Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Sorry bout that,

1. I see no other path for Texas, we need to separate from the madness in DC.
2. The election was stolen, we are not represented by a duly elected President, so there is no good reason to stay.
3. I do really think we should elect Trump for President, of the Nation of Texas, for LIFE.
4. Or until he reaches the age of 84, which ever comes first.

Sorry bout that,

1. I'm a Republican, and all I see for a long time is Reps, being hammered by the AG's, DOJ, Senate, and media, and so on, and the Democrats never get touched by anything they do, the Democrats just stole the election and the SC did nothing about it.
2. They walk scot free on any laws they break.
3. Like it never happened.
4. I know that this country is in some serious unfixable shit, and there's no way to fix it.
5. Better to cut bait, then try.
6. Fish is better waters, our own.

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.

1. Trust me, after we leave USA will be NO MORE.
2. You see, we don't need you, you need us, thats a simple fact.
3. I see no earthly reason to continue to carry you dead beats.
4. Oh did I mention Baby Butchers, people in the womb who have no voice.


Um... no. With all due respect.... the USA might be damaged by Texas leaving the union for sure. But to say the US will cease to exist.... no. Just no. That's not a thing.

1. Once Texas leaves no less than 30 other states will leave too, ending USA.
2. What will remain will be shit holes dotted across the continent.
3. The splintering will reverberate all across the continent.


Debatable. 30 other states will leave? Nah.

I mean you realize they said the exact same thing about the European Union, when the UK voted to leave.

Brexit happened in 2016, and hundreds of people claimed that it would end the EU.

Well.. it's 2021, and the EU perfectly intact. No other country has jumped ship, including by the way, Ireland, which is still part of the United Kingdom. Which is a very strange situation indeed.

Regardless, the idea that there would be this mass exit from the EU after England left, simply didn't happen.

So, not likely. Just saying.... not likely.
I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.
And yet every gender-confused faggot Californian has run to Texas to survive now that liberalism has turned that state into Venezuela :laugh:
The nation of Texas will have some diversity. It is not my cup of tea but I hope you all have a great life in your new country.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.

1. Trust me, after we leave USA will be NO MORE.
2. You see, we don't need you, you need us, thats a simple fact.
3. I see no earthly reason to continue to carry you dead beats.
4. Oh did I mention Baby Butchers, people in the womb who have no voice.


Um... no. With all due respect.... the USA might be damaged by Texas leaving the union for sure. But to say the US will cease to exist.... no. Just no. That's not a thing.

1. Once Texas leaves no less than 30 other states will leave too, ending USA.
2. What will remain will be shit holes dotted across the continent.
3. The splintering will reverberate all across the continent.


Debatable. 30 other states will leave? Nah.

I mean you realize they said the exact same thing about the European Union, when the UK voted to leave.

Brexit happened in 2016, and hundreds of people claimed that it would end the EU.

Well.. it's 2021, and the EU perfectly intact. No other country has jumped ship, including by the way, Ireland, which is still part of the United Kingdom. Which is a very strange situation indeed.

Regardless, the idea that there would be this mass exit from the EU after England left, simply didn't happen.

So, not likely. Just saying.... not likely.

1. This isn't Europe, and we ain't England.
2. Europe is stronger together, but they are self destructing, most of Europe is, and so is DC, self destruction is why England got out.
3. DC is self destructing, by theft.
4. Its impact will be felt globally.
5. Just make DC a state, when we secede, you will still have 50 states.

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You leftist can have many huge blocks
California, parts of Oregon and Washington

Conservatives-Idaho , Utah , parts of Arizona and Nevada , Montana and Wyoming
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.
Bullshit. Biden just announced open borders.
Nope....but, you know, lack of facts and lack of education in Texas.
Lack of facts and lack of education in your household, NAZI.

An estimated 12,000 illegal-alien criminals will be released every month into American communities as a result of President Biden's executive actions, warns former White House adviser Stephen Miller.
Biden's orders have included a 100-day "moratorium" on deportations, which already has drawn a legal challenge from border state Texas, and the release of all detainees "immediately."
"This is the most extreme directive, I would argue, really in the history of modern law enforcement that's ever been issued," Miller said of the moratorium in an interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Monday.
A large part of the Dem voter base are Racist Latino Nationalist who brag about changing America into a Latino country.
The Democrat Party is based in hate.
For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.
Most Dem voters are lower class uneducated people who are opposed to the things like Right to Vote, Freedom of Speech.....well, you know, freedom and democracy.
When the backwards Democrats take over a city or state they make those places unlivable for the middle class.
The corrupt Dem politicians love those types of obedient left wing crackpot cultist.
Those regressive states should be left behind to drown in their own sewage.
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Sorry bout that,

For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.

1. Trust me, after we leave, USA will be NO MORE.
2. You see, we don't need you, you need us, thats a simple fact.
3. I see no earthly reason to continue to carry you dead beats.
4. Oh did I mention Baby Butchers, people in the womb who have no voice.

For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.
Most Dem voters are lower class uneducated people who are opposed to the things like Right to Vote, Freedom of Speech.....well, you know, freedom and democracy.
When the backwards Democrats take over a city or state they make those places unlivable for the middle class.
The corrupt Dem politicians love those types of obedient left wing crackpot cultist.
Those regressive states should be left behind to drown in their own sewage.
You sound like a very intelligent person with unbelievable insights to the world. Where does the intelligence and insights come from. You could become the first President of the new nation of Texas. The George Washington of the nation of Texas.
I say move all military installations out of Texas and see how they like a lack of funds.

They can quit selling gasoline and diesel to U.S. customers and you'll be crying for them to open it up.
Most of the refining in the USA is done in TX and L.

I say move all military installations out of Texas and see how they like a lack of funds.

They can quit selling gasoline and diesel to U.S. customers and you'll be crying for them to open it up.
Most of the refining in the USA is done in TX and L.

Yeah.. The Saudis own Motiva... $177 billion a year.

In addition to Port Arthur, Aramco is acquiring full ownership of 24 distribution terminals. Aramco also gets the exclusive right to sell Shell-branded gasoline and diesel in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, the eastern half of Texas and the majority of Florida.
What's your point, NAZI?
That won't make it onto a ballot initiative in the Lone Star State. If it did the secessionists would lose bigly. They are under the delusion that there are more of them than there are, by many many millions.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

Like Syria.....
Not only. How many countries in Europe can you list which allow non-citizens to take part in their elections?
Well good luck to the Texans in this initiative. I am not sure what benefits they will get from it but if they feel Texan and not American it must be the right way to go.
It is.

Similar to Americans not feeling all limey.

I just hope the "Americans" are not hell bent on starting a war on Texas turf to keep Texans under the D.C. crown.
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