Texas' Hateful Stance

The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

Saying queers have natural sex is like saying dwarves have normal heights.
Do you even realize what you're saying?
In spades.

You are saying that the court would force Gay marriage on a Straight couple...
No. I am not.
Oh, come on now. I don't see how it could come any closer!
Which is, of course, your problem - you cannot see past your preconceptions.

The people of state X decided, through the democratic process, that they want to define marriage as a man and a woman.

A court, when overturning that definition, forces an alternate definition upon the people of that state, against their will.

Thus, I know exactly what I am saying, what I said isn't remotely close to what you said I said, and what I said illustrates how the statement you made was wrong.
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Hi [MENTION=49463]PoliticalTorch[/MENTION]
Currently the govt/state is already forcing certain definitions or terms of marriage.
The only way around that is (a) to remove it from the state and only recognize it through
churches or locally through people on a private level, or (b) totally NEUTRALIZE the language
unless (c) you can actually get people to AGREE how to interpret the laws as written so they can both get what they want out of them (like how the 2nd Amendment is interpreted two opposite ways)

So, of course, if the traditional laws established through the state enforce and impose certain TERMS of marriage, then when this language is changed to ADD SAME SEX PARTNERS then it is imposing on the public also.

1. Now, if the language were COMPLETELY NEUTRAL and did not mention ANYTHING about "man, woman or gender or same sex", then NEITHER gay or straight marriage would be forced, endorsed, restricted or banned "by the state" or govt laws. it COULD be completely neutralized so there is no imposition EITHER WAY.

But even using the word "marriage" brings up religious issues, so that word would have to be substituted to prevent imposing or invoking religious beliefs and biases.

2. as long as there is ANY mention of gender or same-sex, then the state is endorsing one way over another. So the govt is effectively FORCING marriage to be recognized that way

(NOTE I only heard of one state that made "same sex marriage legal" while the state DIDN'T endorse it or enforce it -- so this is possible if people write the laws by consensus.
Another court ruling pointed out the problem was using the same term "marriage" in two different contexts of church and state, so this is causing confusion and conflict.)

If you want NO GOVT endorsing or forcing it
then either REMOVE marriage and its definitions from laws (and keep this private
to the churches or people to DEFINE for themselves)

or make all the language NEUTRAL where it does not specify man/woman/gender (and may even require replacing the term "marriage" with civil contracts to prevent endorsement or perceived enforcement of religious practices or concepts to avoid ANY religious biases)

Last note: if even putting a CROSS on public property counts as "imposing a religious bias" against people of other beliefs, certainly using the religious term "marriage" can be argued the same way and removed from state laws because of religious beliefs attached to it.

if the people in each state cannot agree any other way, then remove the terms and quit fighting over them religiously, and quit abusing govt to redefine religious terms. Some people cannot separate church from state, or marriage from the context of church. Like the Atheists who cannot stand crosses in public and "cannot change their interpretation to see it as a "secular symbol of RIP over a grave," keep marriage private also if that works best.

What's really unfortunate is that same sex marriage has been forced on an unwilling public ANYWHERE. What is a medical travesty is not recognizing that some men were led into homosexual lifestyles early and now recognize that they are not homosexual at all and need to be integrated into being a whole and heterosexual person.
Same-sex marriage has not been "forced" on an unwilling public. Citizens who are Gay or Lesbian and who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, who attend church and who vote just like you do, are simply asking for Equal rights, not "special" rights. They simply want what everyone else has and those citizens deserve that much. And they are open about it just as Blacks had to be open about obtaining their civil rights in the Fifties and early Sixties and why they refused to sit at the back of the bus and took to the streets in demonstrations. Had they not been so open they still would not have received their civil rights. The same with Gays. They have to be open about it but only because society, in effect, has been the one that has forced them to be so open by not being more reasonable such as to grant them their civil and human rights to be who they are without their having to demonstrate so openly in order to call attention to this important matter for them.

