Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I agree with TEXAS! that's the right thing to do....if the satanists, demonRats, globlalists continue with their "killing spree" of the Constitution.... Texas should secede , and all other States who believe in our founding fathers, should do the same!

Sorry bout that,

Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I agree with TEXAS! that's the right thing to do....if the satanists, demonRats, globlalists continue with their "killing spree" of the Constitution.... Texas should secede , and all other States who believe in our founding fathers, should do the same!


1. Agreed, and the disillusion of USA is inevitable now, after the election was stolen, each state should secede.
2. What we see here is a banana republic, and Texas and many other states will not buy into it, USA will break apart.
3. If they don't they will be ruined altogether.
4. Open your eyes see whats happening.

Talk of secession is treasonous by any standard.


Is it still treasonous when it's your left-wing socialist Democrat crap-hole? Or only Texas?

Talking about is serious shit and Calif did not follow through:

The California Independence Referendum in 2021 Initiative (#18-0001) was not on the ballot in California as an initiated state statute on November 3, 2020.
That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?

They'll make it up by increasing the speed limits and tossing out the Fed Gas Tax. It'll be the route of choice. Maybe re-name it Route 66 or the Freedom Trail.
Texas already proved they can't handle being their own Nation. Once they were independent from Mexico they pretty much ran their economy into the ground and were begging for admission into the US.
Texas already proved they can't handle being their own Nation. Once they were independent from Mexico they pretty much ran their economy into the ground and were begging for admission into the US.

To be fair, that was 180 years ago ... the economy was pretty much based on saddles and mustache wax.
I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.
And yet every gender-confused faggot Californian has run to Texas to survive now that liberalism has turned that state into Venezuela :laugh:
Texas already proved they can't handle being their own Nation. Once they were independent from Mexico they pretty much ran their economy into the ground and were begging for admission into the US.
And with that post, you’ve already proven you’re a low-IQ imbecile. Millions (literally millions) have moved from California to Texas to survive.

You couldn’t find 15 Texans who have moved to California over the past year :laugh:
Talk of secession and another Civil War is insane but that is the GOP today ... well to recall these words:

From JFK: “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”
Sorry bout that,

Texas already proved they can't handle being their own Nation. Once they were independent from Mexico they pretty much ran their economy into the ground and were begging for admission into the US.

1. That was a long time ago, this is now, things have changed.
2. Post a link to this begging concept you talk about, how we went all poor and stuff, prove it or it didn't happen.
3. We are not a bunch of cowboys on the range anymore.
4. We wear suits and ties now.
5. And drink bear and whiskey, from bottles.

Talk of secession and another Civil War is insane but that is todays GOP...well to recall these words:

From As John F. Kennedy famously said, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”
Talk of socialism and totalitarian government is insane but that is today’s Dumbocrat Party. We’d be wise to recall these words:

As John F. Kennedy (who would be disgusted by his party) famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

And yet the left today refuses to make even the smallest of sacrifices for the United States. Instead, they just scream they are entitled to “free” healthcare, “free” food, “free” housing, “free” education, “free” transpiration”, and more.
Talk of secession and another Civil War is insane but that is todays GOP...well to recall these words:

From As John F. Kennedy famously said, “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”
Talk of socialism and totalitarian government is insane but that is today’s Dumbocrat Party. We’d be wise to recall these words:

As John F. Kennedy (who would be disgusted by his party) famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

And yet the left today refuses to make even the smallest of sacrifices for the United States. Instead, they just scream they are entitled to “free” healthcare, “free” food, “free” housing, “free” education, “free” transpiration”, and more.
And yet the left today refuses to make even the smallest of sacrifices for the United States. Instead, they just scream they are entitled to “free” healthcare, “free” food, “free” housing, “free” education, “free” transpiration”, and more.

I'm in!
1.We need no civil war, just vote, then work together as a new nation.
I don’t want a Civil War (it would be a disaster as China, Russia, Iran, etc. would all get involved to destroy the US).

But that being said, there is no “working together” with the left. None. Those mother-fuckers are bat-shit crazy Nazis.

I cannot work with a person who insists that someone with a penis and testicles is a “real woman”. I cannot work with a person who takes glee in murdering babies (ahem...eugenics and genocide) by the millions. I cannot work with a person who fears free speech and fear firearms even more.

Nope. Can’t do it. Won’t do it.
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.
Bullshit. Biden just announced open borders.
Nope....but, you know, lack of facts and lack of education in Texas.
Lack of facts and lack of education in your household, NAZI.

An estimated 12,000 illegal-alien criminals will be released every month into American communities as a result of President Biden's executive actions, warns former White House adviser Stephen Miller.
Biden's orders have included a 100-day "moratorium" on deportations, which already has drawn a legal challenge from border state Texas, and the release of all detainees "immediately."
"This is the most extreme directive, I would argue, really in the history of modern law enforcement that's ever been issued," Miller said of the moratorium in an interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Monday.

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