Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I agree with TEXAS! that's the right thing to do....if the satanists, demonRats, globlalists continue with their "killing spree" of the Constitution.... Texas should secede , and all other States who believe in our founding fathers, should do the same!


Of course you do....because it's a cult. trump is your god.
Texas has a really high infant mortality rate.. On par with some place like Senegal. What's up with that?
Babies who check out early to avoid having to live in Texas?

I get it...but that's not fair.. Texas is quite stingy and opposed to helping women, newborns and struggling families.. but they are really big on protecting the fetus. I think its their version of Christianity.
Plus worshipping their orange god who brags about sexually assaulting women, makes fun of the handicapped, and encourages his worshippers to commit violence.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Cool, let them go. Bring in Puerto Rico so we don't have to change our flag. Then you'll never again in your lifetime see a Republican in the White House or a Republican-led Senate or a Republican-led House.

Of course, then we really will have to build a wall on our new southern border just to help keep the trash out.
Sorry bout that,

1. I see no other path for Texas, we need to separate from the madness in DC.
2. The election was stolen, we are not represented by a duly elected President, so there is no good reason to stay.
3. I do really think we should elect Trump for President, of the Nation of Texas, for LIFE.
4. Or until he reaches the age of 84, which ever comes first.

Adios, Carmelita.
I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.
It would even make Texas better!
Sorry bout that,

For the morons parked here supporting secession (Texas example) and yet profess to be loyal, patriotic Americans need to seek immediate mental health ... any state that seceded would mean no more United States of America.
The best way to keep our country is to get rid of the seditionists. It can be done the hard way, or if all the seditionists can move to Texas and have their own country, great. Kind of like Australia for UK. Get the riff raff out of the country. We have added states and it did not effect our country. If we get rid of our worst state it could help the country. We will build a wall around Texas. We do not want the bastards to come back into the US.

1. Trust me, after we leave USA will be NO MORE.
2. You see, we don't need you, you need us, thats a simple fact.
3. I see no earthly reason to continue to carry you dead beats.
4. Oh did I mention Baby Butchers, people in the womb who have no voice.


Um... no. With all due respect.... the USA might be damaged by Texas leaving the union for sure. But to say the US will cease to exist.... no. Just no. That's not a thing.
While technically that would be true, I believe that a Texas secession will start a domino effect, to the point where the U.S. would break up into at least 3 different countries.
Nope...everyone else would be too busy laughing and pointing as Texas crumbled.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Cool, let them go. Bring in Puerto Rico so we don't have to change our flag. Then you'll never again in your lifetime see a Republican in the White House or a Republican-led Senate or a Republican-led House.

Of course, then we really will have to build a wall on our new southern border just to help keep the trash out.

Don't you NAZI morons recall saying over and over again that walls don't work?
Texas has a really high infant mortality rate.. On par with some place like Senegal. What's up with that?
Babies who check out early to avoid having to live in Texas?

I get it...but that's not fair.. Texas is quite stingy and opposed to helping women, newborns and struggling families.. but they are really big on protecting the fetus. I think its their version of Christianity.
Plus worshipping their orange god who brags about sexually assaulting women, makes fun of the handicapped, and encourages his worshippers to commit violence.
Three lies in one post. Why do you bother posting this shit?
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Cool, let them go. Bring in Puerto Rico so we don't have to change our flag. Then you'll never again in your lifetime see a Republican in the White House or a Republican-led Senate or a Republican-led House.

Of course, then we really will have to build a wall on our new southern border just to help keep the trash out.

Don't you NAZI morons recall saying over and over again that walls don't work?

You don't comprehend very well, do ya, fucking moron? I said it would help.

We can build it and call it the Biden wall. Maybe I'll even donate to it if someone starts a gofundme page.

What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.
What about the people who vote NOT to secede? Can they secede from the secession?
Like West VIrginia did?
The creation of W Virginia was obviously unconstitutional.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Fine...take that red state away.
So you don't care about the people who don't want to secede?
They're welcome in the United States.

But why should they have to give up their homes because they don't agree with the majority? That's the irony of this issue, and the point of my comment above. Presumably, the secessionists in Texas want to leave the union because they don't like being bullied by majority rule. Yet they are fine with bullying their neighbors in the same way.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Cool, let them go. Bring in Puerto Rico so we don't have to change our flag. Then you'll never again in your lifetime see a Republican in the White House or a Republican-led Senate or a Republican-led House.

Of course, then we really will have to build a wall on our new southern border just to help keep the trash out.

Don't you NAZI morons recall saying over and over again that walls don't work?

You don't comprehend very well, do ya, fucking moron? I said it would help.

We can build it and call it the Biden wall. Maybe I'll even donate to it if someone starts a gofundme page.


In other words, walls work. You assholes swore up and down that some pregant Mexican teenage girls could climb over one with no problem.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Cool, let them go. Bring in Puerto Rico so we don't have to change our flag. Then you'll never again in your lifetime see a Republican in the White House or a Republican-led Senate or a Republican-led House.

Of course, then we really will have to build a wall on our new southern border just to help keep the trash out.

Don't you NAZI morons recall saying over and over again that walls don't work?

You don't comprehend very well, do ya, fucking moron? I said it would help.

We can build it and call it the Biden wall. Maybe I'll even donate to it if someone starts a gofundme page.


In other words, walls work. You assholes swore up and down that some pregant Mexican teenage girls could climb over one with no problem.

Mexicans are smarter than Texans. So it's easier for them to get around them.
Texas has a really high infant mortality rate.. On par with some place like Senegal. What's up with that?
Babies who check out early to avoid having to live in Texas?

I get it...but that's not fair.. Texas is quite stingy and opposed to helping women, newborns and struggling families.. but they are really big on protecting the fetus. I think its their version of Christianity.
Plus worshipping their orange god who brags about sexually assaulting women, makes fun of the handicapped, and encourages his worshippers to commit violence.
Three lies in one post. Why do you bother posting this shit?
How's your secession coming along?

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