As to men being 'led' into a homosexual lifestyle early in life, that is a gross misconception. Those who are supposedly 'led' are either ready to express a part of themselves that had been repressed for a period of time or are willfully wanting to 'experiment' with a different lifestyle. Those men who feel they were 'led' to a homosexual lifestyle may have been willing participants in the beginning but if they were truly heterosexuals that is, Straight, to begin with then that is the reason they find afterward that they are not homosexual at all, as you put it. And that is why I do not believe there are people who say they were led to homosexuality and have now "miraculously" been led out of it into a straight heterosexual lifestyle. They were obviously not Gay to being with. They tried something different but since that was not the true sexual orientation they were born with they simply reverted back to who they truly are. That can only exemplify the fact that people are born either Gay or Straight. If they are Straight, it would be very difficult to think they could be 'forced' into becoming Gay. Conversely, if they were born Gay it would be even more difficult to force them to become Straight, something they were not born as. That is why this so-called Gay Conversion Therapy is being blasted and lambasted by medical professionals. Because you cannot change a person's sexual orientation through such dangerous "therapy" any more than you can change the color of a person's skin that they were born with through therapy. Let me ask you this. Do you think a person who is completely Straight and Heterosexual should be 'forced' to undergo Conversion therapy to become Gay? I think not. That is why it is so ludicrous to think that one can change a Gay person into something they are not such as Straight. It simply does not work that way. Those who may say they were changed were obviously not Gay to begin with. End of story.

Yes, the point of healing therapy is for people to be reconciled and at peace with whatever they naturally are. this works with people recovering from abuse or addictions that are not natural, where they restore their original state of mind and health.

I have a friend who was healed spiritually and came out AFTERWARDS as transgender;
two friends who got rid of transgender or bisexual feelings after healing therapy;
and two friends who overcome heterosexual addictions as they went through recovery.

If people change their sexual behavior by this same healing process used for recovery from abuse and addiction, THAT is the type of therapy that works effectively by choice not force.
There is nothing wrong with this, there are wide variations of such therapy, all based on forgiveness in order to heal and recover, and documented success stories are widespread.
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In behavior psychology there is a constant dialogue known as "NATURE VS NURTURE".. i.e what is genetic vs learned behavior.

A study of gay men in the US has found fresh evidence that male sexual orientation is influenced by genes. Scientists tested the DNA of 400 gay men and found that genes on at least two chromosomes affected whether a man was gay or straight.
Male sexual orientation influenced by genes, study shows | Science | The Guardian

So there is a "gay gene" it appears.

If there has ALWAYS been a "gay gene" why then are there more gays today then anytime in history?
Because society behavior modification accepting gay behavior.
But is that necessarily good for the human species?

What is the purpose of reproduction? The only way a species can insure continuance.
If the human specie has more same sex components how will the human species continue ?
There doesn't seem to be an alternative to the union of sperm/egg... yet...

So the only reason we have more gays today is society has accepted it.
NOW the question is "Is it good for the human species to have a continuing number of offspring only interested in the same sex, i.e. no interest in reproduction?
But it certainly is NOT worthy of a title HATEFUL STANCE!
Of course there's a "Gay gene" as has been brought out before in plenty of insightful articles. The only places it is not talked about is in places that try to suppress the truth such as in some churches, Republican conventions and gatherings, etc. As to the question about Gay genes and whether they are being necessarily good for the human species...if it were not meant to be, I submit to you that it would not be. Simple as that. Besides, many other people do not reproduce such as those who are medically incapable of it; people in the priesthood who make that their life's work; ASexuals; the elderly; those who are very religious and never marry, etc. so those type of things also need to be taken a good look at for better parity!

About reproduction and the continuance of the human species. Uh, don't go there as you need not even worry about that. There will always be PLENTY of heterosexuals who will bring children into this world whether they are wanted or not or whether they are capable of supporting them or not. And let's not forget that GAYS AND LESBIANS ARE BORN FROM HETEROSEXUAL, STRAIGHT PARENTS! Besides, who says Gays and Lesbians cannot reproduce? If they're saying that, they are grossly misinformed! They Do for your information! Gay men don't lose their capability of making sperm because they're Gay and Lesbian women don't lose their eggs just because they are Lesbian. Many reproduce the way Straights do. Others prefer artificial insemination. So, it can be said that both Gay men and Lesbian women *do care* about having children because they are still men with a feeling of having a son or daughter and they are still women with the inherent feeling of being Mothers. And that is why those who cannot have kids on their own go on to adopt as the logical alternative and as so many Straight people do.

