Texas Gov signs off on bill to keep Sharia law out of courts


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Texas has moved forward with legislation that would essentially ban Sharia law from taking precedent in the state’s courts. Gov. Greg Abbott has signed Texas House Bill 45, which prohibits state judges from applying any foreign law over Texas and U.S. laws, specifically in family law cases. Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano), one of the bill’s co-authors, thanked the governor, who signed the bill last Wednesday. Leach called the law a “vitally important bill to further safeguard and
Texas Gov Signs Off on Bill to Keep Sharia Law Out of Courts

Good for them , at least some state cares more about their people than others. ( With in the courts anyway) Other states are cowardly asses. Wait until their states end up like Europe's lmao
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
The sad think is it wasn't needed:lol:
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
Beth van Duyne is one of the worst anti Muslim whacks.
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
I don't think any American muslims support that.
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
I don't think any American muslims support that.
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
I don't think any American muslims support that.
I'm sure you can provide a link showing such support :dunno:
oh goody- now that texas is safe from jade helm, the whackadoodle texas governor had to start a new cray cray scenerio to keep his duped voters feeling like he is accomplishing something.
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
I don't think any American muslims support that.
I'm sure you can provide a link showing such support :dunno:
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
There is one on this board.
Now keep religion and Christianity out of it too. They promote the same kind of hatred against people.
Big difference between exercising a Constitutional right to free speech by saying you hate certain life styles which is what some Christians do here than what happens under Shari Law. Saying I hate gays doesn't compare to throwing them off buildings.
I don't think any American muslims support that.

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