Texas' Hateful Stance

The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

How is it not a behavior?
Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.

So you can say, to a scientific certainty, that every person engaged in gay activity carries the gay gene? If the answer is no then your "period" is a tad premature isn't it?

Take it to a philosophy class. Imagining a social ill doesn't make it a real problem.

Neither does your voodoo science or just saying it. Now answer the questions.
Of course there's a "Gay gene" as has been brought out before in plenty of insightful articles. The only places it is not talked about is in places that try to suppress the truth such as in some churches, Republican conventions and gatherings, etc. As to the question about Gay genes and whether they are being necessarily good for the human species...if it were not meant to be, I submit to you that it would not be. Simple as that. Besides, many other people do not reproduce such as those who are medically incapable of it; people in the priesthood who make that their life's work; ASexuals; the elderly; those who are very religious and never marry, etc. so those type of things also need to be taken a good look at for better parity!

I love it when idiots try to talk science.

There is absolutely no such thing as a gay gene. Every single article that claims to have found such a gene has been thoroughly debunked. Let me repeat that, every single article that has found a gay gene is a lie.

You might find psuedo science helpful, but most intelligent people think astrology is a joke.

About reproduction and the continuance of the human species. Uh, don't go there as you need not even worry about that. There will always be PLENTY of heterosexuals who will bring children into this world whether they are wanted or not or whether they are capable of supporting them or not. And let's not forget that GAYS AND LESBIANS ARE BORN FROM HETEROSEXUAL, STRAIGHT PARENTS! Besides, who says Gays and Lesbians cannot reproduce? If they're saying that, they are grossly misinformed! They Do for your information! Gay men don't lose their capability of making sperm because they're Gay and Lesbian women don't lose their eggs just because they are Lesbian. Many reproduce the way Straights do. Others prefer artificial insemination. So, it can be said that both Gay men and Lesbian women *do care* about having children because they are still men with a feeling of having a son or daughter and they are still women with the inherent feeling of being Mothers. And that is why those who cannot have kids on their own go on to adopt as the logical alternative and as so many Straight people do.

No one is born with a sexual preference, we all choose it. The fact that some, or even most, people have no memory of making that choice is only evidence of how frail memory is, not that the choice was not made.

As to your question: ""Is it good for the human species to have a continuing number of offspring only interested in the same sex, i.e. no interest in reproduction?" That is illogical and convoluted thinking I'm sorry to say. The human species will always be able to reproduce as a whole no matter if they are Straight or even Gay and Lesbian. If you are intimating that it would not be right for only Gays and Lesbians to be born that way, then of course you are saying they are, in effect, born Gay or Lesbian with that predisposition and you are right in that regard. However, there is no need to fear or go into a panic in that only Gay men and/or Lesbian women will be born from now on. :) as that will not ever happen. The human species will continue one way or another and Straights, Gays and Lesbians will also continue to reproduce one way or another IF they truly want to. If they don't, again Not To Fear. There will always be plenty of people around who DO want to reproduce and who will! :)

As for the title "Hateful Stance", well, it would not have been used if it hadn't been earned by Texas Republicans through their stance and negative actions! ;)

Because giving people a choice is hateful, right? The government knows best, and we should all follow its orders without thought.

If the alternative to living like a mindless drone is hate, I chose hate.
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

Take your PC nation and go away then. We don't need you.
OK ignorant ass, where does it say they are in favor of forced conversion therapy. That would be the only way this should be objectionable to anyone.

The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

Because we all know that doctors and patients should never be allowed to make their own choices, right?

Republicans in Texas haven't made this a party platform because they've suddenly taken an interest in psychological health.
We don't hate people. We hate your filthy nasty agenda and your crazy ideas. Straighten up and get your leftist heads screwed on right and we'll all get along.
Texas will get the GOP out in a few more election cycles. Meanwhile......

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood (Long version!) - YouTube
Of course they will! People can tolerate so much for only so long but what they can't tolerate is the intolerable. So, of course Texas will turn blue before long. People are realizing that a state so hate-filled as Texas has got to seriously change in attitude or permanently go down the drain.
So you can say, to a scientific certainty, that every person engaged in gay activity carries the gay gene? If the answer is no then your "period" is a tad premature isn't it?

Take it to a philosophy class. Imagining a social ill doesn't make it a real problem.

Neither does your voodoo science or just saying it. Now answer the questions.

There's no one gay gene. What "voodoo science?" What are you even talking about?

The suicide rate among LGBT teens is twice that of straight ones as they face overwhelming bullying. Why don't they simply change their behavior? Even those attempting to hide it (and there are many, thanks to the lingering attitudes of bigotry like what you see in the Texas GOP) by not "acting" gay, are still homosexual. Because homosexuality is attraction.

Gay people don't need to be fixed. People don't need saving from acting gay when so many gay people are actively hiding their orientation.
Take it to a philosophy class. Imagining a social ill doesn't make it a real problem.

Neither does your voodoo science or just saying it. Now answer the questions.

There's no one gay gene. What "voodoo science?" What are you even talking about?

The suicide rate among LGBT teens is twice that of straight ones as they face overwhelming bullying. Why don't they simply change their behavior? Even those attempting to hide it (and there are many, thanks to the lingering attitudes of bigotry like what you see in the Texas GOP) by not "acting" gay, are still homosexual. Because homosexuality is attraction.

