully represented doctors, lawyers, oil executives and other notable clients
  • Has said Perry veto was "carried out in both the spirit and the letter of the law"

Grand jury indicts Gov. Rick Perry on two charges

This won't affect the Republicans in general, but it certainly cans his plans for 2016!
Video of prosecutor's sobriety test.


Rick Perry couldn't have gotten better press if he paid for it.
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Speaking about Scott Walker, if he is so popular with the voters why is he neck in neck with his Democratic opponent at this point in the game? He should be doing much much better if he was the 'hero' of the Wisconsin crowd don't you think.

Gov. Scott Walker in dead heat with Mary Burke in new poll : Wsj

Yeah... LOL!

Remember this: "It now seems certain that Governor Walker will be recalled through the ground swell movement, due to the public's outraged at his attack on the means of public sector labor to organize... ." WSJ ?
Didnt attack their means to organize.....he didnt force any union people to leave the union yet they did in droves.

Spot on correct!
Governor Perry has reportedly again flirted with the idea of running for president of the United States. But an Austin grand jury has indicted Perry for abuse of official capacity and and coercion of a public servant. How is this likely to affect the Republicans later this year in the midterm election and two years from now in the general election?

AUSTIN -- A grand jury has chosen to indict Texas Gov. Rick Perry following an investigation into whether the governor abused his power by vetoing state funds for the Travis County District Attorney's Office last year.

Gov. Rick Perry is charged with the following:

  • Gov. Perry is charged with one count of abuse of official capacity, a class A misdemeanor. This charge could be enhanced into a felony due to the amount of money that is involved.
  • Gov. Perry is also charged with coercion of a public servant, a class A misdemeanor.

Perry vetoed state funds for the office after District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg refused to resign following a DWI conviction.

After the veto, Perry said he could not give money to Lehmberg's office because she had lost the public's confidence after her arrest in April 2013. Lehmberg pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 45 days in jail. She served 21 days.

Upon his indictment, Perry must turn himself in to the Travis County Jail, where he will be booked, fingerprinted and have his mug shot taken. A pre-trial hearing will be arranged within the next few weeks.

Defense attorneys could file a motion to have the indictment thrown out, which would delay a trial, or seek to have a trial within the next 90 days.
Perry can continue to serve as governor while under indictment. He can also continue as governor if convicted, but he could be stripped of office through a separate legislative removal process.

Perry could be charged with coercion of a public servant, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine, abuse of official capacity, punishable by up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine, and bribery, punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Last year, Lehmberg was allowed to keep her job following a civil trial based on a lawsuit filed by an Austin lawyer citing a Texas constitutional code states an elected official can be removed for intoxication on or off duty.

A complaint by watchdog group Texas for Justice alleged Perry violated state laws concerning bribery, coercion and abuse of authority.
The veto meant that the Public Integrity Unit, which investigates ethics complaints against politicians statewide and is housed in Lehmberg's office, was left without a $7.5 million two-year allocation. Travis County commissioners later agreed to partially fund the operation, but two employees lost their jobs.

A Perry spokesperson said that the governor broke no laws and exercised his constitutional veto authority through line-item vetoes in the budget.
A Texas judge called for special prosecutor Michael McCrum to look into Perry's actions last year. A grand jury spent four months looking at evidence in the case and hearing testimony from members of the governor's staff, all of whom testified before the grand jury.

This case is the last open investigation related to Lehmberg's DWI arrest.
Craig McDonald, complainant and director of Texans for Public Justice

  • Filed criminal complaint against Perry days after veto
  • Complaint alleged Perry broke several misdemeanor and felony state laws
  • Complaint was initially sent to State District Judge Julie Kocurek in Travis County
  • Kocurek recused herself, and a special judge and prosecutor were appointed to handle the matter

Michael McCrum, special prosecutor

  • San Antonio native
  • Appointed by State District Judge Bert Richardson in August 2013 to handle Perry inquiry
  • Former federal prosecutor hired during President George H.W. Bush administration
  • Selected by President Barack Obama for a U.S. attorney position in Texas, but withdrew his name from consideration
  • Currently works primarily in San Antonio criminal defense practice, specializes in white collar crimes

Bert Richardson, state district judge

  • ​San Antonio native
  • Appointed in July 2013 by State District Judge Billy Ray Stubblefield to handle Perry inquiry; Stubblefield is presiding judge for region
  • 25 years of trial experience as a lawyer and a judge
  • Current Republican candidate for Texas Court of Criminal Appeals

David Botsford, Perry defense attorney

  • Hired by Perry for $450 an hour at taxpayer expense in April
  • Has successfully represented doctors, lawyers, oil executives and other notable clients
  • Has said Perry veto was "carried out in both the spirit and the letter of the law"

Grand jury indicts Gov. Rick Perry on two charges

This won't affect the Republicans in general, but it certainly cans his plans for 2016!

Perry has no plans for 2016 and this is a JOKE!

Austin DAs 'Indicted' Bush every other week.

The prosecutor was convicted of DWI and refused to resign.

How can a prosecutor represent the interests of the people when she herself is a criminal?

Austin is chocked full of moonbats and a misdemeanor indictment on this charge, given the facts, only ENHANCES Perry's standing.

Please, keep trumpeting this as loudly as possible.
Excuse me? The **Special Prosecutor** was Not convicted. He is also a REPUBLICAN, fyi. Can't you even get your facts straight?
Texas really is a shitty state.

Hey genius. First, nobody cares. Perry is out after this term.
More importantly, a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich for not having enough mustard.
An indictment is only the decision of a Grand Jury. It's just a phase.
An indictment in simple terms means the prosecution has convened a panel, presented evidence that if it convinces the panel, is compelling to the point where the Panel decides it is sufficient to warrant charges.
But anyway...
If you think this means anything other than what it is, you are just being gleeful.
Have fun. The rest of us have jobs....Get it?

Hahahaha....It means something. Google Rod Blagojevich.

These things aren't done lightly. The accused usually has his party bail him out. Looks like the GOP washed their hands of him.


The Austin DA gathers a gaggle of UT "Women's Studies" alumni and claims that Bush or Perry are guilty of whatever and the lemmings all nod knowingly and PRESTO! It's an indictment.

Which gets flushed at the first hearing.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption — making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state's first indicted governor in nearly a century.

A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit, which is run by Travis County District Rosemary Lehmberg's office. Several top aides to the Republican governor appeared before grand jurors in Austin, including his deputy chief of staff, legislative director and general counsel. Perry himself wasn't called to testify.

He was indicted by an Austin grand jury on felony counts of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant. Maximum punishment on the first charge is five to 99 years in prison. The second is two to 10 years.

More: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Doesn't sound good for Ricky's presidential ambitions.

couldn't of happen to a nicer ass hole

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