Texas mass killer is an ILLEGAL ALIEN

Get a better source. NY Post is no longer a high quality news agency. They are just repeating a fake news site word for word.

  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.
How about that MAGAt rag CNN??

Cleveland, TexasCNN —
The man wanted by law enforcement in the fatal shooting Friday of five of his neighbors in Texas – including a 9-year-old boy – had entered the US illegally and been deported by immigration officials at least four times, a source within US Immigration and Customs Enforcement told CNN on Monday.
Then that settles it right?
If ANYONE can get a firearm, murderers, the mentally ill, terrorists, illegal immigrants, and we have NO way to control and regulate them like other dangerous/deadly products/services....then we have to get rid of them.
Repeat 2A and start rounding up the guns and ammo.
Dumbest shit I've read in a week or more.

Fucking retards should stay off the internet
I understand that you are pro illegal alien and immune to logic

I have made it clear here thousands of times that I am opposed to illegal immigration. Unlike you apparently, I have studied and understand logic quite well.
Do you now accept thet the killer is an illegal alien?

And does it break your partisan lib heart?

That one looks stupid. Everybody in America knows it was an illegal

But it had to scream right wing source!!! Fcking idiot
Last deported by Obama in 2016. Deported 5 times before Trump took office but all that ended once Trump was elected.

Tell us again about how successful Trump’s border policies have been.
Entered illegally 5 times under Barry Hussein, not a peep while Trump was in office, illegally here and murdered 5 under No Border Joe.

Great post Dragonlady

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I see you missed the point 😆. The left want to make LEGAL gun ownership harder. Legal ownership isn't the problem and no amount of regulation will help.
Criminals don't give a damn about your laws and regulations.

So in this instance his entry into the country was the root problem not the gun you couldn't stop him from obtaining.

Class dismissed
All the illegal guns, came in to the market place initually as LEGAL guns gramps, before they hit the black market....the illegal gun market.
Newsflash: anyone can get a firearm. That's the fallacy of strict gun laws
Because the US is awash in them.

The fellas need to feel a pair swinging, don't you know...

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