Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

For the record, I will donate to a help Texas charity when I see a good one. That’s being a patriot. Not this hate other states BS.
WTF? For the insipid, that's Rick Perry in the shopped pic... he hasn't been governor here in.... well, a long fucking time.

Your fake "stat" is 11 years old. Are you stuck in some kind of faggot time machine?

Seriously, scream like a little bitch if you genuinely need some help.

Fuck joe biden.
After watching Biden's speeches, I am convinced he has multiple personality conflicts about being used by an omeurta deep state oligarchy. This is causing very unfortunate happenings around the country. The powers being exerted behind our backs need to get their interloper government stopped, Biden needs to resign and a declaration of a fraudulent election needs to be thrown out and a new count needs to give President.

Time for vespers and a good night's sleep. I am sending up a prayer that everyone works to keep the union together by going after the unconstitutional government is declared to be treasonous and the current nutcase needs to be put out of the presidency if he doesn't leave office one way or another.
Which will fail, so nothing to see here.

If it turns out to actually happen and run up the flag pole I don't think winning is the end game here.

I think it's more of a statement to show how much they dislike Biden and his administration. Even if it fails the attempt alone by such a big state would embolden others to also standup with them.

Sometimes winning or losing isn't what's important, sometimes the message alone is the point.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Be sure to return every bit of Fed Property in your state, oh and do not let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Also, you might want to start working on replacing the almost 140,000 Fed jobs in Texas, since the Fed Govt is the largest employer in Texas. Oh, and those 170,000 Texas folks that get retirement pay from the Fed Govt are probably going to need to find a new source of income.
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Be sure to return every bit of Fed Property in your state,
Fuck you. Come get it.

That's our property now.

Don't like it? Do something about it.

I hope this is a bloody conflict so I can have the privilege of killing some motherfuckers. It's about time some motherfuckers got killed. We're way beyond that point. We are that bloodthirsty. I will bathe in the guts of anybody trying to stop us. So if you don't like it, grab your rifle and your body bag, and come on down.
It is a statement like a kid holding their breath because their mommy will not give them a cookie.
Terrible analogy.

A better one is this: The rest of you motherfuckers are gold-digging pieces of shit with surgery-swollen lips and fake tits, and we're tired of paying your way while you ignorantly lay around complaining about how unfair we are. We're getting a fucking divorce and you signed a prenup. Have fun in the poorhouse, bitches.
Honestly, what does the federal government do that we can't do for ourselves?

The FedGov literally does nothing but tax us and spend it on shit we don't need and didn't ask for. There is absolutely no benefit to belong to this union.

FedGov needs us. We don't need them.
Fuck you. Come get it.

That's our property now.

Don't like it? Do something about it.

I hope this is a bloody conflict so I can have the privilege of killing some motherfuckers. It's about time some motherfuckers got killed. We're way beyond that point. We are that bloodthirsty. I will bathe in the guts of anybody trying to stop us. So if you don't like it, grab your rifle and your body bag, and come on down.

We will just send over a tactial nuke...boom no more Texas.
Terrible analogy.

A better one is this: The rest of you motherfuckers are gold-digging pieces of shit with surgery-swollen lips and fake tits, and we're tired of paying your way while you ignorantly lay around complaining about how unfair we are. We're getting a fucking divorce and you signed a prenup. Have fun in the poorhouse, bitches.

Except for the fact that we keep Texas going. Take away Fed jobs, Fed dollars and Fed retirement benefits and Texas is just a 3rd world shithole.

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