As to your question: ""Is it good for the human species to have a continuing number of offspring only interested in the same sex, i.e. no interest in reproduction?" That is illogical and convoluted thinking I'm sorry to say. The human species will always be able to reproduce as a whole no matter if they are Straight or even Gay and Lesbian. If you are intimating that it would not be right for only Gays and Lesbians to be born that way, then of course you are saying they are, in effect, born Gay or Lesbian with that predisposition and you are right in that regard. However, there is no need to fear or go into a panic in that only Gay men and/or Lesbian women will be born from now on. :) as that will not ever happen. The human species will continue one way or another and Straights, Gays and Lesbians will also continue to reproduce one way or another IF they truly want to. If they don't, again Not To Fear. There will always be plenty of people around who DO want to reproduce and who will! :)

As for the title "Hateful Stance", well, it would not have been used if it hadn't been earned by Texas Republicans through their stance and negative actions! ;)
The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

So you can say, to a scientific certainty, that every person engaged in gay activity carries the gay gene? If the answer is no then your "period" is a tad premature isn't it?
Of course there's a "Gay gene" as has been brought out before in plenty of insightful articles.
Yes... homosexuality is a genetic abnormality at best, a defect at worst.

The only places it is not talked about is in places that try to suppress the truth such as in some churches, Republican conventions and gatherings, etc.
Oh look -- another preconception - and a bigoted one at that.

As to the question about Gay genes and whether they are being necessarily good for the human species...if it were not meant to be, I submit to you that it would not be.
Wow. Talk about supposition.
The fact that something exists in nature does not in any way necessitate that said something is a productive force within the particular context of that nature.

You clearly aren't as clever as you think you are.
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How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

Conservatives seeking to propagate the lie that being gay is a "mental illness" is nothing new.

And gays calling reality a lie is nothing new.
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

You aren't dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed.

These people don't have any knowledge of the history of conversion therapy
Exodus International, Former Gay Conversion Therapy Group, Apologizes To Gay Community, Closes Up Shop

They just do what they are told. It's pretty disgusting.
I am aware of the gay conversion therapy, where a gay man converts an underaged boy to homosexuality, by allowing him to fully experience his repressed sexuality....that he was born with (but wasn't aware of until conversion).

Is that what we're talking about?

Like I said, have not one iota............
What's really unfortunate is that same sex marriage has been forced on an unwilling public ANYWHERE. What is a medical travesty is not recognizing that some men were led into homosexual lifestyles early and now recognize that they are not homosexual at all and need to be integrated into being a whole and heterosexual person.
Same-sex marriage has not been "forced" on an unwilling public. Citizens who are Gay or Lesbian and who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, who attend church and who vote just like you do, are simply asking for Equal rights, not "special" rights. They simply want what everyone else has and those citizens deserve that much. And they are open about it just as Blacks had to be open about obtaining their civil rights in the Fifties and early Sixties and why they refused to sit at the back of the bus and took to the streets in demonstrations. Had they not been so open they still would not have received their civil rights. The same with Gays. They have to be open about it but only because society, in effect, has been the one that has forced them to be so open by not being more reasonable such as to grant them their civil and human rights to be who they are without their having to demonstrate so openly in order to call attention to this important matter for them.

As to men being 'led' into a homosexual lifestyle early in life, that is a gross misconception. Those who are supposedly 'led' are either ready to express a part of themselves that had been repressed for a period of time or are willfully wanting to 'experiment' with a different lifestyle. Those men who feel they were 'led' to a homosexual lifestyle may have been willing participants in the beginning but if they were truly heterosexuals that is, Straight, to begin with then that is the reason they find afterward that they are not homosexual at all, as you put it. And that is why I do not believe there are people who say they were led to homosexuality and have now "miraculously" been led out of it into a straight heterosexual lifestyle. They were obviously not Gay to being with. They tried something different but since that was not the true sexual orientation they were born with they simply reverted back to who they truly are. That can only exemplify the fact that people are born either Gay or Straight. If they are Straight, it would be very difficult to think they could be 'forced' into becoming Gay. Conversely, if they were born Gay it would be even more difficult to force them to become Straight, something they were not born as. That is why this so-called Gay Conversion Therapy is being blasted and lambasted by medical professionals. Because you cannot change a person's sexual orientation through such dangerous "therapy" any more than you can change the color of a person's skin that they were born with through therapy. Let me ask you this. Do you think a person who is completely Straight and Heterosexual should be 'forced' to undergo Conversion therapy to become Gay? I think not. That is why it is so ludicrous to think that one can change a Gay person into something they are not such as Straight. It simply does not work that way. Those who may say they were changed were obviously not Gay to begin with. End of story.

