Texas House votes to limit teaching the Marxist Propaganda curriculum known as "Critical Race Theory"

Can‘t teach Texas kids that Slavery was bad

That's not what CRT teaches, but the fact that you have to lie about it is very telling, and a great example of why it needs to be banned. Even CRT supporters like you can't tell the truth about it.
The entire Marxist left is advanced and based on outright lies and deceit. This is another example. Who doesn't want to be fair to all races? They are playing on our inherent desire to be fair and help others. They know that it's bad form to try and stop racial equality, and Critical Race Theory hides its Marxist identity behind that inherent human goodness.
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Can‘t teach Texas kids that Slavery was bad

That's not what CRT teaches, but the fact that you have to lie about it is very telling, and a great example of why it needs to be banned. Even CRT supporters like you can't tell the truth about it.

Explain what it teaches and what you object to specifically
Here you go:

Explaining to Rightwinger....again....what CRT teaches and why I object to it....SPECIFICALLY
Can‘t teach Texas kids that Slavery was bad
Sure you can.

You can't teach Texas kids that the entire founding of America and all the principles of liberty embedded in the founding are inherently racist and must be completely removed and replaced with Marxism (aka Critical Theory--rebranded as Critical Race Theory, but with the same Marxist goal).

What Specifically do you oppose being taught.

Save me from the Commie, Commie, Commie nonsense
Give me something specifically incorrect about what is being taught
That our country is inherently racist. That white people are inherently racist. That to correct the wrongs of the past, we must throw out our current societal structure and the constitution upon which it is based, and start over.

Anything wrong with that?
"we must throw out our current societal structure and the constitution upon which it is based, and start over"

And that is exactly what this all about. Of course they never tell us what they are going to replace it with. Ironically when you look at the facts the USA is the least racist country on Earth. CRT and cultural Marxism only run amok in the West, especially the Anglosphere because that is where all of the power and money is.

Fake Woke globalist corporations play along because they want more 3rd world immigrant consumers in the USA, and access to any country they desire.
Can‘t teach Texas kids that Slavery was bad
Sure you can.

You can't teach Texas kids that the entire founding of America and all the principles of liberty embedded in the founding are inherently racist and must be completely removed and replaced with Marxism (aka Critical Theory--rebranded as Critical Race Theory, but with the same Marxist goal).

What Specifically do you oppose being taught.

Save me from the Commie, Commie, Commie nonsense
Give me something specifically incorrect about what is being taught
That our country is inherently racist. That white people are inherently racist. That to correct the wrongs of the past, we must throw out our current societal structure and the constitution upon which it is based, and start over.

Anything wrong with that?

Propaganda....none of that is in Critical Race Theory
What it teaches is the role racism played in our country

Racism played a major role in our history. To sugar coat it is misleading
You are the perfect parrot for the Marxist propagandists and you don't even know it.


Critical race theory belongs in every school!

...to the exact same degree as Scientology or any other cult.
The idea is to erode the fabric of western society by criticizing its structure and institutions as being inherently unjust and flawed, needing replacement. In this case, Marxists pushing Critical Race Theory are arguing that America is built on racism (pointing to slavery) and it is inherently bad/unjust and must therefore be replaced (with communism), but notice how we never hear a solution? (because the solution is the "C" word) All we hear is criticism. That's how the theory works.

Now, tell me how I am wrong.

First of all, you calling everyone you disagree with “a Marxist” and a Commie makes you look like an idiot.

Criticizing Western Society makes it stronger. We learn from our mistakes and institutionalized racism is a mistake. Racism is a part of our history and played a part in who we are.

Sugar coating history does not change it
First of all, you calling everyone you disagree with “a Marxist” and a Commie makes you look like an idiot.
If the fucking shoe fits.....
Criticizing Western Society makes it stronger. We learn from our mistakes and institutionalized racism is a mistake. Racism is a part of our history and played a part in who we are.
That's not the objective of Critical Race Theory. Have you not been paying attention?
Sugar coating history does not change it
Erasing it, and our form of government, doesn't change it either.

