Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN

Correct, because mad killers turn sane if they can't get their hands on a gun. They won't use knives, they won't use vehicles, they just say "Well I can't get a gun, so I no longer have a desire to kill!"

So you can't stop all killings, therefore you won't stop any.

Why have laws against theft, or murder? They have stopped thieves, or murderers.
So you can't stop all killings, therefore you won't stop any.

Why have laws against theft, or murder? They have stopped thieves, or murderers.

How do you stop them? All we can do is provide penalties for those that break our laws. The problem is the penalties are not strict enough. If we had the death penalty carried out within six months of conviction that would stop half of our murders. But because our politicians were once lawyers, they drag out the appeals process for up to 20 years.

If we did have execution six months after a guilty verdict all appeals exhausted, it would produce much better results than making ARs illegal.
No, thanks to how easy it is to access firearms in the US another 5 people are dead. Do you live in a cave or something?
If this illegal alien had not been in our nation those five people would be alive today. There are laws that are not being enforced about that.

I would also like to know how this illegal alien got his firearms. There are laws on the books to prevent that too.

If criminal illegal aliens can easily get firearms perhaps it might be wise for legal American citizens to get firearms of their own and learn how to use them. A 12 gauge shotgun could have stopped this tragedy had one been in the hands of a victim.
Dumb answer. Yes, you can prevent American citizens from acquiring AR15’s. You choose not to restrict these weapons. You choose your guns over the lives of children.

And then you ban abortion, because “save the children”. Unborn children are so easy to love. It’s the living children you don’t give a rats ass about.

Bullshit irrational leftist talking point.
So you can't stop all killings, therefore you won't stop any.

Why have laws against theft, or murder? They have stopped thieves, or murderers.

"(some) Women will find a way to have abortions anyway, so why try to prevent any?"

Racist and bigot.

We all know that murderers are all white male Christians.
Our elected Democrats would love to have us believe that. If they could pass the legislation, they would require any male fetus of a white Christian marriage be aborted.

Newsflash: anyone can get a firearm. That's the fallacy of strict gun laws
Then that settles it right?
If ANYONE can get a firearm, murderers, the mentally ill, terrorists, illegal immigrants, and we have NO way to control and regulate them like other dangerous/deadly products/services....then we have to get rid of them.
Repeat 2A and start rounding up the guns and ammo.
Then that settles it right?
If ANYONE can get a firearm, murderers, the mentally ill, terrorists, illegal immigrants, and we have NO way to control and regulate them like other dangerous/deadly products/services....then we have to get rid of them.
Repeat 2A and start rounding up the guns and ammo.

That's unconstitutional.... dumbass

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