Comparing Black Civil Rights to Gay Civil Rights? Are you kidding or just plain stupid?
What's really unfortunate is that same sex marriage has been forced on an unwilling public ANYWHERE. What is a medical travesty is not recognizing that some men were led into homosexual lifestyles early and now recognize that they are not homosexual at all and need to be integrated into being a whole and heterosexual person.
Same-sex marriage has not been "forced" on an unwilling public. Citizens who are Gay or Lesbian and who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, who attend church and who vote just like you do, are simply asking for Equal rights, not "special" rights. They simply want what everyone else has and those citizens deserve that much. And they are open about it just as Blacks had to be open about obtaining their civil rights in the Fifties and early Sixties and why they refused to sit at the back of the bus and took to the streets in demonstrations. Had they not been so open they still would not have received their civil rights. The same with Gays. They have to be open about it but only because society, in effect, has been the one that has forced them to be so open by not being more reasonable such as to grant them their civil and human rights to be who they are without their having to demonstrate so openly in order to call attention to this important matter for them.

As to men being 'led' into a homosexual lifestyle early in life, that is a gross misconception. Those who are supposedly 'led' are either ready to express a part of themselves that had been repressed for a period of time or are willfully wanting to 'experiment' with a different lifestyle. Those men who feel they were 'led' to a homosexual lifestyle may have been willing participants in the beginning but if they were truly heterosexuals that is, Straight, to begin with then that is the reason they find afterward that they are not homosexual at all, as you put it. And that is why I do not believe there are people who say they were led to homosexuality and have now "miraculously" been led out of it into a straight heterosexual lifestyle. They were obviously not Gay to being with. They tried something different but since that was not the true sexual orientation they were born with they simply reverted back to who they truly are. That can only exemplify the fact that people are born either Gay or Straight. If they are Straight, it would be very difficult to think they could be 'forced' into becoming Gay. Conversely, if they were born Gay it would be even more difficult to force them to become Straight, something they were not born as. That is why this so-called Gay Conversion Therapy is being blasted and lambasted by medical professionals. Because you cannot change a person's sexual orientation through such dangerous "therapy" any more than you can change the color of a person's skin that they were born with through therapy. Let me ask you this. Do you think a person who is completely Straight and Heterosexual should be 'forced' to undergo Conversion therapy to become Gay? I think not. That is why it is so ludicrous to think that one can change a Gay person into something they are not such as Straight. It simply does not work that way. Those who may say they were changed were obviously not Gay to begin with. End of story.

Comparing Black Civil Rights to Gay Civil Rights? Are you kidding or just plain stupid?

I'm thinking the later
What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

Saying queers have natural sex is like saying dwarves have normal heights.

An excellent argument in favor of civil unions for dwarves.
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

People in Texas say "Thank God for Mississippi!" or else THEY would be ranked the dumbest people in the U.S.

Now we know where you live.
What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

So you can say, to a scientific certainty, that every person engaged in gay activity carries the gay gene? If the answer is no then your "period" is a tad premature isn't it?

Take it to a philosophy class. Imagining a social ill doesn't make it a real problem.
What's really unfortunate is that same sex marriage has been forced on an unwilling public ANYWHERE. What is a medical travesty is not recognizing that some men were led into homosexual lifestyles early and now recognize that they are not homosexual at all and need to be integrated into being a whole and heterosexual person.
Same-sex marriage has not been "forced" on an unwilling public. Citizens who are Gay or Lesbian and who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, who attend church and who vote just like you do, are simply asking for Equal rights, not "special" rights. They simply want what everyone else has and those citizens deserve that much. And they are open about it just as Blacks had to be open about obtaining their civil rights in the Fifties and early Sixties and why they refused to sit at the back of the bus and took to the streets in demonstrations. Had they not been so open they still would not have received their civil rights. The same with Gays. They have to be open about it but only because society, in effect, has been the one that has forced them to be so open by not being more reasonable such as to grant them their civil and human rights to be who they are without their having to demonstrate so openly in order to call attention to this important matter for them.