You know good and goddamn well the goals of the Frankfurt School. Why are you denying it?
First of all, you calling everyone you disagree with “a Marxist” and a Commie makes you look like an idiot.
If the fucking shoe fits.....
Criticizing Western Society makes it stronger. We learn from our mistakes and institutionalized racism is a mistake. Racism is a part of our history and played a part in who we are.
That's not the objective of Critical Race Theory. Have you not been paying attention?
Sugar coating history does not change it
Erasing it, and our form of government, doesn't change it either.

You know good and goddamn well the goals of the Frankfurt School. Why are you denying it?

Racist CRT supporters like rightwinger have to lie about it, because the actual goal of the program is something the vast majority of Americans don't want.
. I will bet I can discuss it much more clearly and demonstrate a complete mastery of the concepts than you.
You would lose that bet to anyone who has ever learned anything about it, save from right wing nutjob pundits and bloggers. And you would lose big.
I will take that challenge.

Tell me where I got it wrong, genius.

He won't. They HAVE to lie about CRT, because the truth is that it's a program designed to destroy our country and rebuild it as a marxist theocracy.
First of all, you calling everyone you disagree with “a Marxist” and a Commie makes you look like an idiot.
If the fucking shoe fits.....
Criticizing Western Society makes it stronger. We learn from our mistakes and institutionalized racism is a mistake. Racism is a part of our history and played a part in who we are.
That's not the objective of Critical Race Theory. Have you not been paying attention?
Sugar coating history does not change it
Erasing it, and our form of government, doesn't change it either.

You know good and goddamn well the goals of the Frankfurt School. Why are you denying it?
Can you point to anywhere in Critical Race Theory that advocates establishing Communism or Marxism or is that just one of your fantasies ?
. I will bet I can discuss it much more clearly and demonstrate a complete mastery of the concepts than you.
You would lose that bet to anyone who has ever learned anything about it, save from right wing nutjob pundits and bloggers. And you would lose big.
I will take that challenge.

Tell me where I got it wrong, genius.

He won't. They HAVE to lie about CRT, because the truth is that it's a program designed to destroy our country and rebuild it as a marxist theocracy.
What is the LIE
What do you specifically disagree with?

Show where it advocates a Marxist theocracy
First of all, you calling everyone you disagree with “a Marxist” and a Commie makes you look like an idiot.
If the fucking shoe fits.....
Criticizing Western Society makes it stronger. We learn from our mistakes and institutionalized racism is a mistake. Racism is a part of our history and played a part in who we are.
That's not the objective of Critical Race Theory. Have you not been paying attention?
Sugar coating history does not change it
Erasing it, and our form of government, doesn't change it either.

You know good and goddamn well the goals of the Frankfurt School. Why are you denying it?
Can you point to anywhere in Critical Race Theory that advocates establishing Communism or Marxism or is that just one of your fantasies ?
Do you know the goal of the Frankfurt School? Let's start there, shall we?
. I will bet I can discuss it much more clearly and demonstrate a complete mastery of the concepts than you.
You would lose that bet to anyone who has ever learned anything about it, save from right wing nutjob pundits and bloggers. And you would lose big.
All you have done in this thread is say "he dont know shit"
Are you incapable of explaining why? Teaching us?
Come on, man! Speak up and quit being a little bitch
. I will bet I can discuss it much more clearly and demonstrate a complete mastery of the concepts than you.
You would lose that bet to anyone who has ever learned anything about it, save from right wing nutjob pundits and bloggers. And you would lose big.
I will take that challenge.

Tell me where I got it wrong, genius.

He won't. They HAVE to lie about CRT, because the truth is that it's a program designed to destroy our country and rebuild it as a marxist theocracy.
What is the LIE
What do you specifically disagree with?

Show where it advocates a Marxist theocracy
Do you admit that Critical Race Theory is based on Critical Theory?

Because a lot of people do admit it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theoryBoth critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.

Now, what is Critical Theory:

In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Though a "critical theory" or a "critical social theory" may have similar elements of thought, capitalizing Critical Theory as if it were a proper noun stresses the intellectual lineage specific to the Frankfurt School.

Not so far fetch for me to call it a bunch of commie bullshit, is it, Rightwinger?

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