Gay people don't need to be fixed. People don't need saving from acting gay when so many gay people are actively hiding their orientation.

Is being goth genetic? Because they have a higher suicide rate than gay teens.

Teen goths more prone to suicide, study shows | Society | The Guardian

Suicidal teens need help, stop blaming it on their sexual preference and everyone else.
The attitude behind this platform should be objectionable to everyone.

What, supporting people who wish to seek therapy is a bad thing? Aren't you commies always claiming to be the champions of individual rights? So now you only support people who want to engage in behaviors you approve of, hypocrite much. Have you ever considered some people are pulled into the gay lifestyle by nurture and not nature and might want to change?

Homosexuality is not a disorder, and neither is it a behavior. It is a natural sexual orientation, period.
Thank you for your well-observed and factual comment which should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!
Because we all know that doctors and patients should never be allowed to make their own choices, right?

Republicans in Texas haven't made this a party platform because they've suddenly taken an interest in psychological health.


That's what I think myself, every time it makes the news that homosexuals might soon get all the same rights as heterosexuals.

Supreme Court On Gay Marriage: 'Sure, Who Cares' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Neither does your voodoo science or just saying it. Now answer the questions.

There's no one gay gene. What "voodoo science?" What are you even talking about?

The suicide rate among LGBT teens is twice that of straight ones as they face overwhelming bullying. Why don't they simply change their behavior? Even those attempting to hide it (and there are many, thanks to the lingering attitudes of bigotry like what you see in the Texas GOP) by not "acting" gay, are still homosexual. Because homosexuality is attraction.

Gay people don't need to be fixed. People don't need saving from acting gay when so many gay people are actively hiding their orientation.

Is being goth genetic? Because they have a higher suicide rate than gay teens.

Teen goths more prone to suicide, study shows | Society | The Guardian

Suicidal teens need help, stop blaming it on their sexual preference and everyone else.

Encouraging gay suicidal teens to enter into debunked and likely harmful "therapy" is helping them escape one cruelty by exposing them to another.
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

People in Texas say "Thank God for Mississippi!" or else THEY would be ranked the dumbest people in the U.S.

Texas is like the kid in school that keeps getting left behind in 7th grade. He thinks it's funny that he's shaving and driving to school while other kids are still riding the bus.

LMAO! Spot on!
Take it to a philosophy class. Imagining a social ill doesn't make it a real problem.

Neither does your voodoo science or just saying it. Now answer the questions.

There's no one gay gene. What "voodoo science?" What are you even talking about?

The suicide rate among LGBT teens is twice that of straight ones as they face overwhelming bullying. Why don't they simply change their behavior? Even those attempting to hide it (and there are many, thanks to the lingering attitudes of bigotry like what you see in the Texas GOP) by not "acting" gay, are still homosexual. Because homosexuality is attraction.

Gay people don't need to be fixed. People don't need saving from acting gay when so many gay people are actively hiding their orientation.

So your contention is gays are the way the are, just because that's the way they are? So explain it to me, is it like preferring a blue item over say a red or green one? Come on, clue the rest of us uninformed why people become gay, what attracts them to that particular behavior if it's not genetic?
How unfortunate that at a time when over one-third of the states in the United States are allowing for same-sex marriage and are condemning hate against GLBT people, Texas has to come out with this crud. Gay conversion therapy has been shot down by many medical professionals as not working and causing great harm to many. Yet Texas, the backward state, has to introduce this as the *main* part of the Republican's agenda for Texas. The following article explains it quite well and exemplifies the need for Republicans to gather more love and compassion for people who may be different from them and to stop feeling they are far superior to them. But people are taking note of this everywhere. And in the end, it can only be remembered as a black mark against Texas and a black eye for the nation as a whole.

Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy?
Opinion: Why is Texas GOP backing gay conversion therapy? - CNN.com

Conservatives seeking to propagate the lie that being gay is a "mental illness" is nothing new.

Well if a homosexual is that way because he is genetically predisposed no amount of "behavior modification" should change him then right?

**PoliticalTorch's replies

**If you are speaking about modifying his behavior to something other than he having a same-sex attraction then you are Correct!

Because what reparative therapy assumes is the gay is that way because of behavior influences.

**And that "assumption" is quite incorrect. And that is why it has been debunked as Dangerous and Not Helpful.

I'm gonna get very basic here.
ALL men are promiscuous ! After all millions of sperm are available. So ejaculation be it with a woman or from another man is the objective.
I would say almost 100% of men on this forum would have no problem with another man bringing the man to ejaculation!

**Lol! I think you're quite right on that only most guys would be hard pressed to truthfully admit it! Lol!

As a result most homosexuals are that way because they can have BJs anytime versus sexual relations with a woman is only on a consensual basis!

**Nah. They are "that way" because they were Born 'that way' first and foremost. So, they would still more than likely not be interested in having sex with a woman unless they were inebriated perhaps. I have heard of quite a few Gay men that have sex with women but only as a token type of thing but always go back to men since they are not "Straight."

So what reparative therapy really does is shows gay men that straight sexual male/female activities are considerably more socially responsible!

**But you must surely realize that not all Gay men are promiscuous. That's another myth anti-Gay/homophobes like to espouse.

After all where did AIDS get started? Men having sex with men. Is that socially responsible?
**You are wrong. It was brought over from another country where HETEROSEXUAL relationships were already causing AIDS. I bet you didn't know that did you?

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