Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN

Dumb answer. Yes, you can prevent American citizens from acquiring AR15’s. You choose not to restrict these weapons. You choose your guns over the lives of children.

And then you ban abortion, because “save the children”. Unborn children are so easy to love. It’s the living children you don’t give a rats ass about.

Says the witch that supports schools giving children dangerous life altering drugs to children behind their parents back because they are going through a phase in life thinking they can be the opposite sex.

Your ignorance of guns is like most other leftists. An AR is a semi-automatic rifle. Most hand guns are semi-automatic. In other words they both do the same thing. If we didn't have one AR in the entire country, that will never prevent the next mass shooting. We tried an assault weapons ban for ten years. After reviewing the results, it didn't accomplish a damn thing so it was never renewed.

Not renewing it set back the Communist parties agenda of eventually totally disarming the public. Now they are trying to regain that loss with more lies like banning ARs will stop mass shootings.
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Get a better source. NY Post is no longer a high quality news agency. They are just repeating a fake news site word for word.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.
Get a better source. NY Post is no longer a high quality news agency.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.

It's all over the needs .. just not your leftist news. There lies your problem

Just stop. There's absolutely no doubt you know he's an illegal
It's all over the needs .. just not your leftist news. There lies your problem

Just stop. There's absolutely no doubt you know he's an illegal

Quoting right wing conspiracy sites is no way to convince anyone. Besides it has nothing to do with the violence in Texas is out of control.
Quoting right wing conspiracy sites is no way to convince anyone. Besides it has nothing to do with the violence in Texas is out of control.

Believe what you're lying about. I don't care and stop wasting my time. Jeebus... nobody has time for your left loon Idiocracy
Believe what you're lying about. I don't care and stop wasting my time. Jeebus... nobody has time for your left loon Idiocracy

Just think of this, Brazil would arrest and lock your butt up for going on like this. You should kiss America's ass for allowing you to live here.
You’re putting the cart before the horse. Lots of countries have illegal immigrants. Only the USA has illegal immigrants committing mass shootings. Only the USA has high school students committing mass shootings.

The rest of the world has violent video games, mental health problems, and some toxic male culture thrown in there as well. Only the USA has mass shootings.

Only the USA has mass shootings.
Only the US has mass shootings?

Why do you insist on lying in EVERY post, you lying sack of KKKanadian shit?

Just your shithole country:

Google it FuckBoi. I have things to do

There are plenty more links proving you are a lying sack of KKkanadian shit.

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