Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Except for the fact that we keep Texas going. Take away Fed jobs, Fed dollars and Fed retirement benefits and Texas is just a 3rd world shithole.
Give back all the money we paid in, and we're fine.

What fed jobs? Is that what you think we are made of? FedGov does absolutely NOTHING we can't easily replace.

There are no retirement benefits. It's gone.

I am pretty sure the world's 10th largest economy can stand on its own.
Fuck you. Come get it.

That's our property now.

Don't like it? Do something about it.

I hope this is a bloody conflict so I can have the privilege of killing some motherfuckers. It's about time some motherfuckers got killed. We're way beyond that point. We are that bloodthirsty. I will bathe in the guts of anybody trying to stop us. So if you don't like it, grab your rifle and your body bag, and come on down.

South Carolina tried that in 1861 when they tried to take Fort Sumter. How'd that turn out?
What fed jobs? Is that what you think we are made of? FedGov does absolutely NOTHING we can't easily replace.

130,000 plus Fed jobs in Texas....they are the largest employer in your state.

This does not include all the companies that do work for the Fed Govt.

What are you going to replace those jobs with? Guarding your 3000 mile border?

There are no retirement benefits. It's gone.

There are 170,000 plus people in your state receiving an annuity from the Fed Govt. Do you think none of them need that money?

I am pretty sure the world's 10th largest economy can stand on its own.

Once you lose all those Fed dollars you will be begging Mexico for a handout.
Be sure to return every bit of Fed Property in your state, oh and do not let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Also, you might want to start working on replacing the almost 140,000 Fed jobs in Texas, since the Fed Govt is the largest employer in Texas. Oh, and those 170,000 Texas folks that get retirement pay from the Fed Govt are probably going to need to find a new source of income.

Why? Your retirement is not restricted by your country of residence. Many of my military friends and acquaintances moved to the Philippines after retirement.

Most of those federal jobs are at three huge Army bases, a Navy aviation training base, several Air Force bases, and many smaller enclaves throughout the state. Also don't forget the Border Patrol!
130,000 plus Fed jobs in Texas....they are the largest employer in your state.

This does not include all the companies that do work for the Fed Govt.

What are you going to replace those jobs with? Guarding your 3000 mile border?

There are 170,000 plus people in your state receiving an annuity from the Fed Govt. Do you think none of them need that money?

Once you lose all those Fed dollars you will be begging Mexico for a handout.
Why would they need to guard their border with the US? If Texas secedes, many other states will join them, just like South Carolina did in the Civil War. They all didn't leave the same day!
Why? Your retirement is not restricted by your country of residence. Many of my military friends and acquaintances moved to the Philippines after retirement.

Once you denounce your citizenship and become an enemy of the US, you lose your retirement

Most of those federal jobs are at three huge Army bases, a Navy aviation training base, several Air Force bases, and many smaller enclaves throughout the state. Also don't forget the Border Patrol!

And all are pretty well paying and would need to be replaced.
I say move all military installations out of Texas and see how they like a lack of funds.
If it is done under Biden and other uninformed Democrats,Texas will have planes, jeeps,military equipment worth billions... Oh wait that happened in Afghanistan under Biden!
Once you denounce your citizenship and become an enemy of the US, you lose your retirement

And all are pretty well paying and would need to be replaced.
Why the hell would anyone do that? I also would like to see a reference. Gators can't be trusted.

Also, wouldn't they need people to do those jobs for the Republic of Texas?
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After watching Biden's speeches, I am convinced he has multiple personality conflicts about being used by an omeurta deep state oligarchy. This is causing very unfortunate happenings around the country. The powers being exerted behind our backs need to get their interloper government stopped, Biden needs to resign and a declaration of a fraudulent election needs to be thrown out and a new count needs to give President.

Time for vespers and a good night's sleep. I am sending up a prayer that everyone works to keep the union together by going after the unconstitutional government is declared to be treasonous and the current nutcase needs to be put out of the presidency if he doesn't leave office one way or another.
You are convinced of what another right ing nutjob said. There is nothing wrong with Biden. What we are living through in this first 9 months of Biden is the mess trump created that Biden inherited. There was no fraudulent election.
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If it is done under Biden and other uninformed Democrats,Texas will have planes, jeeps,military equipment worth billions... Oh wait that happened in Afghanistan under Biden!
No, that happened because of an agreement made by trump. Those weapons belonged to the afghan army.
Why the hell would anyone do that? I also would like to see a reference. Gators can't be trusted.

What do you think leaving the union means? You would no longer be citizens of the United States of America. And based on the last time it happened, you would also become enemies of the US.

Thus funding would stop.
Up until Gettysburg the Confederacy regularly kicked the Union's ass!
The confederate army trying to take on the U.S. military today would get wiped out in less than a week. Where are they going to get weapons from?
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Why? Your retirement is not restricted by your country of residence. Many of my military friends and acquaintances moved to the Philippines after retirement.

How about your citizenship? There would be nothing in the way of the federal government to stop cutting checks. After all that money is coming from current tax payers.

Freedumb isn't free.

Most of those federal jobs are at three huge Army bases, a Navy aviation training base, several Air Force bases, and many smaller enclaves throughout the state. Also don't forget the Border Patrol!
Border patrol and national defense. How can Texas afford to expand it's borders lose it's federal dollars and pay for all this on its own? You thought you were worried about deficit spending before*.

* Granted only when a Democrat is in office.
If Texas secedes from the union, everything owned by the US there closes. They no longer get federal funding for anything. All corporations with federal contracts either leave or lose that contract. Then there is the msatter of Texas being sanctioned and unable to do business with other states and pretty much the rest of the world. This ain't 1860 when there was maybe 20 states. There would be a border wall built around texas and they would need passports to visit the US. Any texas citizen wanting to move elsewhere would have to file for asylum. All texas citizens trying to leave and enter a U.S. state would become an illegal immigrant.

So go ahead Texas. Secede.
And I think texas contracts outside of the state for electricity. That's gone too if Texas secedes.

Go for it! Hook em Horns!


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