As to men being 'led' into a homosexual lifestyle early in life, that is a gross misconception. Those who are supposedly 'led' are either ready to express a part of themselves that had been repressed for a period of time or are willfully wanting to 'experiment' with a different lifestyle. Those men who feel they were 'led' to a homosexual lifestyle may have been willing participants in the beginning but if they were truly heterosexuals that is, Straight, to begin with then that is the reason they find afterward that they are not homosexual at all, as you put it. And that is why I do not believe there are people who say they were led to homosexuality and have now "miraculously" been led out of it into a straight heterosexual lifestyle. They were obviously not Gay to being with. They tried something different but since that was not the true sexual orientation they were born with they simply reverted back to who they truly are. That can only exemplify the fact that people are born either Gay or Straight. If they are Straight, it would be very difficult to think they could be 'forced' into becoming Gay. Conversely, if they were born Gay it would be even more difficult to force them to become Straight, something they were not born as. That is why this so-called Gay Conversion Therapy is being blasted and lambasted by medical professionals. Because you cannot change a person's sexual orientation through such dangerous "therapy" any more than you can change the color of a person's skin that they were born with through therapy. Let me ask you this. Do you think a person who is completely Straight and Heterosexual should be 'forced' to undergo Conversion therapy to become Gay? I think not. That is why it is so ludicrous to think that one can change a Gay person into something they are not such as Straight. It simply does not work that way. Those who may say they were changed were obviously not Gay to begin with. End of story.
Being black is a race.
Being queer is a mental disorder.
A little different.
One thing though is I never cared, until it got thrown into my face.
What's really unfortunate is that same sex marriage has been forced on an unwilling public ANYWHERE. What is a medical travesty is not recognizing that some men were led into homosexual lifestyles early and now recognize that they are not homosexual at all and need to be integrated into being a whole and heterosexual person.
Same-sex marriage has not been "forced" on an unwilling public. Citizens who are Gay or Lesbian and who work, pay their taxes, raise children or adopt them, who attend church and who vote just like you do, are simply asking for Equal rights, not "special" rights. They simply want what everyone else has and those citizens deserve that much. And they are open about it just as Blacks had to be open about obtaining their civil rights in the Fifties and early Sixties and why they refused to sit at the back of the bus and took to the streets in demonstrations. Had they not been so open they still would not have received their civil rights. The same with Gays. They have to be open about it but only because society, in effect, has been the one that has forced them to be so open by not being more reasonable such as to grant them their civil and human rights to be who they are without their having to demonstrate so openly in order to call attention to this important matter for them.

As to men being 'led' into a homosexual lifestyle early in life, that is a gross misconception. Those who are supposedly 'led' are either ready to express a part of themselves that had been repressed for a period of time or are willfully wanting to 'experiment' with a different lifestyle. Those men who feel they were 'led' to a homosexual lifestyle may have been willing participants in the beginning but if they were truly heterosexuals that is, Straight, to begin with then that is the reason they find afterward that they are not homosexual at all, as you put it. And that is why I do not believe there are people who say they were led to homosexuality and have now "miraculously" been led out of it into a straight heterosexual lifestyle. They were obviously not Gay to being with. They tried something different but since that was not the true sexual orientation they were born with they simply reverted back to who they truly are. That can only exemplify the fact that people are born either Gay or Straight. If they are Straight, it would be very difficult to think they could be 'forced' into becoming Gay. Conversely, if they were born Gay it would be even more difficult to force them to become Straight, something they were not born as. That is why this so-called Gay Conversion Therapy is being blasted and lambasted by medical professionals. Because you cannot change a person's sexual orientation through such dangerous "therapy" any more than you can change the color of a person's skin that they were born with through therapy. Let me ask you this. Do you think a person who is completely Straight and Heterosexual should be 'forced' to undergo Conversion therapy to become Gay? I think not. That is why it is so ludicrous to think that one can change a Gay person into something they are not such as Straight. It simply does not work that way. Those who may say they were changed were obviously not Gay to begin with. End of story.

Yes, the point of healing therapy is for people to be reconciled and at peace with whatever they naturally are. this works with people recovering from abuse or addictions that are not natural, where they restore their original state of mind and health.

** Indicates PoliticalTorch's replies

**Abuse and addictions are unfortunate habits that people develop. That is not the same as sexual orientation which is something people are Born with. They have also found a Gay gene. So, that is an apples to oranges comparison you are trying to make. Being Gay or Lesbian is as natural to those of that orientation as being Straight is to Heterosexuals. There's nothing to change in either orientation, except the bigotry from heterosexuals against those who are different from them.

I have a friend who was healed spiritually and came out AFTERWARDS as transgender;
two friends who got rid of transgender or bisexual feelings after healing therapy;
and two friends who overcome heterosexual addictions as they went through recovery.

**In all those cases it appears that they were not what they were purporting to be in the first place. They were not transgender or bisexual but may have felt so inclined to live that way for a period of time and then returned to their own inherent sexual orientation. That does happen in a lot of cases where people turn around and say "I thought I was Gay or Transgender but I found out I really like and prefer members of the opposite sex." Of course, since they were not Gay or Transgender to begin with otherwise they would not feel that way.

If people change their sexual behavior by this same healing process used for recovery from abuse and addiction, THAT is the type of therapy that works effectively by choice not force.

**I hate to say this and my apologies in advance to any Lesbian or Gay person. But have you seen some women that you just thought were men because they were so incredibly masculinized? I'm sure you have. By the same token I'm sure you've seen some men who you thought might be women. Do you honestly think they want to be that way? To undergo the scorn, hate, intolerance and worse by those in your community? Certainly not. Those folks as well as others cannot change their sexual behavior because that's how they were born. The moment you or others can convince me that heterosexual, straight people *need* to change to the homosexual lifestyle we can have another conversation.

**But let me take this further and let me ask you this. Can Heterosexuals change THEIR sexual behavior? And don't say that they don't need to because it is Natural for them to be that way since they were born that way. The same of course holds true for the Gay or Lesbian person. It is natural for them so they do not need any type of therapy to try to change them from what is inherent in them and how they were born. To insist on changing them is not only cruel but very narrow-minded!

There is nothing wrong with this, there are wide variations of such therapy, all based on forgiveness in order to heal and recover, and documented success stories are widespread.[/QUOTE]
**Then I would certainly suggest that all of the heterosexual mothers who have committed abortions go into forgiveness therapy as they certainly need it as that can be a traumatic experience and they certainly need to heal and recover. No doubt there would be great Success stories in that! As for GLBT folks, there is no therapy needed and those who go to it either forced or with the idea that it will somehow "heal" them from being Gay or Lesbian usually come back the same or in worst shape than when they went in according to many cases examined. No, what these folks need is kindness and compassion from others and understanding of their lifestyle, the way they were born, and to make them feel welcome instead of to shun them and make outcasts out of them. That is what is driving many to suicide, especially children. Or is that the overall goal of people who have a dislike for Gays and Lesbians? That can only make many wonder.

Former Love In Action Director John Smid: Homosexuality Is Not a Choice and Can?t Be Changed | Truth Wins Out

All 50 States Should Protect LGBT Youth From ?Ex-Gay? Charlatans | Truth Wins Out
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

Because the Texas GOP is Texas.

Negged for being the dumbest poster in the history of the universe.
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

OK ignorant ass, where does it say they are in favor of forced conversion therapy. That would be the only way this should be objectionable to anyone.

The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

Because we all know that doctors and patients should never be allowed to make their own choices, right?
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

Conservatives seeking to propagate the lie that being gay is a "mental illness" is nothing new.

Well if a homosexual is that way because he is genetically predisposed no amount of "behavior modification" should change him then right?
Because what reparative therapy assumes is the gay is that way because of behavior influences.

I'm gonna get very basic here.
ALL men are promiscuous ! After all millions of sperm are available. So ejaculation be it with a woman or from another man is the objective.
I would say almost 100% of men on this forum would have no problem with another man bringing the man to ejaculation!
As a result most homosexuals are that way because they can have BJs anytime versus sexual relations with a woman is only on a consensual basis!

So what reparative therapy really does is shows gay men that straight sexual male/female activities are considerably more socially responsible!
After all where did AIDS get started? Men having sex with men. Is that socially responsible?

Since there is no such thing as a genetic disposition to being gay, you really don't have a point.

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